Showing 316–324 of 728 results

  • Appreciating Deum Verum


    Appreciating Deum Verum

    Choose a composer, an instrument, a composition or perhaps a manuscript as the topic of your first paper. There might be also other areas that you are interested in and would like to expend your knowledge upon: music notation, music treatises, etc. If you would like to pursue it and you are not sure whether it is suitable, please talk to me.

    Regardless of the subject matter you choose for the paper, make sure that it also relates to a particular piece of music. Thus, if you choose a composer or an instrument, find also a music composition, which you will discuss. The compositions we have discussed at the classes are excluded!

    Thus, a half of your paper might be based on the research, on a composer, an instrument, a manuscript, etc (citing source is fine, please use Grove Dictionary). The other half of the paper should be your discussion of the music composition related to the topic (do not cite any sources!).

    The topic must be drawn from the time period spanning from Ancient Greek music up to late Renaissance period. If you choose a vocal piece, focus on the text first (provide text in the paper with the translation). Make sure you choose the original arrangement of the composition! There are lots of contemporary arrangements of the old compositions on the web, for example, computer remaking of Renaissance songs. Make sure you have the original composition. If you are not sure, contact me. DO NOT assume I know the composition. There are thousands of Renaissance madrigals and motets and very likely the piece you choose will be a novelty to me. So, please, explain as plainly as you can, what is going on in the music, especially the details regarding the structure of the composition.

    When constructing the paper, think about it as a magazine critique for example for the SAIC student magazine. Thus, the paper (in the form of an article) should be targeted towards your colleague at school. Encourage your colleagues to listening to your composition, or to pursue the topic. Of course, to encourage someone you need to be enthusiastic about the topic and the piece yourself: choose something you like. Please, do not use the vocabulary you do not know.

    Here are some issues you might address in your paper, while discussing a music composition:

    The meaning of the text and how the music is reinforcing it;
    Melody (is it consonant or dissonant? wide in range or not?)

    • Quality of the melody (easy to sing or whistle? or perhaps not? why?)
    • Rhythm (try to identify the rhythm the meter and the pulse of the piece)
    • Texture (polyphony, homophony, monophony)
    • Color (instruments, voices)
    • Perhaps tempo, or dynamics
    • Harmony (perhaps you are able to say whether it is minor or major mode?)
    • Instrumentation (you can talk about the instruments that are used in the piece)
    • Composer (his connections with other cultures, countries and how it influenced his music, do not write his biography!!)
    • The performance (Is it inviting?      What do you like about it? Perhaps there is something you would change?)
    • The structure of the piece (it is easier in the texted pieces), for the instrumental music try to grasp the overall scheme: ABA, or AB, etc.
    • Function: (what was the function of the piece? composed for a special occasion? for a large or chamber space?)

    Pages: 7, double Spaced

    Citation: MLA

  • Answers to Math Questions 153-158


    153.Explain the negative exponent rule and give an example.

    1. How do you know if an exponential expression is simplified?
    2. How do you know if a number is written in scientific notation?
    3. Explain how to convert from scientific to decimal notation and give an example.
    4. Explain how to convert from decimal to scientific notation and give an example.
    5. Describe one advantage of expressing a number in scientific notation over decimal notation.
  • Functionality Paper


    HCS 433 Week 3 Functionality Paper

    Often, a loss of function will begin a so-called downward spiral in the life of an elderly person, affecting his or her independence and quality of life.

    Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word APA-formatted paper that addresses the significance and validity of the above statement. Include how the specific loss of function might affect one or more activities of daily living.

    Use a minimum of three references to support your paper.

    Refer to the Functionality Paper located on the student website for more information

    Pages: 9, double spaced

    Citation: APA

  • Individual Assignment: Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Paper


    Resource: Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Paper grading criteria on the student website
    Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper examining the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on the human resource process as they relate to the following statement:
    Common sense and compassion in the workplace has been replaced by litigation.

    Explain why you agree or disagree with the above statement.
    Focus on employee-related regulations established by the U.S., such as, Department of Labor, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Department of Homeland Security.

  • SPHE 318 Final Paper


    Topic: Coaching youth baseball

    Pages: 4, double spaced

    Citation: APA

  • MATLAB VS. MATHCAD: Usability Test Study




    • Task 1 Access and user interface
    • Task 2 Performing basic functions
    • Task 3 Matrix operations
    • Task 4 Graphing
    • Task 5 Editing Equations
    • Task 6 Converting units in calculations
    • Task 7 Calculus operations
    • Task 8 Curve fitting
    • Task 9 Importing data from other programs
    • Task 10 Programming 10

    Task Results

  • Final Paper: The Climber Body as a Mechanism for the Struggle of Social Power


    Each of these elements can be ordered in different ways. When you read, identify each of these elements in the margins. When you write, be clear with yourself how each element relates to and builds off of the other elements.

    • Empirical material / Ethnographic vignette #1 (reveals guiding question)
    • Theoretical frame: basic assumptions about structure/agency/human action/methodology
    • Analytical review 1 (how others have dealt with your topic; questions that remain unanswered)
    • Subsidiary research questions
    • Thesis: tentative hypothesis/answer to guiding question
    • Contexts: relevant historical, economic background etc.
    • Key definitions
    • Empirical material / Ethnographic Vignette #2 (and 3)
      • More ethnographic description of problem (evidence)
      • These can address your subsidiary questions
      • Revealing issues of cultural meanings and social roles
    • Analysis of ethnographic descriptions
      • drawing on theory and other people’s concepts to help you explain the significance of your ethnography (analytical review 2—can be woven into ethnography, or be put in a separate section)
    • Conclusion
      • The final answer to your guiding question
      • Broader implications and stakes…explaining why it matters
      • Future questions
  • Evaluating the Research Process of Teen Pregnancy


    HCS 465 Week 4 Individual Assignment Evaluating the Research Process

    Resource: Evaluating the Research Process Grading Criteria.

     Select one of the articles collected in the Week One Annotated Bibliography assignment.

     Write a 300- to -1,000-word paper that evaluates the research process within your chosen article.

     Explain the research process and what you can assume from the study from the following perspectives:

    •  How is the literature review used in this research?
    • What are ethical considerations for data collection?
    • What is the data telling us in terms of statistical analysis?

     Are the findings statistically significant?

    Do the conclusions match the results of the study?

    Do the conclusions answer the research questions in the definition of the problem?

    Are the conclusions appropriate?

    Do you have enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness of the study? If so, is it effective?

     Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

  • Week One Article Summary


    HCS 455 Week 1 Individual Assignment Policy Topic Search and Selection

    Use the following resources to select a policy topic:

    • Conduct an Internet search for key words such as health and health policy.
    • Review different topics and ideas at The Kaiser Family Foundation,, Health Policy Topics List, June 28, 2010, available at:
    • Consider reviewing the tutorials and issues modules.
    Use this policy topic for your individual assignments throughout the course.
    Write a 350- to 500-word summary on your selected policy topic and the stakeholders affected by the topic. Your stakeholders, for example, may be veterans, the elderly, HIV patients, or the uninsured. A minimum of two references are required.
    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines