Showing 118–126 of 386 results
Walden Pond: Seasonal Takes by Henry David Thoreau
$25.00Write a 5-7 pages research paper on Thoreau’s On Walden Pond. The topic is “how effective is the ordering of On Walden Pond in terms of the seasons. Also a thesis is needed.
Reading: The American Tradtion in Literature, 12th edition by George Perkins and Barbara Perkins
Read the article ‘God’s Justice and Ours by Antonin Scalia’.
$5.001. Read the article
‘God’s Justice and Ours by Antonin Scalia’.‐justice-‐and-‐ours-‐32
Discussion Topic:
Scalia argues that a justice who finds the death penalty immoral should resign from the bench (paragraph 8). Do you
agree or disagree? Why? (Write about 200-‐ 300words) (Hint :‐state/september-2002-‐church-‐state/editorial/scalia-‐gods-‐justice read this review and reference)2. Do you agree the below paragraph is a good topic for Rhetorical Analysis to show the writer’s Ethos, pathos and logos and why? (write around 150 words)
Interrelation between Chinese Food and Culture
$15.00Interrelation between Chinese Food and Chinese Culture
Length: Approximately three-four pages. Quality is more important than length.
Sources: This should be your own writing, but if you use information from elsewhere please cite (list it). Do not count the works cited page in the length. The same applies to any informational tables or charts.
What to do: You will write explores connections between Chinese food, culture, and language. may include personal experience, but as much as possible write in third-person.
You have flexibility in how to shape your topic, but you do need to reference these three sources:
1) Lin Yutang’s “On Diet.” This is excerpted from Food and Chinese Culture: Popular Cuisines. You should be able to find the article in Google books; by googling “On Diet.”
2) The movie Eat, Drink, Man, Woman. directed by Ang Lee. The movie is probably available in Netflix, but you can also find the movie here: Username/password = 3354/33543354
3) Pages assigned from our book The Eater’s Guide to Chinese Characters (In the readings folder).
For these three references — although recommended — you do not have to watch the entire movie, you do not have to read the entire article, and you just need to look at The Eater’s Guide so you are familiar with the relevant pages. So you could watch the first two clips of the movie and read the first 10 pages of the article to get an idea of how the article and film present the topic of Chinese food.
Once you are familiar with the references, here’s what to write.
Assume your audience is a group of college-educated readers not greatly familiar with Chinese language, food, or culture. You will do your best to explain to this reader some concepts about the culture of Chinese food, and to some degree how a non-Chinese person might go about learning to recognize a few items on a Chinese menu. You could mention that you recently took a Chinese culture class that used the above three references, and you give an overview of each reference. For the movie you are not analyzing the entire movie or retelling the plot. You are trying to explain how the theme of Chinese food is integrated into the film.
For “On Diet,” you could make a short comment about something Lin wrote that caught your attention, and finish by giving your own comment about an aspect or feature of Chinese food that is interesting to you. If you don’t know much about Chinese food, you could write from the perspective of a particular question you have about Chinese food.
If you are having trouble getting started, your first sentence could be something like: “Recently I read Lin Yutang’s “On Diet” and also watched the film Eat, Drink, Man, Woman. Both the article and the film reminded me of the central place of food in Chinese culture, and here I would like to share some reflections of Chinese culture through food, including the language.”
You are welcome to provide your own first sentence(s), but that’s the general idea. After you get started, do your best to write in third person. Keep the focus on explaining your points to the reader, and follow the basic conventions of concise, organized writing.
Whatever you write, you want to be as analytical as possible. Avoid pure description, and stress explaining why a phenomenon is significant.
You may do some simple research, and don’t have to be totally original as long as you remember to cite sources.
Grading Rubric
Clearly stated argument
Clear transitions between paragraphs
Uses accurate language. (Do your best, don’t worry too much about small mistakes in English, but be careful not to stink it up).
Follows assignment instructions
Grades of A, B, and C.
“A” is excellent. An A paper reads effortlessly, has persuasive power, and has little to correct. It can be shown to another instructor who quickly agrees it is an A.
“B” is above average. “B” papers may have minor writing errors, are somewhat persuasive yet not totally convincing, and have some minor corrections regarding style or logic.
“C” is average. “C” papers are not very convincing and/or have errors of logic or style. However “C” papers do generally follow the instructions given for writing the essay.
Skilled labor shortage in Christchurch, New Zealand
$20.00Write a report about skilled labour shortage in Christchurch New Zealand using some research that has been done on this topic. The report should have Title page , table of contents, abstract.introduction include( background , purpose, overview of report, scope , research questions)method include( secondary research , primary research)finding and discussion about three 3 major finding conclusion , recommendation , references , appendices
My Own Culture
$25.00Create Your Own Culture Project
Assignment Description and Requirements
The assignment is a 7-10 page, double spaced paper describing an imaginary culture of your choosing. In your paper you must specify the following:
- Environmental conditions in which the culture exists: this forms the basis onto which you will establish the rest of their culture. Describe in at least one paragraph the environment in which they live. Is the environment desert-like, tropical, temperate, arctic, etc. Explain how the environmental constraints and opportunities led to the development of your hypothetical culture.
- Economic system: how do they exploit their environment to live, what foods to they depend on? Again, this must emerge from their environmental conditions. Also, think about how complex your culture will be. This will help you in thinking about their economic and subsistence system.
- Political system: how do they distribute power and organize themselves? Is your culture stratified or egalitarian? If it is stratified, who are the members of the culture who have and use the most power? Why?
- Religion – if any: how do they explain their existence? Describe religious practices and rituals. Explain how their world view is connected to broader structural and environmental factors.
- Language: what does their language reflects about their culture. You can relate their language to an existing language family (ex. Germanic or Romance, etc.). You can also give an example of their “language” – sample words, phrases, idioms, etc.
- Cultural expression: finally, give an example and description of at least one aspect of cultural expression. These could be music, art, shelter design, clothing, etc. You could also opt to provide a sketch of any of these forms of cultural expression. That would be really cool!
It is important throughout your paper that you think holistically about your culture this means that all aspects of the culture are interconnected somehow, and they emerge from the broader environmental and structural conditions (recall the “cultural materialism” pyramid that I talk about in class).
Family considered the most important agent of socialization
Using the textbook and the South University Online Library, write a 1000-word (minimum) paper, using APA standards, that addresses the following questions:
Families have changed greatly over the past 60 years, and they continue to become more diverse.
- Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?
- What caused the dramatic changes to the American family? What are those changes?
- Describe the differences in marriage and family life that are linked to class, race, gender, and personal choice.
- Do you feel the trend towards diverse families is positive or negative?
- If the trend changed towards traditional (pre-World War II) families, how would that affect women’s rights?
This assignment is worth 200 points, which can be accumulated according to the table below. Overall this project counts for 15% of your final grade. If you have any questions please let me know.
Final Project Grading Criteria Maximum Points Introduction and a conclusion that reviews all main points you present. Explained why the family is considered the most important agent of socialization.
20 40
Described the changes to the family and explained why they occurred. 40 Described the differences in marriage and family with relation to race, class, gender, and choice. Integrated personal views on the main issue.
40 Related writings to the concepts and theories discussed in the textbook and outside resources. 40 Submitted on or before due date, using correct spelling and grammar and appropriate APA format. 20 Total: 200 When completing the assignment, please focus on the grading criteria. I want you to answer the questions above, but also take into consideration where you accumulate your point. We will be discussing family multiple times throughout this quarter and you should have a good understanding of what important roles the family plays in our lives. Please make sure that you base your answers not so much on personal accounts, but rather on the research you have found during class, in your book, and other sources through the library. I will be available to discuss any questions about this assignment throughout the quarter also, so please approach me if you have any concerns.
Also if you would like to receive extra credit, you may give a presentation on your project to the class on the date the project is due. If you choose to do so, please let me know at least 1 week in advance so I can schedule class activities accordingly. Also your presentation should follow the same format as your current event presentation as having to be prepared, having visual aids, etc. This is not a mandatory part of the grade and is not required. This is only to give you extra credit, and this credit may be applied to any of your grades in the course (exams, project, presentation, etc)
Who or what is the numinous in each tradition
The book: The Bhagavad Gita, Oxford World Classics, trans. W. J. Johnson (Oxford University Press, 2009).
ISBN-13: 978-0199538126
The Seven Basic Questions of Human Existence:
The great religions of the world have been around so long and have gathered adherents in each new generation because they provide answers for most, if not all, of these questions. Though often stated in many different ways, these are the fundamental questions that most people wrestle with in trying to find meaning and purpose in life.
- Who or what is the numinous in each tradition? What qualities are inherent in the numinous and how is the numinous revealed to or understood by humans?
- What is a person’s relationship to the numinous? In what ways are we like or unlike the numinous, how do we interact with the numinous, and what influence does the numinous have on our lives?
- Where do evil and suffering come from? How does the religion in question deal with the problem of “Theodicy”; why evil and suffering exist and how people can deal with, escape, transcend, overcome, or endure them? Another way to state this question would be in the context of salvation, deliverance, or release.
- What is the purpose of life and creation? What are the meaning, value, and reason for human life and the existence of all creation? Is there some inherent value or given value for the existence of reality and of life?
- What is the origin of the cosmos? Where did people come from and why were they created, formed, or evolved? What is the purpose or value of the universe?
- What happens to people after this life? Do we cease to exist or is there an afterlife? Does that afterlife involve punishment or reward or cycles of reincarnation?
- How does the religion in question create a social order? What does it tell us about who we are and what we should be like? How are we to relate to others? What is of value in society and what is the value of life, both human and other? What are the definitions of right and wrong, of what is acceptable and what is socially unacceptable?
Significance of sacrifice in text
$3.00Address the significance of the theme of “sacrifice” in any two texts assigned so far this quarter.
The Emperor’s New Clothes (Hans Christian Anderson)
The Little Mermaid (Hans Christian Anderson)
The Red Shoes (Hans Christian Anderson)
The Little Match Girl (Hans Christian Anderson)
The ugly Duckling (Hans Christian Anderson)
Jeppe of the Hill (Ludvig Holberg)
A Doll House ( Henrik Ibsen)
The Father ( August Strindberg)
write one page question.
In a persuasive, well organized, analytic, answer the this question. Please be as specific as possible and be mindful of clarity
The Woman Question Answer
$5.00Address ” The Woman Question” as framed by at least two of the following texts: The little Mermaid(Hans Christian Anderson); The Red Shoes(Hans Christian Anderson); A Doll House(Ibsen) : The Father(strindberg)
write one page question.
In a persuasive, well organized, analytic, answer the this question. Please be as specific as possible and be mindful of clarity