Care Planning Act of 2015 Critique


Healthcare Policy Critique With Expert Testimony

Due Date:  see topical outline in syllabus

25% of course grade.  A 3 page paper in APA format. Students will select a policy to critique. Define the problem the policy seeks to address and provide policy makers with realistic options to resolve the problem. The paper will conclude with a 2 paragraph position statement that could be delivered in 90 seconds i.e, an “elevator speech”.

There are four distinct parts to this paper:

  1. Define the problem the policy seeks to address
  2. Summarize the existing policy
  3. Provide policy makers with realistic options to resolve the problem
  4. Conclude with your 90 second “elevator’ speech.

Points to consider as you gather your thoughts and approach to this paper:

Take a look at Mason, Leavitt and Chaffee (the course recommended text) for policy ideas (if you don’t have the book, go to Amazon and read the table of contents and sample chapters).

Go to ANA website and NJSNA website for Political Action topics.
