Showing 181–189 of 386 results

  • Holism vs Reductionism

    • The paper will be five pages:  (a) Describe Holism – 2 pages, (b) Describe Reductionism – 2 pages, (c) Compare and contrast Holism versus Reductionism – 1 page.
    • APA format; Minimum of 4 professional/peer review references.  Note: Professional references refer to books and journals.  (Typical internet resources are not considered professional resources).

    5 Pages

  • Role of religion in government policies


    Role of religion in government policies

    Question: What role should religion play in government policies?
    7 Pages

  • How do you define normal and abnormal behavior


    Psy 410 DQs

    Mental illness has been the focal point of many major motion pictures including One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest   and   A Beautiful Mind . To further our discussion of how mental illness is portrayed by the media, I would like for each one of you to select a major motion picture concerning mental illness and discuss whether or not it accurately portrays mental illness. Please try not to duplicate movies other student’s have posted about. Please post your response to this thread.

    How do you define normal and abnormal behavior? What factors influence your definitions? Why?

    I would like the entire class to identify a type of fear (e.g., fear of heights, fear of snakes, fear of germs, fear of flying). Then, based on your selected fear, answer the following questions:

    • How could a person develop this fear?
    • Could this fear arise in some other way?
    • Can such fears be explained through principles of classic conditioning? If so, how? If not, why not?

    Why is it more difficult to identify abnormal behavior among children than among adults?

    What is the difference between use, abuse, and dependence? Why is it important to understand this difference?

    How has society encouraged addictions? Provide examples in your response

    3 pages

  • Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System


    Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System: Rates of Incarceration of Blacks vs. Whites

    No Equal Justice in the American Criminal Justice System
    Racial inequality is growing. Our criminal laws, while facially neutral, are enforced in a manner that is massively and pervasively biased. My research will examine the U.S. criminal justice policies and how it has the most adverse effect on minorities. According to the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, out of a total population of 1,976,019 incarcerated in adult facilities, 1,239,946 or 63 percent are black or Latino, though these two groups constitute only 25 percent of the national population.
    Some of the greatest racial disparities in rates of incarceration occur in states in which minorities are concentrated in urban areas, which tend to have both higher rates of crime and greater law enforcement activity. An analysis utilizing quantitative data will demonstrate that racial disparities exist in the American Criminal Justice System.

    7 Pages

  • Relevance of Subcultural theories of crime


    Relevance of Subcultural theories of crime

    Subcultural theories of crime are no more relevant nowadays than they were 40 years ago. Discuss.
    9 Pages

  • Impact of attitudes and policies on the aboriginal people


    Impact of attitudes and policies on the aboriginal people

    Write an essay explaining How the attitudes and policies of the states and federal governments have impacted the aboriginal people?
    5 Pages

  • Government policies towards the Aborigines


    Government policies towards the Aborigines

    Write a 1 page essay explaining How government policies towards the Aborigines have changed between 1901 and 1967?
    1 Page

  • Changing Definition of Families


    Changing Definition of Families

    Write a paper based on research dealing with the changing definition of families today, the different types of families there are along with any related term applied to this new generational module of families.
    3 pages

  • The Social cognitive Theory and Feminist Theories


    Social cognitive Theory and Feminist Theories

    The goal in this individual assignment is to apply the social cognitive theory and feminist theories to contemporary media content and to compare and contrast different theoretical perspectives. Attached to this paper there will be a print advertisement specifically chosen to analyze how and whom these theories reflect on in new media today. After analyzing the two perspectives, the theories will be compared and contrasted, showing the similarities and differences between them and their approach to the advertisement. Throughout the paper the usage of examples from the specific advert chosen will conclude to the appliance and defined terms to support the arguments that will be debated

    10 Pages