Showing 55–63 of 1959 results
Comprehensive Reward Plan PowerPoint Presentation
$25.00Structure your 10–12 slide presentation by the sections below:OVERALL STRATEGY AND GOALS•Evaluate compensation and benefits components in your plan.oArticulate the overall strategy.oIdentify legally required benefits in your plan.oIdentify discretionary benefits.oArgue whether this is a good return on investment.TACTICAL STEPS•Outline specific tactical steps. PAY STRUCTURES•Create a visual representation of strategic pay structures. This could be a table, chart, or diagram.•Create a visual representation of a strategic benefits structure and propose a timeline for implementation. •Justify the alignment of external and internal pay structures.oA strategic pay structure.oA strategic benefits structure.CONCLUSION•Evaluate the effect of rewards plans on workforce behavior of employees and executives.•Cite evidence that the plan is internally consistent and externally competitive.Note: Your faculty may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.ePortfolioYou should consider adding this assessment to your personal ePortfolio. This assessment demonstrates your ability to share a design for a pay structure. This skill is necessary in a professional setting when you are trying to make strategic compensation recommendations. You will want to organize your assessments to easily support future reflection and completion of your HRM capstone project as well as for showcasing your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolio page.Additional Requirements
The deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in HRM to workplace situations that you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.•Length: Your PowerPoint presentation should be 10–12 slides.•Organization: Make sure that your assignment writing is well organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.•Font and font size: Ariel, 28 point.•Resources: Use two scholarly, peer-reviewed or academic sources.•Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations and create a reference list as the final slide.•APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to currentAPA Style and Format. •Written communication: oAddress the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.oUse spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:•Competency 1: Assess the impact of compensation systems on individual and organizational performance.oEvaluate the impact of reward plans on workforce behavior of employees and executives. •Competency 2: Apply compensation theories to formulate a total rewards strategy.oAssess the alignment of external and internal pay structures.oFormulate the overall strategy and goals of a total rewards strategy for a scenario.•Competency 3: Analyze the influence of job classification systems on compensation programs.oApply specific tactical steps recommended for the plan and propose a timeline.oCite evidence the plan is internally consistent and externally competitive.•Competency 4: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the Human Resource Management field.oAddress the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.
Strategic Benefits Structure
$7.00Strategic Benefits
For CapraTek management, write a 3-4 page report for a benefits structure that is commensurate with job classifications.IntroductionThe challenge for this assessment is to create a benefits structure that includes both legally required and discretionary benefits, taking into consideration an overall total rewards strategy for an organization. This should include an alignment with your pay structure. Individual and organizational performance should be evaluated.Preparation The HRM professional or compensation expert should have the ability to strategically manage the compensation for a flexible workforce. Because your previous work has been well received by management and you are viewed as a “rising star,” your manager has asked you to expand on your work and develop a 3–4 page benefits structure report for CapraTek commensurate with job classifications.CapraTekCapraTek is a virtual technology company. The assessment is based on the CapraTek scenarios.•CapraTek Key Issues and Initial Analysis. oThis simulation walks you through identifying key issues that will affect a strategic compensation plan and analyzing the basic organizational information necessary to make decisions and recommendations about a strategic compensation plan.•CapraTek: Strategic Pay Structures. oGet the perspective of CapraTek employees and determine the elements needed for a strategic pay structure.Assessment InstructionsTo complete this HR challenge, write a 3–4 page benefits structure report. This report must be written in the third person, adhering to conventions of academic tone.Organize your 3–4 page benefits structure report using the following headings:Benefits Structure•Construct a benefits structure for CapraTek, including legally required benefits, retirement plans, and discretionary benefits.Alignment to Pay Structure•Validate the alignment of your benefits plan to your pay structure. Evaluation
•Evaluate strategy considerations, including individual and organizational performance and the overall total rewards.Note: Your faculty may also use theWriting Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.ePortfolioYou should consider adding this assessment to your personal ePortfolio. This assessment demonstrates your ability to share a design for a pay structure. This skill is necessary in a professional setting when you are trying to make strategic compensation recommendations. You will want to organize your assessments to easily support future reflection and completion of your HRM capstone project as well as for showcasing your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the CampusePortfolio page.Additional RequirementsThe deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in HRM to workplace situations that you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.•Length: Your report should be 3–4 pages. •Organization: Make sure that your assignment writing is well organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.•Resources: Use two scholarly, peer-reviewed or academic sources.•Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations and create a reference list as the final page.•APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format. •Written communication: oAddress the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.oUse spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: •Competency 2: Apply compensation theories to formulate a total rewards strategy.oEvaluate total rewards strategy in a given scenario.•Competency 3: Analyze the influence of job classification systems on compensation programs.
oSynthesize strategic benefit components into the pay structure for a given scenario. oSynthesize legally required benefits into a pay structure for a given scenario. •Competency 4: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the human resources management field.oWrite in the third person, adhering to conventions of academic tone.
Strategic Pay Structure
$12.00•Evaluate the alignment of job classifications to this pay structure.Note: Your faculty may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.ePortfolioYou should consider adding this assessment to your personal ePortfolio. This assessment demonstrates your ability to share a design for a pay structure. This skill is necessary in a professional setting when you are trying to make strategic compensation recommendations. You will want to organize your assessments to easily support future reflection and completion of your HRM capstone project as well as for showcasing your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolio page.Additional RequirementsThe deliverable for this assignment applies professional skills in HRM to workplace situations that you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.•Length: Your 3–4 page memo should be typed, double-spaced pages, including the resources page.•Organization: Make sure that your assignment writing is well organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.•Resources: Use two scholarly, peer-reviewed or academic sources.•Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations and create a reference list at the end of your document.•APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format. •Written communication: oAdhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.oUse spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.oWrite for a specific audience, using the vernacular of the profession.COMPETENCIES MEASUREDBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: •Competency 1: Assess the impact of compensation systems on individual and organizational performance.
oAnalyze the applicability of merit pay, sales-incentive plans, and person-focused programs for a given scenario. •Competency 2: Apply compensation theories to formulate a total rewards strategy.oPropose a strategic pay structure for a scenario including the number of pay structures, market pay line, defined pay grades, and pay ranges.•Competency 3: Analyze the influence of job classification systems on compensation programs. oEvaluate the alignment of job classifications to the proposed pay structure.•Competency 4: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the Human Resource Management field.oAdhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.ReferenceMartocchio, J. J. (2020).Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (10th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.
Create a Podcast on Banking Regulation
$10.00Develop a podcast (audio recording) that identifies a regulation that affects commercial banking or the investment banking industry that directly affects the sector. You can record your podcast using the Kaltura Capture tool. A resource is included in this week’s resources to help you record your podcast using the Kaltura Capture Tool.
Make sure you explain to your listeners what the regulation is in response to which activity surrounding the 2008 Financial Crisis. Then, evaluate whether the regulation is beneficial to the global economy and whether or not it benefits or harms the general population.
Length: 5 to 10-minute podcast recorded using Kaltura
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources. These can be submitted in a Word file along with your podcast.
The completed assignment should address all the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards
Internally Consistent and Externally Competitive
$15.00Internally Consistent and Externally CompetitiveWrite a 4-5 page report for an internally consistent and externally competitive compensation system for CapraTek, based on one specific job structure.IntroductionThe real-world challenge in this assessment is to focus on three areas: building consistency, being competitive, and recognizing employee contributions. Keep in mind you are building a total rewards system for an imaginary company, CapraTek. First, focus on consistency for your system, which will include job analysis and job evaluation. Second, review how to create a competitive package that includes surveying the market (which you do not do for this assessment). Finally, consider how to design a pay structure and evaluate various approaches, focusing on an overarching strategic approach.The assessments, based on CapraTek scenarios, must be completed in sequence. Preparation As a newly hired compensation specialist, your first challenge is to design an internally consistent and externally competitive compensation system for CapraTek.Your manager gives you the following advice: “First, focus on consistency for your system, which will include job analysis and job evaluation. Second, review how to create a competitive package that includes surveying the market.” (You will construct an action plan with recommendations, but you do not actually conduct a survey). “Finally, consider how to design a pay structure and evaluate various approaches, focusing on an overarching strategic approach.”CapraTekCapraTek is a virtual technology company. The assessment is based on the CapraTek scenarios.•CapraTek Key Issues and Initial Analysis. oThis simulation walks you through identifying key issues that will affect a strategic compensation plan and how to analyze the basic organizational information necessary to make decisions and recommendations about a strategic compensation plan.•CapraTek: Job Structures and Compensation. oExamine the strategic and tactical decisions that need to be considered, as well as the various contextual influences. Assessment InstructionsChoose one specific job structure on which to conduct your analysis (administrative, research and development [R & D], sales, marketing, production).Using CapraTek’s division structure, as well as online research, analyze and create an overview of an internally consistent and externally competitive compensation system for CapraTek. The specific pay structure and benefit structure will be further developed in the next assessments.
The deliverable for this assessment is a 4–5 page proposal of an internally consistent and externally competitive compensation system for CapraTek.Structure your proposal with the following headings:Job Analysis and Job Evaluation•Conduct a job analysis and job evaluation for CapraTek to ensure internal consistency.•Analyze jobs and job classifications to understand how they work together and evaluate the impact of job classification systems on compensation.Strategic Analysis•Conduct a strategic analysis, including internal and external considerations.Market Compensation Survey Action Plan•Construct an action plan with recommendations for a market compensation survey. (You do not need to conduct a survey.)Conclusion•Develop an overview of an internally consistent and externally competitive compensation system for CapraTek.•Validate your strategy as to why it is or is not an internally consistent and externally competitive compensation system.Note: Your faculty may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.ePortfolioYou should consider adding this assessment to your personal ePortfolio. This assessment demonstrates your ability to share a design for a compensation system that is consistent internally and externally competitive. This skill is necessary in a professional setting when you are trying to make strategic recommendations. You will want to organize your assessments to easily support future reflection and completion of your HRM capstone project as well as for showcasing your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the CampusePortfolio page.Additional RequirementsThe deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in human resources management (HRM) to workplace situations that you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.•Length: Your 4–5 page proposal should be typed, double-spaced pages, including the resource page. •Organization: Make sure that your assignment writing is well organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.•Resources: Use two scholarly, peer-reviewed or academic sources.•Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations and create a reference list at the end of your documents.•APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format. •Written communication: oUse spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.oWrite for a specific audience, using the vernacular of the profession.Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: •Competency 1: Assess the impact of compensation systems on individual and organizational performance.oAnalyze the impact of job classification systems on compensation. •Competency 2: Apply compensation theories to formulate a total rewards strategy.oApply compensation theories to formulate short-term and long-term action steps.oValidate the strategic action plan as internally consistent and externally competitive.•Competency 4: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the human resources management field.oApply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
Social Media Policy
$12.00Social Media PolicyWrite a 3-page executive summary about best practices, risks, and other considerations to take into account when creating a social media policy for a small trucking company. You will highlight three main bullet points at the end of the summary that you would use to discuss the social media policy issues with stakeholders.Changes in technology and society will always impact the work of the HRM professional. In this assessment, and with the issues in your future career, you will need to collect the relevant historical background, legal compliance issues, ethical considerations, and organizational information to be ready to facilitate conversations between stakeholders around policy decisions. The pendulum may swing back and forth throughout your career, but with a sound background researching issues and clarifying the decision points, you will be prepared to lead change.IntroductionScenarioThe HR division of your organization, a small private trucking company, has tasked you to lead a discussion about the key considerations when developing a social media policy for the company. You are to provide direction as to key considerations of legal compliance, ethics, and the relationship to the organizational mission. Ultimately, the internal committee of stakeholders to who you are presenting will create the social media policy and you need to lead them through the decisions that they should make in that process.Your ChallengeYou are an HRM leader for a small private trucking company and you have been asked to lead a discussion to develop the social media policy for the company. You will present your information and discussion points in the form of an executive summary including the issues that the internal committee should discuss and take into consideration when developing the policy.Instructions1.Review theSample Social Media Policy [PDF]. 2.Write a 3-page executive summary that includes the following:•Describe best practices for creating a social media policy for an organization.oWhat should be included in the policy?oAre we allowed to control comments about our company?•Identify the legal and ethical risks of social media policies.oWhat mistakes should be avoided?•Evaluate the risks for private and governmental organizations of actions that may or may not be defined as “protected concerted activity.”
oAre there protected activities that may be seen as a “protected concerted activity?”oDoes a First Amendment right to free speech apply?3.At the end of the summary, reiterate and list three brief bullet points of your most important recommendations for the development of the social media policy. Bullet points should be no longer than a simple sentence.Academic Requirements The deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in Human Resources Management (HRM) to workplace situations that you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, we focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.•Length: Your executive summary should be three pages, not including your resources page.•Organization: Make sure that your assessment writing is well-organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.•Font and font size: 11 point font, Times New Roman.•Resources: Use scholarly or academic sources.•Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations and create a reference list at the end of your documents.•APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.•Written communication:oWrite for a specific audience, using the vernacular of the profession.oUse spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.Competencies MeasuredCompetency 1: Apply legal thinking to human resource management issues in the workplace to ensure compliance.•Identify the legal and ethical risks of social media policies.Competency 3: Examine relationships between law, human resource management practices, and business activities.•Describe best practices for creating a social media policy for an organization.
•Evaluate the risks for private and governmental organizations of actions that may or may not be defined as “protected concerted activity.”Competency 6: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the HR field.•Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.•Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
Commercial Banking Consultation Presentation
$35.00For your Signature Assignment, which reflects the summation of your learning from the previous 7 weeks, assume the role of a financial consultant in the commercial banking sector.
Then, develop a presentation using PowerPoint that addresses the following:
Identify the events of the 2008 Financial Crisis coupled with regulations that directly affect commercial banking.
Detail the constraints on revenue generation and money creation. Then, propose new or innovative means of revenue generation.
Identify where on the financial statements commercial banks are most affected by the new constraints.
Outline securitization through derivatives.
Develop a strategy for commercial banks to mitigate risk.
Identify innovative strategies to remain profitable.
Offer a conclusion that provides innovative solutions for banks to create money.
Length: 15-20 slides, not including title and reference slides. Include 200-350 words of notes per slide.References: Include a minimum of 7 scholarly resources.
The completed assignment should address all the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards
OSHA Analysis
$10.00oAre there different perspectives toward interpretation, monitoring, and compliance with OSHA, and do the differing perspectives enhance or hinder workplace safety?•Evaluate the ways in which a company can mitigate risk. 2. Your executive memorandum is to be written coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.3. Support your assessment with citations from relevant readings, and use real-world organization examples to demonstrate the importance of the concepts and analysis you have provided.Academic RequirementsThe deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in Human Resources Management (HRM) to workplace situations which you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, we focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.•Length of paper: Your memorandum should be 3–5 double-spaced pages, including resourcespage.•Organization: Make sure that your assessment writing is well-organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader•Font and font size: 11 point font, Times New Roman.•Resources: Use scholarly or academic sources.•Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations. Use current APA format for in-text citations and create a reference list at the end of your documents.•APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.•Written communication:oConvey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.oWrite for a specific audience, using the vernacular of the profession.oUse spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.Competencies MeasuredCompetency 3: Examine relationships between law, human resource management practices, and business activities.•Analyze the cost of regulations and enforcement versus the benefit in reduced worker injury.
Competency 4: Assess ways in which human resource professionals resolve conflicts between ethical and legal aspects of practice.•Describe the mission and function of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and its impact on modern organizations. Competency 5: Evaluate ways in which companies mitigate risk management and follow OSHA workplace safety.•Develop health- and safety-related best practices for human resources and organizational leadership.•Evaluate the ways in which a company can mitigate risk. Competency 6: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the HR field.•Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.•Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.ePortfolioYou should consider adding this assessment to your personal ePortfolio. This assessment demonstrates your ability to examine a law and its effectiveness in the workplace. This skill is necessary in a professional setting when you are trying to convey strategic health-and safety-related best practices to leadership. You will want to organize your assessments to easily support future reflection and completion of your HRM capstone project as well as for showcasing your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the CampusePortfolio page.
National Labor Relations Act Analysis
$15.00National Labor Relations Act AnalysisPrepare 4-6 PowerPoint slides to leadership on the history of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and the implications of the case,National Labor Relations Board v. General Motors Corp.,1963, for your business in relation to unfair labor practices.Not all human resource specialists will have to navigate situations with unions and management, but all human resource professionals need to think legally. By studying a seminal case between management and the union,National Labor Relations Board v. General Motors Corp., 1963, you will gain background knowledge about the agency model of union membership and what the court defines as unfair labor practices.The habit of mind that you develop by studying and analyzing this case will serve you as you think about the legal ramifications of negotiations with employees and management on a wide range of issues. IntroductionYour company is reviewing its approach to the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Your human resources team has been tasked with giving a presentation about the history of the NLRA that is appropriate for leaders as well as other human resource specialists, in order to prepare them for ongoing discussions about the issues presented by NLRA for your company.YOUR CHALLENGEYou are a human resource specialist who has been tasked to present the key points from this case to various small groups of company leaders and other human resource specialists so that they have the background to discuss how NLRA could impact your business.InstructionsBased on key guidelines from the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), analyzeNational Labor Relations Board v. General Motors Corp., 1963. Prepare a 4–6-slide PowerPoint presentation explaining and analyzing key elements of the case.1.Read theNational Labor Relations Board v. General Motors Corp., 1963 case, noting the bulleted elements below.2.Review the IRAC strategy for analyzing cases and apply those steps in your study of this case.3.Prepare 4–6 PowerPoint slides that address the following:•Introduction.oSummary of the events leading up to the case.•Analyze General Motors’ position in the case.oWhat was their position about whether an agency shop was considered an unfair labor practice? What was their rationale for their position?•Analyze the union’s position in the case.
oWhat was their position about whether an agency shop was considered an unfair labor practice? What was their rationale for their position?•Analyze the role of the court in the case.oWhat is the effect of the court’s decision on all organizations and unions?•Analyze the relationship of the case with the NLRA.oConsider case assertions, evidence, and findings.•Evaluate the historical impact of this case on the union/management power struggle.oWhat was the relationship before the case? Who was considered the winner in this case? How did the case affect future challenges?•Assess how this case changed the relationship between management and all employees at GM, and in unionized organizations in general. 4.To support your assertions, cite specific examples from the case and from your other assigned readings.5. The presentation should not exceed 5 minutes, is to write out the text of your presentation in the presentation notes section of each PowerPoint slide.Academic RequirementsThe deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in Human Resources Management (HRM) to workplace situations which you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, we focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.•Use short phrases that are clear, comprehensible, and free of jargon for each bullet point.•Include no more than three bullet points per slide if possible. Include APA-formatted in-text citations where appropriate •Ensure your presentation is relevant to and easily understood by everyone in the audience. Remember, you will be speaking to people of all levels in the company.•If you include a voice-over in lieu of presenter’s notes, your recording should be no longer than five minutes.•Your written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.•Include an APA-formatted references slide at the end of the presentation, this is an additional slide at the end of the presentation, slide 7.Competencies MeasuredCompetency 1: Apply legal thinking to human resource management issues in the workplace to ensure compliance.•Analyze both General Motor’s and the union’s position in the NLRB case.
•Analyze the role of the court in the NLRB v. General Motors case.•Analyze the relationship of a case with the NLRA.Competency 2: Evaluate the relationship between historical perspectives and events and the alignment of human resource management and the law.•Evaluate the historical impact of a case on the union/management power struggle.Competency 3: Examine relationships between law, human resource management practices, and business activities.•Assess how a court decision changed the relationship between management and employees in a case, and in unionized organizations overall. Competency 6: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the HR field.•Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.•Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.