Showing 334–342 of 728 results

  • The Occupy Wall Street Movement Paper


    The Occupy Wall Street Movement Paper

    Write a 6-8 page paper in which you:

    1. Discuss the moral and economic implications involved in the movement.
    2. Analyze each of the implications identified above against the utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to determine which theory best applies to the movement. Support your position with examples and evidence.
    3. Determine who is responsible for income inequality and wealth distribution in the U.S. In your analysis, make sure to include if this is something that happened suddenly or if it built up over time. Explain your rationale.
    4. Suggest an equitable outcome from the movement that would be appropriate for our capitalistic society.
    5. Predict whether the movement will continue, fad away, or turn into something else. Provide a rationale with your response.
    6. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    · Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

  • HCS 478 Personal Ethics Statement


    Individual Written Assignment Personal Ethics Statement

    • Resource Your Personal Ethics Statement; Ethics Game; Grading Criteria Personal Ethics Statement;
    • Read the guidelines for Assignment Option One in the Your Personal Ethics Statement document.
    • Access the Ethics Game using the link on the student website.
    • Complete the Ethical Lens Inventory.
    • Write your personal ethics statement.Be sure to include a cover page and properly cite and reference sources used.

    HCS 478 Personal Ethics Statement

  • “Picture This” Photo Essay: The Computer Mouse


    COMM 100W – Writing for Influence

    “Picture This” Photo Essay

    This assignment tests your ability to work with facts (information capable of verification), in this case, the ultimate facts of photographs, and to use nothing other than the arrangement of those facts to tell a story. The facts themselves don’t change; but arrangement (how you order those facts), tells the full story behind this invaluable stylistic tool.

    This essay consists of two inter-related parts: one visual and the other textual. Directions for each part are detailed below along with instructions for how to integrate the two in the essay’s final draft. Please read carefully the instructions for composing and submitting your essay.

    Be sure to give yourself adequate time to finish and upload your essay. It is your responsibility to resolve before the due date any technical difficulties you have with this project. If you encounter technical difficulties that you are unable to problem solve, seek assistance from university technical-support staff as soon as possible.

    Assignment Overview: Select ONE subject to photograph (e.g., an egg, a tree, a bracelet, a sock, a raisin, etc.). The subject can be an object, a person, or any other thing. Take at least twelve photographs of your subject as directed below. Then, write a short essay to accompany your photographs that explains why you picked your subject and describes the process of photographing it.


    Part I: The Photos

    Using a digital camera (the standard camera feature available on most cell phones will suffice), photograph your subject in such a way that makes it appear a) other than what it is, and b) other than how it is. In other words, the composition of your photographs should be such that your subject is unrecognizable and appears to have qualities that it does not actually have. Finally, c) compose one photo in which your subject is recognizable.

    The photo portion of your essay should consist of no fewer than twelve photographs. When arranged top to bottom in relation to one another, your photos should suggest a narrative (a story) that makes an argument about your subject. In order to accomplish this narrative effect, each photo should be distinctive from and also related to the other photos. Your photos should not be so abstract that they could be of virtually anything. While the specific subject of your photos should be unrecognizable, there should be a single visible subject in each photo (all the photos are different positions/angles/etc. of the same object).

    Part II: The Essay

    Compose a short essay (using the persuasive tools you’ve learned thus far) to accompany your photos that accomplishes the following (not necessarily in this order): a) reveal the subject of your photos (e.g., explains that your subject is, in fact, an egg), and explain why you chose it for this project; b) describe the process of photographing your subject and discuss how that process is similar to and different from the process of composing a term paper; c) comments on the importance of arrangement as a stylistic technique, both in this project, as well as in traditional composition; and finally, d) answers how you may approach and think about the importance of arrangement in your future work.

    The purpose of the essay is to reflect on the art of composition and its relationship to persuasion. Do not use your essay to “explain” your photos or the narrative that they tell. The photos should “speak for themselves.”

    Arrange your entire photo essay in a single document (written portion first, photos second) attached directly into the body of the document 1 on top of another, until you’ve put all 12 (or more) photos in a vertical row. Please note, you will find this assignment’s rubric under the Assignment details on Canvas.

    5 Pages

  • Right Turn Habits at Intersections with Red-Light Cameras


    Writing to Inform: Right Turn Habits at Intersections with Red-Light Cameras

    ENC 1102: Writing and Rhetoric II

    The objective for this first essay, the empirical research report, is to understand field research: how to conduct it and how to use it in writing. This first major writing project of the course asks you to write with the primary rhetorical purpose of informing while using personal experience obtained through primary research (i.e. observations, interviews, and surveys). You will learn to correctly and effectively incorporate primary research using APA formatting in your writing.

    Your subject must be an observable natural or social phenomenon. It is up to you to decide why the thing you choose to write about is significant. Don’t be frightened by the concept of “phenomenon.”  For the purpose of this assignment, we will use the term to mean “an observable event or occurrence which may be investigated through first-hand research.” The phenomenon must be observable, local, and current, which means you can personally go to and see the phenomenon without the aid of a microscope or telescope, unrealistic long-distance traveling, or a time machine.

    An issue such as pollution is too broad for this assignment, so think smaller. Often the most significant occurrences in nature and society are unassuming and go unnoticed by most people. In nature, it could be an invasive species in a local environment, local signs of global warming, or the effects of a nearby oil spill. In society, it can be a cultural activity, different habits such as sports or music, and hosts of other activities people engage in. Make sure you pick a topic that you will feel comfortable sharing with your peers.
    Your purpose for this assignment is to inform your readers about your particular topic through your own first-hand observations, surveys, and interviews (primary research).
    Your audience for this assignment is the uninformed and curious public. Your audience, however, is not in a “need-to-know” situation; they are merely unaware and inquisitive. You should work with their curiosity to inform them and broaden their view of your topic. With this in mind, your research should present new and surprising information. If you’re writing about a commonly unknown topic, this shouldn’t be a problem. However, if you decide to write about a well-known topic, your paper should include more recent or surprising information.

    Keep in mind that this essay’s aim is to inform, not persuade. You are not arguing a local issue; you are simply surprising your readers with focused information. However, if you do encounter an arguable issue during your investigation, you should keep notes for further essays you’ll be writing, as you will be working with the same topic for the remainder of the term.

    When developing your topic, ask yourself questions such as:

    • What new and interesting things about nature or society can I show my readers?
    • What interests me about this phenomenon?
    • What might others not know and possibly find interesting or surprising?
    • What common (and possibly incorrect) views do others hold about my topic?
    • What interesting or surprising claim might I make about my topic?
    • How much background information will my audience need?

    Essay Format:

    An empirical research report differs from other styles of informative writing in that it is divided into specific sections. The main ones include: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References, and Appendix.[1] These categories are clearly marked by the aforementioned headings:

    1. INTRODUCTION: Explain the phenomenon to be investigated. Why is this event or occurrence interesting and/or important?  What is your research question? What do you expect to find?  (i.e. What is your hypothesis?)
    1. METHOD:  Describe how your study or experiment was done. Here you will clearly document each step of your primary research. It is an important aspect of an empirical research report that your investigation can be replicated in order to be considered valid.
    1. RESULTS: Explain/summarize the results of your primary research (i.e. observations, interviews, surveys). Any charts or graphs you produce about your research may be included here if they are small. Long tables of data should be attached at the end in the appendix.
    1. DISCUSSION: Analyze your results and draw conclusions. Did anything surprise you? What are the possible causes and consequences of your findings?  Where could further research be done in the future? What were the flaws and limitations of your study?
    1. REFERENCES: Following APA guidelines, list any and all secondary sources used in the paper. For information on APA formatting, see A&B 585-91 and EW pp. 515-550. Sources must be in alphabetical order and include all necessary information for future researchers to locate them
    1. APPENDIX: This database includes all of your research materials, such as a record of your detailed observations, a sample survey, all interview transcripts, and/or large tables of data. Any other data you collected should also be attached here.

    Your final draft should be 1000-1500 words. It should be typed, double-spaced, and use 12-point, Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. The essay should adhere to correct APA style. DO NOT use second person. The Writer’s Memo, Title page, References, and Appendix sections do not count toward the 1000-word minimum word count for this essay.


    In this paper, your examination into your chosen topic must be taken from primary research. (Secondary research is not a requirement in this assignment.) You must conduct: (a) detailed observations, (b) at least two interviews, and (c) at least a one-page survey on a group of at least twenty people.


    Banned Topics:

    There are a number of topics I have banned because they have been overused in past student papers and/or do not yield new or surprising information for the audience. Therefore, DO NOT write your paper on the following topics:[2] lowering or keeping the current drinking age, marijuana, gay marriage, abortion, gun control, assisted suicide or euthanasia, texting and driving, religion, GE/organic food, green energy, elderly drivers, school uniforms, paying college football players, violent video games, technological effects, stem cell research, and cloning.


    Summary of Grading Criteria:

    A good response to this assignment will do all of the following:

    1. Write with the primary rhetorical purpose of informing;
    2. Respond to the needs of an uninformed and curious audience;
    3. Demonstrate engagement with a focused and meaningful research question;
    4. Demonstrate rhetorically-effective use of primary research (interviews, observations, and survey questionnaire(s);
    5. Cite primary sources correctly according to APA guidelines;
    6. Effectively incorporate research materials into the document;
    7. Produce a final draft that shows evidence of a thoughtful writing process, including invention, revision, and proof-reading;
    8. Use syntax, punctuation, and spelling effectively in service of rhetorical purpose.

    Grading Criteria:

    Purpose & Audience Awareness 20 points 20%
    Genre Conventions/Structure 20 points 20%
    Research 20 points 20%
    Documentation 20 points 20%
    Style 10 points 10%
    Writing Process 10 points 10%
    TOTAL: 100 points 100%
  • Applications of hypotheses


    Search the internet for real-world applications of hypotheses. As a hint, type “hypotheses” followed by a topic of interest to you into the search engine. Carefully review the search results. Also explain how hypotheses can be used in your field to help obtain rational solutions.

    1 page

  • Questions: In the role of Eric


    Questions: In the role of Eric

    1. Summarize your thoughts on the problems at hand, alternative solutions and your strategy on how to proceed at the forthcoming meeting
    2. How will you proposal solve the problem you have defined?
    3. How can you defend your solution from budgetary concerns? In what way is your approach both solution to the problem of expatriates at Tex-Mark and a good economic investment?
    4. Does Eric’s personal background assist in his assessment of the problem he faces?
    5. Would you have approached this situation differently? If so, what benefits would your different approach provide for Tex-Mark?

    4 Pages

  • Discussion Assignment


    Please answer each bullet with ONLY 4 sentences.

    1. Discuss the best way to leverage a breakeven analysis when defining a business strategy.
    1. Analyze the 12 financial ratios mentioned in the textbook and determine which is the most useful to the greatest number of small businesses. Explain your rationale.
    1. Analyze the steps involved in preparing a cash budget and determine which steps presents the greatest number of obstacles to the greatest number of small businesses. Explain your rationale.
    1. Analyze the steps involved in avoiding a cash crunch and make at least one additional recommendation for doing so. Provide specific examples to support your response.
    1. Use the internet to research a company with which you regularly do business or are a regular customer. Focus on how that company relates to their customers. Assess your satisfaction with the company you researched and make recommendations about how that company could modify its business-level strategy to both increase your overall level of satisfaction and to attract new customers. (Use Walmart)
    1. Analyze the five business-level strategies to determine which strategy the company you researched most likely applies. Determine how your experience with that company might change if it switched to one of the other four strategies (your choice). Explain your rationale.
      1. Cost Leadership
      2. Differentiation
      3. Focus Cost Leadership
      4. Focus Differentiation
      5. Integrated Cost Leadership Differentiation
    1. Use the Internet to research Apple’s strategy for competing against other technology companies. Determine how market commonality and resource similarity impact Apple’s competitive standing in terms of its main rivals. Provide specific examples to support your response.
    1. Determine what additional steps Apple’s competitors are likely to take and how Apple will most likely respond.

    2 pages

  • Comprehensive Questions Assignment


    1. It has been said that “a company that deserves a union gets one,” suggesting that if proper leadership and motivation techniques are employed and desirable policies devised, the workers will not want to unionize. Either agree or disagree with this philosophy. Support your position and explain what a company could do to create an environment where workers will not want to unionize.

    2. Unions have declined as a percentage of the workforce in the private sector. With this decline, have career and workplace dissatisfaction and alienation increased? If so, why is this so? If not, why not? Support your position.

    3. List and discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages in using seniority as a factor to determine shift preference or overtime assignments.

    4. Identify and explain the major ways in which the government is an important participant in the labor relations.

    Min Pages: 3
    Level of Detail: Show all work
    Other Requirements: I need more than 3 sources for the 4 questions

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Computer system


    Is there any best computer system for a business? Given the different systems available, can a business hope to utilize just one type of computer system for all of their needs? How can a business keep the number of different systems to a minimum? (Computer system meaning Operating system. For example Windows, Mac)

    1 Page, 2 Responses