Showing 208–216 of 728 results

  • Soil Vs Sensex


    For this assignment, identify one important concept, theory, or idea that you learned while reading Vandana Shiva’s “The Soil vs. the Sensex” or Nicholas Kristof’s “Our Gas Guzzlers, Their Lives,” found in the “Choices for a Sustainable World” section of your textbook Writing Arguments.

    • Use the first paragraph of your post to present the concept, theory, or idea and explain why it is important.
      • How does it apply to some aspect of your life?
      • Does it have implications for your community?
      • What questions has the reading raised for you?
    • In a second paragraph, discuss the assumptions, values, and beliefs readers would have to hold to find the central argument persuasive.
      • Is the writer trying to change readers’ views, attempting to call readers to action, or hoping to inspire further investigations?
      • Then, address the overall persuasiveness of the argument. How does the author appeal to reason, ethics, and emotion?
      • What features of the argument contribute most to making it persuasive or not persuasive for its target audience and for you
  • What did Turner claim was the “principle function” of the frontier in American history and why


    Please carefully read Martin Ridge’s article “The Life of an Idea: The Significance of Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis” (available on Blackboard). Make sure to consider it in the context of our discussions about westward expansion during the later half of the nineteenth-century.

    Then, in a two page typed and well-organized/edited essay response, please address the following questions.

    According to Martin Ridge, what was the Turner Thesis? What did Turner claim was the “principle function” of the frontier in American history and why? How did Turner’s thesis change many Americans’ understanding of American history?

    * Make sure to consider the lectures before writing your paper.

    * Your paper should be typed and double-spaced with normal margins.

    * Your paper should be stapled before you come to class.

    * Use a cover sheet to provide your name, course name, and class meeting time.

    * Since you are using only one source no footnotes or bibliography are needed.

    * You must turn in a physical copy of your paper on the day it is due. No emailed attachments will be accepted.

  • Discussion Board #3..


    Police officers have a vast amount of discretionary authority that is used in their daily duties protecting citizens and communities.At times, police officers find themselves in situations where a quick decision to save lives or their own lives can violate the rights of individuals, no matter if they are criminals.Police brutality is an issue that has provided headlines and riots with communities demanding for justice by sentencing police officers harshly because of the discretionary authority that they abuse.

    Please answer the following questions.You must provide feedback to at least two other posts from students. Support your opinions and position through academic criminal justice sources or real-life criminal justice findings.

    • Do you agree that for police action to be just, it must recognize the rights of individuals while at the same time hold them accountable to the social obligations defined by law? Support your position.
    • Have the courts provided adequate protection to citizens against overzealous police officers? In which areas of search and seizure and interrogation law do you think the courts have not gone far enough? In which areas do you think the courts have gone too far? Support your answers.

      Police officers have a vast amount of discretionary authority that is used in their daily duties protecting citizens and communities.At times, police officers find themselves in situations where a quick decision to save lives or their own lives can violate the rights of individuals, no matter if they are criminals.Police brutality is an issue that has provided headlines and riots with communities demanding for justice by sentencing police officers harshly because of the discretionary authority that they abuse.

      Please answer the following questions.You mustprovide feedback to at least two other posts from students. Support your opinions and position through academic criminal justice sources or real-life criminal justice findings.

      • Do you agree that for police action to be just, it must recognize the rights of individuals while at the same time hold them accountable to the social obligations defined by law? Support your position.
      • Have the courts provided adequate protection to citizens against overzealous police officers? In which areas of search and seizure and interrogation law do you think the courts have not gone far enough? In which areas do you think the courts have gone too far? Support your answers.
  • Concert Review on the Concert of Contemporary Music Comala


    Write a concert review on the Concert of contemporary music Comala.  The review has to be at least 2 pages long, double space, font size 12, no cover page.

    Include in your review a brief description of the pieces performed together with your opinion. The program includes introductory information of each of the pieces, make sure to take note and include some of these points in your review. Try to be as professional in your writing as possible. imagine your review is for the music section of the New York Times. Points will be taken off for poor grammar and sintax.

    Performed include:

    1. .Js bach suite Bwv 995
    2. Tres Apuntes Leo brouwer
    3. Cardoso region sajde lamaze
  • Response to Compatibilism


    As you learned from your reading, compatibilism is the most popular theory among philosophers. This theory says that determinism and free will are compatible. However, it claims that while our actions are caused they are still free as long as we are not coerced. In other words, the definition of freedom has been changed. What is your response to compatibilism?

  • Art History – Questions 1&2 Solutions

    Question 1:

    We have continued our study of the art created by cultures outside of the West. Like those we studied last week, many of the cultures studied this week also created monumental works of architecture, but often for very different reasons than what we saw last week. In 3 well-developed paragraphs locate 2 specific examples of monumental architecture created by 2 different cultures we studied this week and discuss:

    1. Why do you believe each culture undertook the creation of your selected monumental work of architecture and sculpture despite the difficulties of accomplishing them? What can we assume about a work of art without such knowledge?
    2. How do the reasons for their works compare with those of a more modern example of monumental art work, such as Mount Rushmore, the 9/11 Memorial, etc.?

    Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.

    Question 2:

    The tradition of mask-making and masquerade can be found the world over, but no place is it as pervasive, diverse and rich as found in the traditional arts of West and Central Africa. Although these masks are often seen as works of art in the West, they typically were not intended to be a work of art. Interestingly, in many African societies there is not a word for “art.” In 3 well-developed paragraphs select 3 different traditional African masks, each from a different African society. Discuss:

    1. How is the mask used and what is its purpose?
    2. Does putting the mask on display in some place like an art museum or gallery change what you think of it?

    Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.

  • Art history – WeeK 3 Assignment


    This is Part 1 of a two-part assignment and spans Weeks 3 and 4. Imagine that you are one of these intrepid European explorers who has set out to discover and collect the traditional art forms created by the four cultures we have learned about this week:

    • India
    • China
    • Korea
    • Japan

    As you “travel” and collect two works from each of your four cultures, you need to document some important field notes that will help you to explain what these treasures are upon your return home. These field notes need to include for each work of art:

    • Name of the culture that produced the object
    • Title or name of the object
    • Date of the object
    • Medium/materials used to create the object
    • Current location

    Assignment Instructions

    1. Using the textbook and Internet sources, locate 2 traditional works of art from India, China, Japan, and Korea. Copy and paste the 8 objects into your Microsoft Word document and label each one:
      1. Name of the culture that produced the object
      2. Title of the work
      3. Date of the work
      4. Medium/materials used to create the work
      5. Current location
        Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information you found in the textbook and on the Internet.
    2. Use your textbook to find out as much as you can about cultural context for each object. Go online and find some reference sources to provide you with more information.
    3. Thoroughly explain and analyze:
      1. What each object is
      2. How you think your European friends back home will react to each object, and why
      3. Why it is culturally important
  • Art History – WEEK3 DQ1&DQ2


    Question 1:

    This week we have studied art that is produced by cultures very different from our own. Without a cultural frame of reference it is often challenging for us to gain an understanding or even an appreciation of a work of art that reflects a visual aesthetic that is different. In 3 well developed paragraphs, discuss:

    1. In what specific ways is our understanding of a work of art dependent on an understanding of the religious and cultural beliefs from which the work arose?
    2. What can we assume about a work of art without such knowledge?
    3. Looking at a work of art such as the Taj Mahal, which is the world’s most recognized building, how doesnotknowing the story or context for its construction shape our perception of this as a master work of art? How does your perception change of this structure once you know the story and reasons for its construction?

    Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.

    Question 2:

    All of the cultures that we have looked at this week built architectural monuments, but few have survived intact. Often these monuments embody the social, spiritual, political and religious ideas of the culture that created it. One of the few to have survived isthe Forbidden City in Beijing, China. In 3 well developed paragraphs, discuss:

    1. What was the function of the Forbidden City?
    2. How was it designed to reflect the social hierarchies of the Ming dynasty?
    3. What other monumental work of architecture did you learn about this week that also reflects these concerns and how?

    Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.

  • Blaser analysis of noir and the nuclear family



    1. Using what Blaser says about noir and the nuclear family, analyze Drive,Chinatown, or Memento.
    2. Drawing on Pratt’s discussion of the deconstructive narrative, analyze MementoorGilda.
    3. What themes or narrative elements show up inMementothat are identified by Spicer and Schrader? You can also use Spicer & Schrader to analyze DetourorGun Crazy.
    4. Using both Blaser pieces, analyze Natalie from Memento.
    5. Drawing on the information in Dick about reception studies and discussions we’ve had in class about the myriad issues that affect our viewing experience AND modeling a response like that of Leonard Michael’s  “The Zipper,” describe and analyze your own reaction/viewing experience of any one of the following:Memento, Chinatown, Drive,
    6. Using Pratt’s argument that thefemme fataleis a paranoid and misogynistic version of femininity from the perspective of male protagonist and male spectator, analyze Lilith fromNightmare Alleyand Annie Laurie fromGun Crazy.Which character better qualifies as the fatal woman that Pratt describes?
    7. Drawing on Hordes’ discussion of the male protagonist, Hirsch’s observations about alienation, Spicer’s assertions about paranoia and Freudian motifs, decide which of the following is the clearest embodiment of a quintessential malenoirhero: Bart inGun Crazy, Stan inNightmare Alley, Al inDetour,or Lenny in Memento.
    8. I may add one or two more options by the end of week seven, but this list should give you an idea of what kinds I’m asking you to write.

    You’ll want to respond to one of the following options. Make sure that you’ve consulted all of the handouts I’ve prepared to help you in writing your essay:how to work with sources, how to assemble a works cited, the criteria your paper will be evaluated against.

    You’ll also want to show me a first version some time week nine, during office hours or a scheduled appointment. You can get some extra credit points by taking to the tutor center and getting feedback from a tutor. I recommend working with Gail Stevenson or someone she recommends