Analyse the performance and capital structure of Apple Inc.

by Fiverr Tutors


Analyse the performance and capital structure of Apple Inc.

Coursework Brief

Analyse the performance and capital structure of a public limited company in FTSE 100 or S&P500 from a financial analyst’s perspective. (Suggested sample period: 2005 – 2013)

Key Marking criteria will include:

  • Initiative: originality, innovativeness of answer
  • Assignment Structure: clarity of aims, objective, structure and presentation
  • Quality of Writing: Readability and ability to convey key message(s) concisely
  • Quality/Scope of Literature Review: Understanding of established knowledge
  • Suitability of Literature: Use of suitable sources, focused to answer key research aims
  • Literature Analysis: Quality/level of analytical skill demonstrated
  • Insightfulness of Analysis: Interest and usefulness of findings, conclusions drawn.
  • Understanding: Assignment demonstrates students have understood key topics
  • Overall Quality of Assignment


The coursework assignment for this module is an individual assignment worth 25% of the overall module mark. An assignment plan must be submitted before the individual assignment and will be worth 5% of the overall module mark.

Assignment plan: The length limit for the assignment plan is one side of A4 paper with not smaller than 12-point font.  Section headings and bullet points are acceptable – the plan does not have to be in prose. References should be inserted as footnotes.

Main assignment: The maximum word limit for the main assignment (excluding references , tables, contents page, footnotes, charts, graphs, figures) is 2500 words. The word count must be stated in the assignment cover sheet.

Coursework plan (Suggested structure)

  • Coursework title: Analyse the performance and capital structure of XXXX

                             An overview of XXXXX from a financial analyst’s perspective

                             The past, current and future of XXXXXXX.

  • Aim and motivation: Which firm are you going to analyse? Why would you choose this firm? Briefly introduce what you are going to do in the coursework.
  • What literature or theory are you based on?
  • Data and methodology: What methodology are you going to use? (e.g linear regression? Algebra? Second-hand data? What data source are you going to use? Data characteristics (sample size, frequency, potential data transformation)
  • Structure of the course work (Use one or two sentences to introduce each section briefly and put roughly how many words for each section?)
  1. Introduction
  2. Literature review
  3. Methodology and data
  4. Data transformation
  5. Result and rationalization
  6. Conclusion and limitations
  7. Advice to the firm
  8. References

The length limit for the course plan is one side of A4 paper with not smaller than 12-point font.  Section headings and bullet points are acceptable – the plan does not have to be in prose. References should be inserted as footnotes.