Showing 145–153 of 476 results
TDA 2.2: Roles of different agencies involved in safeguarding the welfare of children and young people
$ Describe the roles of different agencies involved in safeguarding the welfare of children and young people.
TDA 2.2: Current Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People including e-safety
$ Identify the Current Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People including e-safety.
How transitions may affect children and young people’s behaviour and development
$ Describe with examples how transitions may affect children and young people’s behaviour and development.
Transitions that only some children and young people may experience
$ Identify transitions that only some children and young people may experience e.g. bereavement.
Transitions experienced by most children and young people’s
$ Identify the transitions experienced by most children and young people’s.
Importance of recognizing and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development
$3.002.2 Describe with examples the importance of recognizing and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development.
Kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development
$3.002.1 Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development including: background, health and environment.
Understanding Theories of Teaching, Learning & Development
$27.50EDU60017: Understanding Theories of Teaching, Learning & Development
Assessment 3: Case study response
Word limit: 2000 (+/- 10%) Weighting : 40%
Assessment overview
This final assessment builds on Assessment 2, in which you began to consider the influence of developmental factors in teaching practice, by providing further opportunity for you to apply your knowledge of childhood development in a realistic classroom situation. By responding to a case study, you will demonstrate your understanding of the intellectual, physical, language, emotional, moral, social and psychological development of children, as well as your ability to identify learning and teaching approaches that cater to developmental needs.
This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate and communicate knowledge and understanding of the intellectual, physical, language, emotional, moral, social and psychological development of children and young people in contemporary society and how these may affect learning.
Assessment details
You are required to respond to the following case study:
Robert, a 9-year-old boy, recently moved with his family to a new academically rigorous school. The school he now attends is an International School, which has a new curriculum following the International Baccalaureate program. Robert’s mother and father are both school teachers there. He also has a younger sister who attends the school who is age 6.
During the first few weeks of the school year, Robert’s classroom teacher said he was quiet and was not making an effort to seek friendships. At lunchtime he spent his time sitting watching the other Grade 4 boys play four-square but never joined in. He rarely contributed to classroom conversations and only spoke when asked to respond to questions.
An early term classroom report from his teacher noted that he was struggling with his writing and reading. His teacher was asking for more support from the learning resources unit to help him along with his writing. Robert was also having difficulty with mathematics – he was able to classify objects in to coherent categories using physical objects, but when it came to abstract reasoning, his confidence and skills were diminished.
During PE, it was noted that he had very good hand-eye co-ordination and significant running pace on the field. He has participated to a high standard, particularly in non-competitive sports. He has started co-curricular activities this term, including squash and drama. Next term, he has been encouraged to start a musical instrument and join in a team sport.
Your case study response should contain the following sections:
- An introduction, which provides an overview of the material that follows.
- A description of the different areas of development: cognitive, physical, language, emotional, moral, social and psychological development.
- An explanation of how each of these areas is impacting on the learner in this case.
- Examples of practical teaching strategies that will support the developmental needs of the learner, including an explanation of why these strategies have been selected.
- A conclusion that summarises the key features of your response.
Any statements you make must be supported by relevant literature. All sources must be appropriately referenced using APA conventions, including in-text citations and a reference list (which is not included in the word count and must start on a separate page).
Additional Files:
EDU60017_-Assessment-3.pdf -
Roles, Ethical Considerations, And Effectiveness Of The Adult
$25.00AHN 575: Advanced Adult-Acute Acute Care Nursing Practicum III
“Roles, Ethical Considerations, and Effectiveness of the Adult – Gerontology Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner.”
I. Comprehensive Presentation of Issue(s)/Trend(s).
___________ A. Ethics
(20 points) 1. Ethical Principles. – Define and discuss each of the following,
giving examples for each:
(a) nonmaleficence
(b) utilitarianism
(c) justice
(d) fidelity
(e) veracity
(f) autonomy
2. Ethical Issues in Patient Care.
a. Advanced Directives.
b. Identify and discuss at least one other issue, giving an
example pertinent to the discussion
__________ B. Professional Resources
(10 points) 1. Identify and give an overview of some organizational,
educational, on-line and other resources that support
the role of the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP).
(10 points).
___________ C. Research highlighting the effectiveness of AGACNP in acute care
(15 points) (must integrate/address at least 4 studies).
1. Based on findings presented in the paper. (5 points).
2. Development and clarity (5 points).
___________ II. Scholarliness in Writing
(50 points) ___ Development, organization, and sentence structure.
___ Spelling, grammar, and third person writing.
___ Use of APA format.
___ States purpose of paper in the introductory paragraph.
___ Uses transitional sentences between paragraphs.
___ Uses very minimal, if any, direct quotations.
___ Uses literature appropriately to support statements/positions that is
MAXIMUM of 3 years old. May use up to 3 older articles to support points.
___ Summarizes entire paper in closing paragraph.
___ Maintains assigned paper length (body = 6-7 pages).
___Submitted by due date
TOTAL POINTS (100 points possible)Additional Materials: