Showing 415–423 of 476 results

  • Teacher learning: What matters?


    Does Teacher Learning Matter?

    Using the Online Library, locate and read and provide a 1-page synopsis of the article

    • Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009). Teacher learning: What matters? Educational Leadership, 66(5), 46–53.

    Be prepared to discuss your review in class.

    1 pages

    APA 2 References

  • Implementing a Professional Development Model


    Implementing a Professional Development Model

    • Who determines what professional development is needed?
    • What role does the district or school administration play in planning for implementing a professional development model?
    • What strategies can be used to assess the professional development needs of staff?
  • Assignment: LASA 1 Professional Development Models


    Assignment: LASA 1 Preparation—Professional Development Models

    In preparation for LASA 1, identify two professional development models that you will research and present in class. Begin working on your report in which you compare and contrast the two models.

    2 pages

  • Summary: How Nations Invest in Teachers


    Development Training Across Nations

    Using the Online Library, locate and read the research review article:

    • Wei, R., Andree, A., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2009). How Nations Invest in Teachers. Educational Leadership, 66(5), 28–33.

    Be prepared to summarize and discuss the information presented in the article as compared with your professional development training.

  • What rationale should be provided to teachers to encourage continued professional development


    Post your 2-3 paragraph response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Cite your work appropriately using APA 6 guidelines.

    Respond to the following:

    • What rationale should be provided to teachers to encourage continued professional development?
    • How do other countries address the issue of professional development?

    1 Pages

    APA 2 References

  • Summary of IDEA, NCLB, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act


    Using the information from the readings for this week, prepare a three- to four-page written paper summarizing IDEA, NCLB, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Discuss the following elements:
    The purpose or main function of each law and how they relate to special education in public schools

    • The six principles of IDEA
    • The six principles of NCLB
    • The important elements of Section 504 and ADA. Discuss the difference between Section 504 and IDEA
    • The significance of educators having knowledge of these laws when educating students with disabilities
    • Please use at least three scholarly sources along side the text.

    4 Pages

  • Mathematics Assignment Solutions


    Mathematics Assignment

    Assignment 1

    Work out the following assignments:  300 points total

    1.  For the following three groups of scores find the:
    2. Total groups sum of squares,
    3. The between groups sum of squares,
    4. Within groups sum of squares
    5. Degree of freedom for within groups
    6. Degree of freedom for between groups
    7. The between groups mean square
    8. The within groups mean square
    9. The F value

    Assignment 2

    .        For the following three groups of scores find the :

    1. total groups sum of squares,
    2. the between groups sum of squares,
    3.  within groups sum of squares.
    4. Degree of freedom for within groups
    5. Degree of freedom for between groups
    6. The between groups mean square
    7. The within groups mean square
    8. The F value

    Additional files



  • Video Article Comparison: New Directions for Teacher Preparation


    Using the Online Library, locate and read the article

    • Cochran-Smith, M., & Power, C. (2010). New Directions for Teacher Preparation. Educational Leadership, 67(8), 6–13.

    Create a 1–2 page comparison of this article with the video on Professional Development (Effective teaching: Professional development and how our children benefit from its success.).

    1 Pages

    APA 3 References

  • Response: Teacher development not a smart cutback in tough times


    Teacher Development Cutbacks

    Read the following article:

    • Patricia Wasley, P., & Hirsh, S. (2010, July 22). Teacher development not a smart cutback in tough times. The Seattle Times.

    Also, read the extended comments. Prepare your own a 1–2 page response to the article.

    2 Pages