Showing 244–252 of 728 results

  • Website reviewed: Almost Naked Animal – Kids Show


    Week 9 Reflective Journal 3 Submission

    Due Week 9 and worth 40 points
    Commercial and personal Websites, as well as print media, design their formats and include visuals for optimal audience appeal. Select a Website or print medium for this reflective journal.
    Address these criteria:

    1. Identify the source and audience of the selected Website or print medium. Describe how its format and visual displays are used to appeal to a viewer’s interest and willingness to engage with the source.
    2. Explain how the selected Website or print medium uses the elements of logos, ethos, and pathos.
    3. Describe ways you expect to use format design and visuals in your future college papers and in your professional life

  • My Cover Letter


    You want to apply for the position of Human Resources Director with a Fortune 1000 company in the field of retailing. The company “would prefer” applicants with at least four years of experience, though others can also apply. You are six months short on the preferred experience. However, you are absolutely confident of yourself and want to convince the recruiter about the same.

    Keeping in mind the above scenario, in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document, create a cover letter that convinces the recruiter about your competency for this job and a resume. Your cover letter and resume must incorporates the following:

    • The cover letter should be concise and to the point, following the 3-paragraph structure.


    Select one of the topics below. Write a 3 – 5 page research paper (excluding the cover page and reference page) on the real world application of the chosen technology. Your paper should a include the type of organization(s) that benefit most from this technology. Elaborate on what business problem the technology solves. Also, how does it help the organization achieve one or more of the following?

    • – Achieve operational excellence through higher levels of efficiency and productivity
    • – Create new products, services, and business models
    • -Raise revenue and profits while lowering costs by increasing customer and supplier intimacy
    • – Improve decision making for managers and employees
    • -Increase competitive advantages
    • – Insure survival caused by business environment changes

    Choose ONE topic:

    • Autonomic computing
    • Cloud computing
    • Grid computing
    • Nanotechnology
    • N-tier client/server architectures

    Paper Formatting:

    • Written work 3 – 5 pages
    • Cover Page
    • Margins: 1″ top, bottom, right, and left.
    • Font Times New Roman 12 point.
    • Use a MS Word document file format.
  • Terrorism Assignment


    Terrorism plots against the United Stateshave causedthe government to create the Department of Homeland Security with the hope of leveraging federal, state, and local police agencies; intelligence agencies; and immigration agencies to cooperate in communicating findings and creating joint efforts to stop threats of terrorism or confront a terrorist attack.

    The current threat of terrorism has made many legislatures in Congress think about the United States combining all the police agencies into one national police organization.The centralization of power would stop the discombobulated nature of the3 government levels of police and provide a clear, overall standard on how to police not only terrorism acts but crime in general.

    Please answer the following questions. As you answer each question you must provide support or evidence that will enhance and empirically prove your answers.Academic criminal justice articles or real-life criminal justice findings that are not found in journals or other academic sources must be used in supporting your answers.Please use APA style for all cited sources including your resource page

    Terrorism plots against the United Stateshave causedthe government to create the Department of Homeland Security with the hope of leveraging federal, state, and local police agencies; intelligence agencies; and immigration agencies to cooperate in communicating findings and creating joint efforts to stop threats of terrorism or confront a terrorist attack.

    The current threat of terrorism has made many legislatures in Congress think about the United States combining all the police agencies into one national police organization.The centralization of power would stop the discombobulated nature of the3 government levels of police and provide a clear, overall standard on how to police not only terrorism acts but crime in general.

    Please answer the following questions. As you answer each question you must provide support or evidence that will enhance and empirically prove your answers.Academic criminal justice articles or real-life criminal justice findings that are not found in journals or other academic sources must be used in supporting your answers.Please use APA style for all cited sources including your resource page

    • Do you believe that the establishment of terrorism as a crime that can be committed domestically has changed community policing?How?Why? Provide examples.
    • Do you believe that the establishment of terrorism as a crime that can be committed domestically has changed community policing?How?Why? Provide examples.
  • The Cloze Test Procedure


    Create a pamphlet about a topic of your choice that can be used in your nursing practice. Evaluate the readability by applying the Cloze Test Procedure. The Cloze Test Procedure can be found at the website:

    You have been assigned to teach a class using gaming, in which 75% of the students are from a particular ethnic group (you decide the content area, class size, and ethnic group). Choose the topic of your choice and take into account the ethnic group’s special needs. Describe your approach, and provide details regarding the assumed characteristics of the ethnic group. Identify the tools or technology, services, and resources needed for developing the instructional gaming material.

  • Jones’ February 6, 2005 Cocaine Possession


    Jones’ February 6, 2005 Cocaine Possession

    Review the following scenario:

    You are a Wichita Police Department detective working in the major crimes unit, and you are assigned to a joint federal–state–city crime task force working on a number of major drug cases. Over a period of several months, your task force has been able to gather information and make cases on several of the drug suppliers, drug dealers, and drug buyers in the Wichita metropolitan area. The task force is about to complete its mission by filing criminal charges in the federal district court, the state district court, or the Wichita Municipal Court against these various suspects. These suspects will not be arrested until the warrants are issued.

    Your job is to make recommendations concerning which jurisdictions should file the charges on which defendants. You will need to evaluate the criminal statutes and penalties in each jurisdiction and even the rules of evidence to determine where your task force has the best chance of obtaining a conviction and in getting the punishment to fit the crime.

    The memo that you receive from your Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) task force supervisor explains the situation:


    Re: Charging Decisions

    You are the primary investigator in the cases against Jones, Smith, and Thompson. As I review your reports, it appears that each of these cases has strengths and weaknesses that we should evaluate before we determine whether to file charges in the U.S. District Court, the Sedgwick County District Court for the State of Kansas, or the Wichita Municipal Court. I will summarize those strengths and weaknesses here to make sure I am reading your reports correctly. I need you to give me advice on where you think these charges should be brought.

    Jones has been working for you as a confidential informant because you have evidence against him for a February 6, 2005 third possession of cocaine after convictions in 1993 and 1994. He appears to have followed the terms of his deal with you to introduce our undercover agents to his dealer. We have promised not to prosecute for any drug offenses he may commit in the presence of our undercover agent while playing the role of our informant. His assistance has enabled us to get sufficient evidence on Smith and Thompson to obtain convictions. Based on Jones’ two prior convictions for possession of cocaine, we would normally want him to go to federal court, where the maximum sentences are available. However, because of his cooperation, we could file the case in the Sedgwick County, Kansas, and district court under state law. We could even change the charge to a drug paraphernalia offense and send his case to the city of Wichita.

    Smith has sold cocaine to our undercover agents on two occasions: July 12, 2005 and August 3, 2005. We have found no prior record on this individual, but we believe that he regularly sells to his friends and acquaintances. Your report indicates it took several contacts between Jones and the undercover agent to persuade Smith to make those two sales. It also appears that although we have tried to make additional purchases from Smith, but he will no longer deal to either Jones or our undercover agents. Based upon the evidence, I do not think we will need to require Smith to testify against his friend, Jones, and we should have enough evidence to convict based solely upon the testimony of our undercover agents.

    • Where do you want to file this case against Smith? (20%)

    Thompson appears to be a major dealer but not a local supplier to other dealers in the community. Jones brought our undercover agents to him on several occasions, but Thompson appears to be very wary of obtaining new customers he does not know personally. Thompson has never sold directly to any of our undercover officers, but our officers have personally observed Thompson selling cocaine to Jones on five occasions in March and April of 2006. Your undercover officers indicate that Thompson displays large quantities of cash, keeps major quantities of drugs in his hidden safe in the bedroom floor of his house, and has a number of firearms throughout his house. I believe that if we can get Thompson on these five drug sales made to Jones, we could leverage him to help us get to his supplier. The problem is using Jones, with two prior convictions for cocaine possession and working with us only to save himself, as a witness for the prosecution. I would like to obtain the higher penalties for drug sales and drug possession available in federal court, but we must determine whether Jones’ prior criminal record will be allowed into evidence. His credibility is crucial to getting Thompson convicted, but if the jury hears about his entire past, it might be difficult for them to convict Thompson.

    • Where do you think we should file the case against Thompson? (25%)

    I am going to need you to provide me reasons for each recommendation, and I will forward those to the prosecutors in these courts.

    I need your help on this.

    DEA Task Force Supervisor

    Consult the Web resources on federal, Kansas, and Wichita laws to find information to support your recommendations.

    Please provide APA citation and references where necessary. (5%)

    Review the following scenario:

    You are a Wichita Police Department detective working in the major crimes unit, and you are assigned to a joint federal–state–city crime task force working on a number of major drug cases. Over a period of several months, your task force has been able to gather information and make cases on several of the drug suppliers, drug dealers, and drug buyers in the Wichita metropolitan area. The task force is about to complete its mission by filing criminal charges in the federal district court, the state district court, or the Wichita Municipal Court against these various suspects. These suspects will not be arrested until the warrants are issued.

    Your job is to make recommendations concerning which jurisdictions should file the charges on which defendants. You will need to evaluate the criminal statutes and penalties in each jurisdiction and even the rules of evidence to determine where your task force has the best chance of obtaining a conviction and in getting the punishment to fit the crime.

    The memo that you receive from your Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) task force supervisor explains the situation:


    Re: Charging Decisions

    You are the primary investigator in the cases against Jones, Smith, and Thompson. As I review your reports, it appears that each of these cases has strengths and weaknesses that we should evaluate before we determine whether to file charges in the U.S. District Court, the Sedgwick County District Court for the State of Kansas, or the Wichita Municipal Court. I will summarize those strengths and weaknesses here to make sure I am reading your reports correctly. I need you to give me advice on where you think these charges should be brought.

    Jones has been working for you as a confidential informant because you have evidence against him for a February 6, 2005 third possession of cocaine after convictions in 1993 and 1994. He appears to have followed the terms of his deal with you to introduce our undercover agents to his dealer. We have promised not to prosecute for any drug offenses he may commit in the presence of our undercover agent while playing the role of our informant. His assistance has enabled us to get sufficient evidence on Smith and Thompson to obtain convictions. Based on Jones’ two prior convictions for possession of cocaine, we would normally want him to go to federal court, where the maximum sentences are available. However, because of his cooperation, we could file the case in the Sedgwick County, Kansas, and district court under state law. We could even change the charge to a drug paraphernalia offense and send his case to the city of Wichita.

    • How do you think we should proceed concerningJones’ February 6, 2005 cocaine possession? (30%)
    • He will probably plead guilty unless we send him to federal court. Where do you want to file it? (20%)

    Smith has sold cocaine to our undercover agents on two occasions: July 12, 2005 and August 3, 2005. We have found no prior record on this individual, but we believe that he regularly sells to his friends and acquaintances. Your report indicates it took several contacts between Jones and the undercover agent to persuade Smith to make those two sales. It also appears that although we have tried to make additional purchases from Smith, but he will no longer deal to either Jones or our undercover agents. Based upon the evidence, I do not think we will need to require Smith to testify against his friend, Jones, and we should have enough evidence to convict based solely upon the testimony of our undercover agents.

    • Where do you want to file this case against Smith? (20%)

    Thompson appears to be a major dealer but not a local supplier to other dealers in the community. Jones brought our undercover agents to him on several occasions, but Thompson appears to be very wary of obtaining new customers he does not know personally. Thompson has never sold directly to any of our undercover officers, but our officers have personally observed Thompson selling cocaine to Jones on five occasions in March and April of 2006. Your undercover officers indicate that Thompson displays large quantities of cash, keeps major quantities of drugs in his hidden safe in the bedroom floor of his house, and has a number of firearms throughout his house. I believe that if we can get Thompson on these five drug sales made to Jones, we could leverage him to help us get to his supplier. The problem is using Jones, with two prior convictions for cocaine possession and working with us only to save himself, as a witness for the prosecution. I would like to obtain the higher penalties for drug sales and drug possession available in federal court, but we must determine whether Jones’ prior criminal record will be allowed into evidence. His credibility is crucial to getting Thompson convicted, but if the jury hears about his entire past, it might be difficult for them to convict Thompson.

    • Where do you think we should file the case against Thompson? (25%)

    I am going to need you to provide me reasons for each recommendation, and I will forward those to the prosecutors in these courts.

    I need your help on this.

    DEA Task Force Supervisor

    Consult the Web resources on federal, Kansas, and Wichita laws to find information to support your recommendations.

    Please provide APA citation and references where necessary. (5%)

  • Reflect on a three-part lesson you would like to teach to a friend or family member


    Reflect on a three-part lesson you would like to teach to a friend or family member. Determine the level of your learning objectives using Bloom’s taxonomy. Construct three learning objectives containing appropriate active verbs. Identify a possible teaching strategy for each of your objectives. Indicate how you plan to measure each objective.Nurses must be aware of the statements that are emotional and express their personal attitudes as well as beliefs because this can influence or manipulate the patient, limiting the patient’s autonomy. Discuss your experience or an experience of a staff member in which beliefs, ethics, or values hindered a learning experience. *include sources for your work

  • Placement Progress Information



    Placement Progress Information (1)

    What are your overall placement objectives?

    (do check that these are clear/ achievable and relevant to you and your aims/ progress and development)

    Thinking about my year ahead, these are things I hope to gain from my placement at BS Country Club over the next year;

    1. I hope to be a valuable member if the team at work and feel valuable/ needed in the workplace.
    1. Gain more experience and a wider perspective into the work industry as well as gain skills that I can put to future employment after university.
    2. I hope to grow in independence professionally and personally as my work place is in a different country.

    Company Details:

    Nature of business, size, national/international, products, markets etc

    BS is an award winning, five star, private platinum country club in Boca Raton, Florida. It offers its high quality and beauty to the members of the BS community and offers everything from family membership to venues for private functions. Its lifestyle includes two modern clubhouses; the main clubhouse and the OC. The OC features two unique golf courses and is host to one of the biggest Championships in the word; Tour Allianz Championship. The main clubhouse has multiple dining venues offering different events frequently to its members. It further includes twenty seven residential villages, a spa and fitness centre along with aquatics facilities and tennis courts.

    Placement Details

    What does your job involve? Include specific responsibilities.

    As an employee of the country club my job entails working mainly at the Spa and Fitness Centre in an Admin Assistant. This role involves specific responsibilities such as; answering telephones and booking appointments for the Spa, Salon and Fitness facilities as well as scheduling members in for events held there. I meet and greet clients, members and guests and provide any information needed in regards to the Spa and Fitness Centre as well as take payments for services provided to the members. My job is heavily computer based and I create and modify many documents in correlation to the business and perform general clerical duties eg photocopying, faxing, mailing, filing. In correspondence to the event side of the job I liaise with managers in creating event schedules and have aided the general flow of events by making sure I show the members where they need to be at specific times. Prior to this I also get involved with the events the Spa and Fitness Centre holds by creating promotional advertisement within the club.

    What have been your key experiences so far?

    My key experience so far has been being involved within the events and seeing the end result of what has been put together for the members of BS. The Spa and Fitness Expo required our whole team to get involved and give all their efforts. The gym put on demonstrations and showed the advantages they could provide from their skills and knowledge to the members as well as the diverse classes and activates and products. The spa offered mini treatment services to demonstrate to the members what treatments were being offered to them. Members had to book in advance in order to signed up for a mini treatment; the same applied with the salon services. We also brought in outside clients who work with the country clubs spa and fitness sentence and had them set up stalls to explain and promote products. Food and beverage was also available to the members all night and overall was an extremely successful night in achieving the notion of promoting the centre.

    Which skills have you demonstrated you possess, and what skills are you developing

    I have demonstrated many skills that I already had attained from previous experience; organization skills and time management being one of the biggest. Making appointments and scheduling professionally has required these skill as well as my personal life. Being abroad I have had to take on even more independence and responsibility. I have made my own budgeting sheet in order to save money and see my incomings and outgoings. I further design schedules for myself to keep myself planned and organised for the upcoming days, weeks and months. In my professional work I have demonstrated great communication. This is especially important to me as I have had to be very assertive with some members and in effect ‘put my foot down’ and face confrontation which is something I used to find hard but it is a skill that I have developed and continue to develop.

    What have you learnt about yourself since you started your placement?

    I have learnt that I can do anything I put my mind to. I have travelled to a new country and been taken completely out of my depth and embraced a different culture, new people and a new job. I have pushed myself hard to make this job related to events as much as possible. It has been extremely hard but I feel like I have achieved this and done it by myself. Furthermore I have learnt that I find it hard to do such an office based job and realised that I prefer to be a busy body constantly on the move and taking on diverse tasks, meeting new people and bringing success to the company in doing so. I feel like I have really learnt that I am a valuable member of my team and a real team player.

    What did you learn from your manager’s feedback?

    As a result of the feedback, what objectives have you set yourself?

    Which academic units have supported you in your role?

    -Event Management

    -People and Performance


    -Research Methods


    Additional Files:



  • Outsider’s Point of View in Hans Christen Andersen


    Why is an “Outsider’s” point of view important in the tales of Hans Christian Anderson? Please cite examples from at least two of his tales.

    Hans Christian Anderson: The Princess and the Pea , The Ugly Duckling, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Little Mermaid, The Red Shoes, The Little Math Girl

    write one page question.

    In a persuasive, well organized, analytic, answer the this question. Please be as specific as possible and be mindful of clarity