Showing 631–639 of 728 results

  • Results-Based Leadership Paper


    Results based leadership theory based on the works of Nohria, Joyce, and Robertson. Needs to be geared toward leadership in nursing. Should include background of theorist, description of theory, strengths and criticisms of theory, Application to current leadership practice  in nursing with specific examples included to support response. Should also have an introduction and conclusion.
    4-5 references
    5 pages

  • Music Celebrity Research Essay – Michael Jackson


    Music Celebrity – Michael Jackson
    What is the economic value of fostering celebrity within the music industry? Choose a music celebrity.
    What is her or his current star text? How has this been shaped by promotion and publicity? Filter her or him through our conceptualization of stars as phenomena of industry and of audience. Does one interpretation work better than the other? In what ways does this celebrity’s star text differ from her or his previous incarnations? Were there motivations behind this change?

    5 pages
    MLA – 5 References




    22 Pages

    APA – 30 References

  • Online Learning Essay: Summary from pages 287–292 in Motteram and Forrester


    Summary from pages 287–292 in Motteram and Forrester (2005)-(answer questions),

    Review pages 287–292 in Motteram and Forrester (2005) and respond to the following questions :

    1.What are your thoughts, feelings, and wants regarding Motteram and Forrester’s  three broad issues? Remember, they are:
    2.Opportunities and constraints provided by technology.
    3.Human elements.
    4.Development of online learning communities.
    5.Did you form any conclusions about the validity of the reading and the degree to which the authors’ conclusions might generalize to a wide population of online learners?

    Additional Files:



  • Ethical Principles Case Studies: It’s Over, Debbie and Sounding Board – Death and Dignity (A Case of Individualized Decision Making)


    Please read the cases thoroughly and provide and analysis of the ethical issues presented in the case. Often, you will not have formal questions to answer, but should be able to identify ethical issues and dilemmas that stood out to you. You should provide more than 1 page per case to thoroughly address the issues that are present. Incorporate ethical principles and/or theories that apply to the cases. Please explain the issue or dilemma using information from the readings in the book and other sources (e.g., websites, articles, etc). Also, include your own thoughts/opinions as well as materials to support these. All references consulted (including the text) should be referenced appropriately within your response—APA style—and a list of references should be supplied at the end of your document.

    Please submit cases to the Assignment tab, following these assignment protocols:

    Microsoft Word document with 1” margins all around, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and double-spaced work. Failure to follow assignment protocols will result in a 10% loss in possible points. Additionally, cases should be free from grammatical errors.

    Additional Files:


    1. It’s Over, Debbie
    2. Sounding Board – Death and Dignity: A Case of Individualized Decision Making

  • Integration of all those assignments into one presentation


    Post your project proposal activity assignment. As this is a continuing project throughout this course, the grading criteria for this and all other project-related assignments may be found

    The Program Evaluation Proposal is due this week. It is the incorporation of all of the proposal activity assignments, from Module 1 through Module 6. The final paper is an integration of all those assignments into one presentation, which should be submitted at this time. This will give your instructor the time to provide needed feedback next week. The scoring rubric is attached to this assignment.

    Every week, your assignment should be submitted using proper APA format. A cover page will not be required. However, the first page of the assignment should include a title and proper headings for sections of your response. In-text citations should follow APA guidelines, and you should include a Reference list as a separate page with entries that match in-text citations. You may include an Appendix if you have additional information (e.g., assessment instruments, tables/figures, other supporting documentation).

    All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

    3 Pages

    APA – 4 References

  • Assignment: Michael Scriven’s paper, “Evaluating Evaluations: A Meta-Evaluation Checklist” Reaction


    Please read Michael Scriven’s paper, “Evaluating Evaluations: A Meta-Evaluation Checklist” (
    Post your thoughts and reactions about Scriven’s ideas about what he states is important in metaevaluation. After this course, what insights have you gained that would lead you to arrange, or not arrange, the factors differently? Why?
    Review two peers’ entries, and comment on how their description illustrates development of their critical thinking skills.

    In addition to answering the discussion question, before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least 2 of your peers’ responses to the discussion question. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. All comments should also be posted to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area.

    All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

    1 Page

    APA – 1 Reference

  • Planning of an evaluation options and techniques available


    We have discussed the planning of an evaluation and the various options and techniques available to the prospective evaluator. Think about the final purpose of such an evaluation: that stakeholders will adopt the recommendations of such an evaluation. Specifically describe how the techniques mentioned are connected to that final goal.

    In addition to answering the discussion question, before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least 2 of your peers’ responses to the discussion question. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. All comments should also be posted to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area.

    All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

    1 Page

    APA – 2 References

  • Assignment 4.1: Report Plan


    Assignment 4.1: Report Plan

    Remember this plan is just explaining to the professor what the report is going to consist of.

    Very important to follow each instructed bullet.
    The report plan is a plan written for the professor explaining what the report will consist of. Your audience is the professor. (The report plan is different than the actual report.)

    Create a plan that identifies what information you will need to prepare a justification report making a recommendation to an organization to implement a particular product, service, or program. The organization may have a business, governmental, professional, or social focus.

    The report may focus on a “real” or “made-up” recommendation, but you should direct the report to an actual organization, even if you do not plan to submit the report.

    For the report, the audience within the organization will be whatever level is most appropriate to make a decision on the topic of your report.

    1. Identify the recipient of the report. (To what organization will the recommendation be directed?)
    2. Identify the topic of the report. (What product, service, or program will you recommend?)
    3. Identify the purpose of the report. (What need or problem will the product, service, or program resolve?)
    4. Identify potential resources that will be needed for support.
    5. Identify methods to be used to gather information.
    6. Identify criteria to be used to evaluate the information collected. (What factors will you consider to make your recommendation?)


    2 pages