Showing 145–153 of 386 results

  • How Online Game Addiction Affects Relationship



    A research report should convince the reader of the significance, soundness, and thoroughness of the study. It should describe the research questions posed, the conceptual framework used or developed, the foundational literature(s) and related research traditions, the overall approach to the study, the methods of data gathering and analysis, how the researcher ensure the study’s trustworthiness, ways that participants collaborate in the research process, and the tentative conclusions or “lessons learned.” The methods used in the conduct of the study should be described fully, including any interview protocols or observation schedules used. There should be a detailed discussion of the role of the researcher during the conduct of the study as well as the natural history of the inquiry. The conclusions may be presented in any one of a number of ways: thematically, historically/ chronologically, or ideographically, for example. Finally, the report should indicate how the study will contribute to theory, to policy, to practice, and (perhaps) to methodology. The report should be no more than 25-30 pages long and should be carefully proofread for content, organization, logical development, and mechanics.

    1. Introduction – 1-2 pp.

    Summarize the study. Write this section after you have written the others.

    1. The Research Topic – 3-5 pp.

    Describe the problem or topic the study has investigated the research questions are posed and previous research in this area is discussed. (Review of Literature).

    Describe the theoretical framework guiding the study, if you are using one. This too may be related to previous research or compared to illustrate the lack of study in this manner or perspective.

    Discuss how the study is a specific investigation of a more general phenomenon. Link it to a social science discipline, if appropriate.

    Briefly discuss your thinking on the topic. If you are already familiar with it, briefly discuss the research literature on the topic. There is no need to review additional literature for this section. Include what you know or your thinking about the topic.

    Discuss why this topic has significance for education (formal or non-formal), pressing social problems, policy issues, the participants, or yourself. Why do we need to learn more about this topic? This is the “so what” question.

    • Research Design and Methods – 10-12 pp.

    Please note that this section is the most important for the purposes of the course. If it is not thoroughly and competently done, the rest of the paper suffers.

    This section details the conduct of the study. Since this is a research course, this section is the place where you demonstrate at lease a rudimentary mastery of the knowledge and skills of the course.

    Describe the overall approach to data collection: case study, ethnography, for example. Discuss how the approach emerged, or if you already had it in mind when you began the study. Discuss your design decisions using the methodological literature.

    Describe the population of interest. Examples include elementary special needs classrooms, groups of religious women, bereaved mothers, Carnegie schools, cooperative work organizations.

    Describe the particular setting or sample of people selected. Discuss your preliminary thinking about the selections, how this changed over time, and what prompted those changes. Discuss what you might go in a subsequent study. Use the methodological literature to discuss your decisions.

    Describe the ways you gathered data. Be specific about how often, where, when, with whom; numbers of field notes generated or interviews conducted or observations made, this should also include a discussion of the types of data generated: interview transcriptions, observational records documents, videos filmed, artifacts collected. Discuss the sampling decisions that led you to collect these data rather than some other set. Discuss how the participants collaborated in gathering data, if such was the case.

    Describe the processes of data analysis. Theme development, typologies generated, emergent insights. Use of analytic memos, coding schemes, graphic representations of data. Discuss how the participants’ insights were sought and incorporated. Use the methodological literature to discuss your choice of methods and processes of data analysis.

    Discuss what you did to try to be sure that the study was well thought-out, ethical, and sturdy, given its small scale. Examples include use of a critical friend, sharing with participants, triangulation of methods or sources. What might you do in a designing a longer-term study?

    Discuss your role as you conducted the study. Provide vignettes from your personal journal reflecting emerging insights or crises. Discuss any specific role dilemmas that emerged. Use the methodological literature t discus your points.

    Point a natural history of the study. Discuss how your conception of the phenomenon of interest changed over the course of the study; design decisions revised; new twists in data gathering. Try to be comfortable discussing the messiness of inquiry and how the serendipitous can have profound influence on our thinking.

    1. Findings – 7-9 pp.

    Describe the major conclusions or “lessons learned” from the study.

    Use categories to organize the data: themes, historical periods, type of individual, critical incidents. No one way is the best; it depends on the data and how you choose to interpret and present them. Develop each category using assertions and then direct quotes or narrative summaries to support each point. This is critical: even though this is a small-scale study and your conclusions are tentative and preliminary, you should convince the reader of their soundness. Build a chain of a logic or evidence ti support the conclusions and interpretations you have come to.

    Suggestion: it is better to present and develop fully a portion of the findings (i.e., one category or theme) than to skim over the surface of all the data without development.

    1. Significance and Implications – 2 pp.

    Discuss how the learnings might relate to theoretical ideas or related literature. Restate the specific focus of the study.

    Discuss how this small-scale study or a more elaborated study on this topic might contribute to research, policy, and practice; it may also contribute to theory and/or methodology.

    Suggest further directions fore research or make recommendations for policy and/or practice either within the specific organization studied or for the profession.

    Appendices: Interview questions, larger excerpts of data, pictures of context for ethnographies, diagrams, other information that makes references in the paper clearer.

    VII. works cited.

    Pages: 24, double spaced

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Qualitative Research Methods – Final exam over Chapters 7-12, and readings


    Qualitative Research Methods –

    Final exam over Chapters 7-12, and readings

    (As a rule of thumb, a double-spaced page for every 10 points is reasonable, but not a requirement.)

    1. Drawing upon lectures, the text, and various writings in the course on researcher bias, consider how you can guard against bias in future research. Is “bias free” qualitative research possible? (10)
    1. Consider the qualitative methodologies you did NOT use. Choose one that could have been used and discuss how your study would have been conducted and changed by the change of methodology. (20)
    1. Refer to the new text, page 193, Chapter 7, Gathering Data in the field, “Figure 7.2, What to Observe.” (I’ll also post this on Moodle) How do these apply to the communication in the link that follows this question? What differing types and items of information did they focus your attention upon? (20)

    1. A). Chapter 10 in the text, as well as the article by Renata Tesch, discusses categories, themes and metathemes. Using the videos at the above link, study these examples of communication for categories, themes and metathemes. Make your claim(s) give examples of the “data” they are based on, and write a conclusion/recommendation. (25)  B). What paradigm did this fall under? Why? (5)
    1. Revisit the 7 “Principles of Good Practice” that appear in almost every chapter of the text. Using your own study or the Themes and Metathemes in the question above, discuss your encounters with/understanding of four of these principles. (20)
    by EssayShark Tutors
  • An American Movie Essay: The Heat


    Write an essay about any American movie of your choice. Use fancy words to tell the story and events of the movie.

    Pages: 2, double spaced

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Comparison and Contrast Between Social and Bio-psycho-social Theories of Addiction


    Essay instructions

    Choose two of the theories of addiction and write a three-page comparison and contrast paper of the two theories

    Theories chosen: Social and Bio-psycho-social Theories of Addiction

    Pages: 3, double spaced


    by EssayShark Tutors


    Be sure to identify the part and number of the question that you are answering.


    1. How does Shakespeare establish the atmosphere of evil which pervades Macbeth? Start with the witches, and show how their presence reflects on all the events of the play. Give examples of how the imagery creates a feeling of evil.
    2. Trace how Lady Macbeth is destroyed by evil. Show how she renounces all human feeling in Act I and seems to be successful. After the murder, follow her downward course into madness and death.
    3. How does Macbeth’s changing attitude toward the supernatural reflect the change in his character? Contrast Macbeth’s reaction to the witches when he first sees them with his attitude toward them in Act IV.
    4. Do the supernatural events really occur, or are they projections of Macbeth’s inner state? Some readers believe that the floating dagger, Banquo’s ghost, and even the witches are products of Macbeth’s imagination. Explore that possibility. Point out in   what way, if any, the meaning of the play is changed by accepting or rejecting the reality of the supernatural.
    5. Describe the way Macbeth and Lady Macbeth influence each other in the play. What effect does Lady Macbeth’s determination to kill Duncan have on her husband? After the murder, how does Macbeth change, and how does that affect Lady Macbeth?
    6. How does Shakespeare establish that Macduff is a good man? Show how Macduff’s character is revealed through his actions and reactions. Focus on how he handles himself after Duncan’s murder and after hearing that his wife and children have been killed.
    7. Is Macbeth a good man at the beginning of the play, or is he already plotting to be king? Macbeth’s quick response to the suggestion that he will be king could be interpreted as proof that he has already been plotting, or it could simply show that the forces of evil have been clever in choosing their temptation. Using Macbeth’s soliloquies and his scenes with Lady Macbeth, take a stand on the question and defend it.
    8. How does the fact that Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s shortest plays contribute to its effectiveness? Discuss the economy of the writing. Show how each detail contributes to the advancement of the plot; and how Macbeth seems to plunge to his destruction at a sickening pace.


    1. Both Robert Frost and Langston Hughes impress readers with their skills in using figurative language; therefore, from one of Frost’s poems and Hughes’ poems identify a metaphor and a simile from each of their works. Explain their importance to the poems’ themes.
    2. Both Emily Dickinson and Shakespeare use personification skillfully. From each give an example from their poems in which they have employed effective personification. (You may include Shakespeare’s Macbeth.)


    1. Michael Meyer, the anthologizer of our text, has asked you to nominate one poet for special recognition for his/her universal appeal. Name him/her and support your selection.
    2. Although you have read and analyzed many poems during the quarter, perhaps there is one (or maybe more) that has met your criteria for a masterpiece. If so, identify that poem and defend your selection.

    Choose one of the questions on Macbeth that you have not already addressed and answer it in one paragraph

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Breastfeeding for Working Mothers (Lot in Life Applied Final Project)


    You are expecting your first child and are interested in breastfeeding your baby. You would also like to return to work relatively soon. You have to decide how valuable breastfeeding is and whether you can work and breastfeed.

    Prepare a 7 – 10 page (not including title and reference pages) scholarly research paper on the underlying issue of the scenario you chose in the Lot in Life Applied Final Project and a description of how parents can deal with it (based upon theory and up-to-date research findings). This paper should draw information from at least 8 primary sources of information (peer-reviewed journal articles published since 2007 and books authored by theorists in addition to information from government and community agencies. Your sources of information should be cited and referenced in APA (American Psychological Association), 6th edition, style.

    Note: Your references for Part 3 do not have to be the same sources of information included in Part 2. You may have located more appropriate and/or more recent sources of information since completion of Part 2.

    This is to be a scholarly paper, written in third person voice (do not write “I,” “we,” “you,” “us,” “our,” etc.

    You will contact at least two local community agencies (not just their websites) that provide services information, training, and support for the problem. Include their mission statement, specifics on how to contact the agencies, what services are provided, and how much these services cost.

    If in addition to the required peer-reviewed sources of information, you include World Wide Web sources for information on this topic, review the guidelines for evaluating Internet sources.

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Gambling and Its Effects


    Prepare a paper between 1250-1500 words on the effects of gambling addiction. Explain how gambling effects the individual, the family, and the community. Briefly explain the Genetic factors, Social factors, Cultural factors (race, religion, sexual orientation, age, etc.), Discussion of progression of addictive behaviour, Impact on individual, family, and community, Possible treatment approaches to be utilised, Suggestions for continued involvement in treatment, and/or Hypothesis of prognosis.

    This paper should include at least three academic resources from the class readings as well as an additional three academic readings (from the Excelsior Library). This paper should be in American Psychological Association (APA) format

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Sociology Today


    Sociology Today Short Papers

    Course Objective: To enable the student to define and apply basic sociological terms to their own world.

    For units 1-3, a short “sociology today” application paper is required. The objective is to demonstrate knowledge of a sociological concept from that unit and relate it back to something you can cite in your social world. Each paper utilizes the same rubric, described below. For units 4 & 5, the sociology today papers are extra credit.


    4 pts. Your summary and citation of your modern cultural application.

    5 pts. Your summary and citation of a sociological concept from the appropriate unit.

    5 pts. A clear link is explained of how your cultural application illustrates the sociological concept.

    1 pt. Clear writing that is proofread.


    Explanation of rubric

    What is a modern cultural application? It is anything contemporary you can CITE in your social world. Examples I’ve graded include news articles (most frequent), TV shows, movies, commercials, advertisements, You Tube videos, video games, songs, poems, blogs, magazines, recipes, cartoons, etc.

    What’s excluded from a modern cultural application? Your personal experience and anything that isn’t part of the modern world. Try to keep it within your lifetime. The only exception to this is if something that predates you played a big role in socializing you. For example, I adore classic rock, but was an infant for most of it. Nonetheless, I could cite Led Zeppelin’s lyrics because growing up with this music was part of my social world. If you’re a fan of the Civil War, Civil War music would not be accepted because it’s not modern. However, if you’re a fan of Civil War re-enactments, you could reference something (ie a blog, a script… something you can formally cite) since it is part of your modern world.

    What is a sociological concept from the appropriate unit?

    Make sure that you anchor your paper in a concept from the appropriate unit. Sociology Today #1 must be about a concept from unit 1, Sociology Today #2 from unit 2, etc. Define and cite the concept from the textbook for full credit.

    Unit 1: Chapters 1-4 Unit 2: Chapters 5-8 Unit 3: Chapters 9-13 plus poverty & sexual orientation Unit 4: Chapters 14-19 Unit 5: Chapters 20-22

    How should a cultural application illustrate the sociological concept?

    Let’s say you select devaluation of things feminine (Chapter 11) as a sociological concept. You define and cite it both in-text and end-text. Let’s say you select the video game Grand Theft Auto V as your modern application. You summarize what is important for me to know about it (anticipate that your reader knows nothing about your cultural application). You cite it end-text and in-text. Your objective is to explain how your cultural application (Grand Theft Auto) illustrates the sociological concept (devaluation of things feminine). Don’t just tell me it does. Explain why for full credit.

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Michael Joseph Jackson Matrix of Relationalities


    Michael Joseph Jackson Matrix of Relationalities

    C. Wright Mills described the sociological imagination as a “mindset” one adopts to discern the relations between individual and society, biography and history, and self and the world. In doing so the sociologist seeks to reveal the connections between “personal troubles” and “public issues.” Revealing these connections is the “promise of sociology.” I suggested a more contemporary rendering of this formulation is to think of individuals not as atomized and singularized beings, but rather as complex sets of relationalities constituted through experiences and identities that are biographical, gendered, racial/ethic, nationalized, sexualized, classed, religious, and tribal, all of which have a historical dimension.

    In this paper, research the case of a particular individual (not yourself, or someone in your family or someone you know), and analyze the relation between his or her personal troubles/experiences and the matrix of relationalities in which she or he is embedded. There is no restriction on which individual you choose to analyze. For instance, you could take the case of Michael Brown (who was shot dead by a police officer), or the case of Brian Williams (the NBC anchor who embellished the news). Or there have been a number of individuals in NFL football who have got into trouble over domestic violence. Or you could look at a famous individual in history like Malcolm X, who went through a number of transformations before being assassinated fifty years ago this week. The individual cases you could choose are almost endless, but if in doubt check with your TA. Your paper should show how the troubles/experiences of individuals can be explained by sociological analysis rather than the psychology or moral status of those individuals.

    You must use outside (primary) sources, such as newspapers, articles, books, the web etc. to document the facts of the particular case, and use material from the textbook and other texts (many are cited in the text) to construct your sociological analysis. You should cite at least four outside sources and four sociology texts. Use quotations when citing verbatim. If paraphrasing another source you should also cite it. You may use inline citations (in parenthesis in your text), footnotes, or endnotes, just be consistent. Provide a bibliography of sources. Your paper should be no less than four and no more than five pages, doubled spaced, with 1.25 inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman typeface.

    Pages: 5, double spaced

    Citation: MLA

    by EssayShark Tutors