Step 2: Complete the Academic Writing Sample


Step 2: Complete the Academic Writing Sample

Once you have completed the WRITE Course Tutorial above, you will compose a brief essay that demonstrates your academic-level writing skills and adherence to APA-style formatting requirements. Your writing sample must not exceed five pages in length, including the title page and reference page, and it must be submitted no later than September 21st. Your paper will be read and scored by your orientation instructor. If your paper does not reflect graduate-level writing skills and adherence to APA-style formatting requirements, you will work with our WRITE Program faculty to better prepare you for your courses.

Paper Overview: Use the APA-Format Template to compose an original, scholarly, APA-formatted paper on the topic of Robots in Health Care. Along with the popularity and adoption of technological conveniences in everyday life, robots and artificial intelligence are also being employed to assist patients in managing their health care needs. Examples of how robots are being utilized to assist patients include complying with medications, encouraging exercise, enhancing communication, and supporting activities of daily living.

Your paper will be scored using the following criteria:

  1. Paper Structure:organization, flow of thought, transitions, and format.
  2. Grammar and Writing Mechanics:grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure.
  3. Language:use of standard English vocabulary and tone.
  4. Content/Information:clarity of purpose, critical thought, and/or analysis of the topic.
  5. Adherence to APA Guidelines:document formatting (spacing, font, page set-up), references, citations, required document pages and sections.

Preparing to Write Your Paper

Read your choice of at least two of the journal articles below and at least one of the websites listed below. You may want to take notes on key points from the journal articles and websites. After you have completed these readings, write an outline using the five headings listed below. Once you have outlined your paper, you may begin writing. The paper must incorporate at least three references (i.e., two journal articles and one website), and your selected references must be cited within the paper in APA format. Note: Do NOT use additional resources when writing the paper. Use only the journal references listed below.

Journal Articles:

Web References:

Writing Your Paper

Your two pages of writing plus abstract must be free of grammatical and spelling errors. This is an original writing assignment, which means all factual data must be properly cited and referenced. Since your paper will be checked for originality, you must avoid even the appearance of plagiarism. In addition to your abstract and two pages of text, include an APA-formatted Title Page and Reference Page for a total of five pages. Your paper should be formatted as follows.

Page 1: Paper Title: The title of this paper is The Implications of Robots in Health Care.

Page 2: Abstract: A summary of your paper in 100 words or less.

Pages 3 & 4: The text of your paper

Headings are as follows (do not use additional headers):

    • Introduction (no header for introduction just use the title then your content for introduction)
    • The Advantages of Robots in Health Care
    • Where Robots Cannot Help with Health Care Needs
    • Conclusions (based on the review of articles and websites; no personal opinions)

Page 5: References: List at least two journal articles and one website from the list of reading provided in this assignment.

Save your paper with the file name that uses your USD e-mail ID (without the along with the title, Robots.

For example, John Doe’s USD e-mail is, so the file would be named JDoe-Robots

Click the assignment title link above to submit your writing sample for instructor review and feedback.