Because I could not stop for Death
An Analysis of “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson
Make sure that you include a correct MLA header at the top and a title for your Literary Analysis Paper. Include in-text citations for all support from the text with the author’s name and page number.
Include a Works Cited entry for the work that you are analyzing. If you are including research, include Works Cited entries for this as well.
Write a working thesis that will help to focus your research and your discussion in your essay. What are the main points that your essay is going to focus on and discuss?
After you have written down at least three main points, create two sub points after each point. These can be quotes from the short story, poem, or narrative and they can also be your ideas explaining your main point. Your body paragraphs should NOT contain a summary of the work.
Example: (Your does not have to follow the 5 paragraph example, but this is a good start)
1) Paragraph #1: Introduction: Working thesis
2) Paragraph #2: First main point
a) Sub point/analysis
i) support
b) Sub point/analysis
i) support
3) Paragraph #3: Second main point
a) Sub point/analysis
i) support
b) Sub point/analysis
i) support
4) Paragraph #4: Third main point
a) Sub point/analysis
i) support
b) Sub point/analysis
i) support
5) Paragraph #5: Conclusion