Health Care Underpin Practice of All Health Professionals


Primary Health Care and Health Promotion Should Underpin the Practice of All Health Professionals

Value: 30%  Length: 1500-2000 words

Submission method options EASTS (online)


Discuss the view that ‘primary health care and health promotion should underpin the practice of all health professionals’.

In your response you must, at a minimum,

  • define health promotion and primary health care
  • consider the potential benefits of health promotion and primary health care to the practice of health professionals
  • consider the potential challenges of health promotion and primary health care to the practice of health professionals
  • consider the overall validity of the statement. That is, do you agree or disagree with the statement and why.


This task is designed to show student achievement of the following subject objectives:

  • describe regional, national and international political agendas affecting current developments in health and wellness programs
  • describe the interdisciplinary nature of health promotion and community development
  • discuss issues surrounding health and wellbeing at a community level