Thelen’s theory- Dynamic human development Systems


  1. The analysis should include the background, main idea of the theory (be very specific), published empirical studies based on the theories, pro (influences) & cons (criticism), and implications.
  1. The presentation should have the following three parts:

Part I (Main Theory): 1-Background, 2-main idea of the theory, 3-pro (influences) & 4-cons (criticism) of the theory

Part II (Two Empirical Studies): Find two empirical (research based) studies that utilized the theory you choose. -1-Describe their conceptual & 2-theoretical framework,3- research methodology, and 4-interesting findings. 5-Compare and 6-contrast those findings.

Part III (Discussion): 1-add implications & 2-future direction, and 3-generate a discussion question

SA # 1 Grading Rubric

Student Name: ________________________

Grading Criteria
Sources: Appropriate citations & references (APA referencing style). Provided published sources. /5
Oral Presentation and Structure: Well organized, clear, and well informed presentation. /5
Background of the Theory (Part I): Provided background, main ideas, the influences, and the criticism of the theory/ies. /15
Main Idea and Content Analysis (Part II): The content analysis on theories and the developmental factors was appropriate, well informed and discussed in-depth. Included research findings. /15
Implication (Part III): Implication and future direction of the theories were discussed in-depth. Posed well-thought discussion questions. /10