Showing 226–234 of 386 results
Marianist Values
This paper is going to demonstrate the ten core fundamentals of Psychology and how it’s incorporated with the Marianist values. This university bases their work and morals around the Marianist values, and enforces it. Marianists are Catholic members of the Society of Mary, and this society was founded by none other than William Joseph Chaminade. The ten fundamentals that will be explained are Psychology of : Behavioral Research, Personality, Organizational, Counseling, Social, Life Span Development, Abnormal, Evolutionary, Statistics, and the Basic Fundamentals. The five Marianist values are: Educate for formation in Faith, Provide an Excellent Education, Educate in Family Spirit, Educate for Service, and Educate for Adaptation to Change.
8 PagesStudy Tips 101: Remember that your instructor will probably not use the same words which you find in the text book. nothing is more frustrating than to discover that what you hear in class is no more than a rehash of what you read in the book. However, if your instructor knows his/her subject, and the author of your text knows his/her subject, the meat of what they say should be the same.
NOTE: Nobody is infallible. Your instructor may make mistakes. Don’t expect him or her to be more than human. -
Rejection signaling in Nonverbal courtship patterns in women
$30.00Rejection signaling in Nonverbal courtship patterns in women
The research paper provides an empirical investigation on nonverbal courtship patterns in women: Rejection signaling.
20 pagesStudy Tips 101: In most cases, it will be most useful for you to at least skim the relevant chapters before each lecture. You should receive a course outline/syllabus at the beginning of the quarter, which will tell you the subject for each day. You may receive chapter references (or even page references), or you instructor may expect you to be perceptive enough to refer to the Table of Contents.
Relationship between human reproductive behaviour and sexual selection
$30.00Critically discuss the relationship between human reproductive behaviour and sexual selection (24 marks)
8 PagesStudy Tips 101: Don’t expect your instructor to give you detailed, page by page textbook assignments. While some may do so, many do not. College teachers are much more likely to expect you to use your own initiative in making use of the text.
Describe Evolutionary explanations of jealousy and infidelity in humans
$7.50Describe & evaluate evolutionary explanations of jealousy and infidelity in humans (24)
2 pagesStudy Tips 101: Reviewing material before the next class period enables you to identify points of confusion or omission in your notes, which prepares you to ask the questions you need to ask before the next lecture. Again, confusion is your worst enemy.
Compare and Contrast Serial Killers and Mass Murders
$5.00Compare and Contrast Serial Killers and Mass Murders. Why do people become Serial Killers and Mass Murders, and what are the experts saying
2 pagesStudy Tips 101: Review your notes every day
This suggestion is one which we have all heard a thousand times. Unfortunately, most of us never really believe it until we actually try it. Spend 30 minutes or so each evening going over the notes from each class. There are at least two tremendous benefits to be gained from this discipline -
3 PagesStudy Tips 101: Ask questions if you are confused. Confusion is definitely your worst enemy.
Blacks in America
$17.50Discuss the Challenges Blacks Faced in 1890s.
5 PagesStudy Tips 101: If possible, try to take your notes in some kind of outline form. The organization of ideas is as important as the content of those ideas, especially when it comes to learning the material for an exam.
Levels of Aggression Among Male and Female Athletes
$39.00A Comparative Study on the Levels of Aggression Among Male and Female Athletes
Literature and Research Proposal
28 Pages
Study Tips 101: Your notes should contain as complete a record of what the instructor said as possible. Of course, you should not try to write every word spoken, but don’t leave out ideas. When you study, your notes should call back to your mind the entire sequence of ideas presented. Take care to spell all new words carefully. It you don’t know how to spell a word, ask your instructor to write it on the board. Most will automatically do so for new or difficult terms.
Explanations for Human Aggression
$27.50Outline and Evaluate Evolutionary Explanations for Human Aggression. (25 Marks)
7 Pages
Study Tips 101: Take Good Notes
Always take the notes for a particular class in the same notebook. Spiral bound notebooks were invented because they solved the problem of keeping related information consolidated in one place. Take advantage of this.