History Government and Political Science

Showing 64–72 of 420 results

  • Four Important Figures in World History


    Four Important Figures in World History

    In  850-1100 words of text excluding cover page and references (approximately 3-4 pages), you will write about Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler. These four men are considered some most important peoplein world history. Write an extended paragraph on each explaining their impact on world history and why they are so important. Support your arguments with 1-2 academic sources.

    Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point
    Times New Roman.
    Should have a Cover Page and References Page.
    Should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.
    Must include citations and bibliography.

  • ENISA Vs Commonwealth Approaches to Developing National Cybersecurity Strategies


    Paper #4: Compare / Contrast the ENISA and Commonwealth Approaches to Developing National Cybersecurity Strategies


     Your company has assigned you to serve as an industry subject matter expert and advisor for a cyber policy competition team for a local university. This year, the team will be competing in an international Cyber Policy competition in Washington, DC. The policy question for this year’s competition is: what is the best approach for developing a national cybersecurity strategy? The competition will have one U.S. team and nine additional teams from Europe (4 teams) and the Commonwealth nations (5 teams).

    The university students have asked you to help them understand the problem space and the likely approaches that competing teams will take. To accomplish this goal, you have decided to prepare a white paper in which you compare the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) guidance document for cybersecurity strategies to a similar document prepared by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO). ENISA provides cybersecurity guidance for member states of the European Union (http://europa.eu/index_en.htm ). CTO provides cybersecurity guidance for members of the Commonwealth of Nations (http://www.commonwealthofnations.org/).

    Your starting point for your analysis will be outlines of the two documents (Table 1 and Table 2) which were provided to the teams by the competition’s organizers.


    1. Review the document outlines provided in Tables 1 and 2 (at the end of this document).
    2. Download and review the full documents
      1. CTO: http://www.cto.int/media/fo-th/cyb-sec/Commonwealth%20‌Approach%20‌for%20‌National%20‌Cybersecurity%20Strategies.pdf
      2. ENISA: http://www.enisa.europa.eu/activities/Resilience-and-CIIP/national-cyber-security-strategies-ncsss/an-evaluation-framework-for-cyber-security-strategies-1/an-evaluation-framework-for-cyber-security-strategies/at_download/fullReport
    3. Develop five or more points which are common across the two documents. (Similarities)
    4. Identify and review at least three unique items in each document. (Differences)
    5. Research three or more national cybersecurity strategies from EU or Commonwealth nations which were written in or available in English (see the list in Appendix 1 of the CTO document). How comprehensive are these documents when compared to either the ENISA or the CTO guidance? From these documents and the ENISA / CTO guidelines, develop an answer to the question: Why should every nation have a cybersecurity strategy?


    Write a five (5) to eight (8) page white paper in which you summarize your research and discuss the similarities and differences between the two guidance documents. You should focus upon clarity and conciseness more than length when determining what content to include in your paper. At a minimum, your white paper must include the following:

    1. An introduction or overview of national cybersecurity strategies. Explain the purpose of a national cybersecurity strategy and how it is used. Answer the question: why should every nation have a cybersecurity strategy? (Make sure that you address the importance of such strategies to small, resource-poor nations as well as to wealthy, developed nations.)
    2. A separate section in which you discuss the common principles and guidelines (similarities) found in both guidance documents (ENISA & CTO).
    3. A separate section in which you discuss the unique aspects of the CTO principles and guidelines for national cybersecurity strategies.
    4. A separate section in which you discuss the unique aspects of the ENISA principles and guidelines for national cybersecurity strategies.
    5. A section in which you present your recommendations to the competition team as to the approach (next steps) they should take in further refining their answer to the competition question: what is the best approach for developing a national cybersecurity strategy?
  • Provisions of the Law Code of King Hammurabi


    Read this source, and in 600-800 words of text excluding  cover page and references (approximately 2-3 pages), briefly describe  the major provisions of this law code and discuss what you learned about ancient Babylonian society from this law code. Use only this reading—do not use any other sources!

    In this assignment, you will read this excerpt from the law code of King Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, which was one of the ancient city-states of Mesopotamia. Dating from approximately 1750  BCE, this is the oldest known written legal code:

    The code of Hammurabi [18th century BCE] – http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/world_civ/worldcivreader/world_civ_reader_1/hammurabi.html

    • Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around and typed in  12-point Times New Roman.
    • Must include a Cover Page, citations and References Page.
    • Should be proofread for spelling and grammatical mistakes.
  • What is the objective external environment of labor unions in the U.S., post-1980


    A relational perspective says that internal organizational design is driven by the organization’s objective external environment, and that subjective factors play at best a residual role (e.g., the in-class example of choosing a new CEO at Bethelhem Steel in 1980).

    Using the case study example of labor unions in the U.S., explain how the institutionalist perspective presents a criticism of the relational perspective with respect to understanding the importance of “subjective factors” for internal organizational design. Explain this by answering the following sub-questions:

    • (a) (10 points) What is the objective external environment of labor unions in the U.S., post-1980?
    • (b) (25 points) How do subjective factors significantly shape the internal design of labor unions, independently of the requirements presumably imposed by the external environment?

    For the sake of clarity, separate your responses to the sub-questions here into parts (a) and (b) IN ONLY ONE PAGE DOUBLE SPACE.

  • We Saved the World’: WWI and America’s Rise as a Superpower by Hans Hoyng


    Hans Hoyng argues that “America’s rise to superpower status began with its 1917 entry into World War I. President Woodrow Wilson had grand visions for the peace that followed, but failed. The battle he started in the US between idealists and realists continues to this day.”

    What can we learn from the experience of WWI that helps us understand the debate over the American rise to power and influence? Is Hoyng right to argue that the battle that Wilson started continues in contemporary debates over foreign policy? Why? How?  As you address this question be sure to ground your argument in Kaufman’s treatment of the period, “The Peacemakers” film, and, more generally, link your answer to the earlier discussions of American foreign policy values.

    Hans Hoyng


    Kaufman :


  • Police brutality in America


    Police brutality in America

    Organizing for Persuasion / Grammatical Mechanics (MLA)

    We have talked a lot this semester about rhetoric including visual rhetoric. This assignment will have you explore an important issue in the world through a reading of a photograph based on your reading of what others (see ANGEL), or you, argue is one of the most important photographs of the recent past (generally the last year or so). The photograph will serve as an entry point for you to explore an issue of national or international significance. You will then construct an argument relevant to your peers here at Penn State Harrisburg.

    The aim of this paper, then, is to connect something of national and/or international importance to the needs, cares, and situation of your fellow college students here in Middletown, PA. This is, in short, connecting a small, local community with a larger, potentially foreign, community and showing how or why those who may have, or feel, no real connection with the issue, should care about it. Your assignment is to make that connection more real in some way by changing the thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, or even actions of your audience. In short, you’re finding an issue and showing how something that college students may not know or care about, something that is someone else’s problem, is actually our problem.

    Make sure you include the following:

    • A copy of the image you’re basing of.
    • One paragraph of analysis of the photograph itself—how it is more than recording events, but presenting a persuasive reading of those events? What is its message and how does it communicate that? What is it trying to persuade its audience of?
    • A definition and description of the issue the photograph highlights
    • A well-researched argument into the issue and how it is or should be relevant to college students.
      • This may proceed along the lines of a compare and contrast with some more local and relatable, looking into cause and effect to show how these distant things do (or can or will) affect the everyday lives of college students, or look at the process that has or is causing the issue, or the process that needs to happen to fix the issue.

    For research, you should use at least 3 scholarly sources (i.e. journal articles from the library databases or books), and 3 non-academic but appropriate sources (news sources, government sites, etc.). I require a minimum of 6 sources in MLA format.

    Length: 1500 words (5-6 pages double spaced)

  • Research Paper: Decreasing Oil in Kuwait


    This report will a strategy to develop the economic life in Kuwait and ask the government to make many economic reforms. It will highlight some facts and statistics about Kuwaiti oil and its effect on the daily Kuwaiti life.

    Paper Contents

    • Executive Summary
    • Introduction
    • Background
    • Analysis
    • Oil Problem in Kuwait
    • The challenge and opportunity
    • Conclusion& Recommendations
    • References

    8 Pages

  • Government Pays for Everyone’s Education


    The Argument Analysis for Project 4: Why Should the Government Pays for Everyone’s Education in the United States

    Part I

    Argument Analysis

    The argument analysis that you write for this class will consist of a break-down of your arguments using the “claim – reason – foundation” method of analysis.

    1. You should note the main claim plus all sub-claims.
    2. For each of these, you should note the reasons attached to the claims.
    3. You should write a paragraph discussing the underlying foundation for the claims and reasons.
    4. Finally, you should briefly discuss the quality of the evidence that has been used (evidence, usually, is attached to reasons).

    Your argument analysis, then, should consist of one longish paragraph on foundations, one shortish paragraph on evidence, and some kind of diagram of the structure of the assertion.

    Part II

    Rhetorical Analysis

    For your rhetorical analysis you will be looking at the interplay between the writer (you), the text (your Researched Argument), and your audience.  This section of Project 5 should discuss your text in light of being a persuasive piece of writing…written for an audience.  The following questions should help you think about the kinds of information to include.

    1. What is your main argument?
      1. Why should someone be persuaded by your argument?
      2. What strategies did you use to make your argument persuasive? Logic?  Passion?  Great evidence?  Other things?  Combination of things?
      3. Do you think the evidence you used was persuasive? Why?  Why not?
      4. Do you think, over all, that someone would be persuaded by what you’ve written? Why?  Why not?
    2. Who is the main audience for your argument?
    3. How does your audience perceive the topic?
      1. Is your topic widely known and discussed?
      2. Do people have strong feelings about your topic?
      3. Does it apply to most, many, or few people?
      4. What do members of your audience lose if they are persuaded by your argument?
  • Succession of Government in Saudi Arabia


    Research Paper on Succession of Government in Saudi Arabia

    Limitation and delimitations
    Saudi Arabia’s political Historical Context
    The Political system of Saudi Arabia

    1. Saudi Arabia National government
    2. Forces impacting on the Royal political system 12
    3. Regional Governance
    4. Political reforms
    5. The Procedure of Choosing a King
    6. Bases of power
    7. The constitution

    The rule of law in Saudi Arabia
    Regime Stability in Saudi Arabia
    Saudi Arabia’s Regional Policy and Regional Crisis
    Future decisions in light of changed and changing conditioning factors
    Appraisal, invention of alternatives and recommendations of solution(s) in the common interest

    Pages: 37, double spaced

Showing 64–72 of 420 results