What charges and accusations do the Clergymen level against Reverend Martin Luther King


First: What charges and accusations do the Clergymen level against Reverend Martin Luther King and against outside agitators generally? There is about one per paragraph. Put these into your own words.

Second: Identify MLK’s responses to the charges. Are they convincing to you? Are there any to which he fails to respond? What different kinds of evidence does he use to support his responses? Does he refer, directly or indirectly to any document we’ve looked at recently?

Third: Are his responses convincing, or not so? Explain why or how you came to this conclusion.

Topic: Part Two: Consider Martin Luther’s “I Have a Dream” speech in the light of the over 50 years which passed since he gave it.

What were the key points in his dream?

You missed this entirely. King uses several different types of evidence—he uses sacred texts, assertions about contemporary events (I mentioned one of these in an earlier footnote. The more different kinds of evidence he uses the more convincing this will become.