Showing 1432–1440 of 1965 results
Two attitudes toward money
$3.00Write an essay using comparison/contrast as a method of development.
Writing Approach
Determine exactly what you are going to compare and/or contrast. Be sure that your items have sufficient relationship to be compared/contrasted (you would not choose to compare/contrast a slug and a computer).
Decide whether you will use the point-by-point or block method of organization, and be consistent. Either method is acceptable.
Give some thought to the order of presentation of points being compared and contrasted. You might want to use order of importance, size, etc.
Writing Assignment
Purpose: to inform
Method of Development: comparison/contrast
1 Page
Living in a Dorm and Living at Home
Write a 500-750 word using comparison/contrast as a method of development.
Writing Approach
Determine exactly what you are going to compare and/or contrast. Be sure that your items have sufficient relationship to be compared/contrasted (you would not choose to compare/contrast a slug and a computer).Decide whether you will use the point-by-point or block method of organization, and be consistent. Either method is acceptable.
Give some thought to the order of presentation of points being compared and contrasted. You might want to use order of importance, size, etc.
Writing Assignment
Purpose: to inform3 Pages
Bankers are under a great deal of stress and due to many antecedents of stress such as Overload, Role ambiguity, Role conflict, Responsibility for people, Participation, Lack of feedback, Keeping up with rapid technological change. Being in an innovative role, Career development, Organizational structure and climate, and Recent episodic events. One of the affected outcomes of stress is on job performance. This study examines the relationship between job stress and job performance on bank employees of banking sector in Nigeria. The study tests the purpose model in relation of job stress and its impact on job performance by using (n=144) data of graduate, senior employees including managers and customers services officers of well reputed growing bank in Nigeria. The data obtained through questioners was analyzed by statistical test correlation and regression and reliabilities were also confirmed. The results are significant with negative correlation between job stress and job performances and shows that job stress significantly reduce the performance of an individual. The results suggest that organization should facilitate supportive culture within the working atmosphere of the organization.15 Pages
HHS 201 – Week 5 DQ 2
$5.00Legal Considerations and Burnout
What are the primary legal considerations that every human service worker must be aware of? How do these legalities help to protect us and our clients?
Although many of you may not have experienced job stress or burnout within a human service agency, you may have experienced something similar in another aspect of your life. Discuss your experiences and how you have coped with stress in the past. Analyze some of the recommendations for avoiding burnout included in your readings and discuss some that you might want to implement for yourself in the future. -
HHS 201 – Week 5 DQ 1
$5.00Implementing Organizational Change
Assess the methods of organizing and changing systems. As human service professionals, what strategies do we use to galvanize positive change? Are changes generally generated from the top down, or from the bottom up? Please provide an example of each to support your answer. Also, discuss the dilemmas of the change agent – what obstacles do they face?
HHS 201 – Week 4 DQ 2
$5.00Planning effective programs
In the world of human services, planning and implementing programs is a significant aspect of daily responsibility. Assess the role of program planning in this field. What are the basic tools of planning, and what steps are involved in the planning process? What are the benefits of a properly planned program, from the perspective of both the client and the worker? What are the disadvantages of an improperly planned program?
HHS 201 – Week 4 DQ 1
$5.00Case Management and Counseling
Regardless of the type of problem a client faces, case managers and counselors share four goals. Discuss these goals and the ways in which workers build supportive relationships with clients while helping them with their problems. Consider and describe the most effective aspects of helping relationships, and discuss the impact managed care has had on the scope of availability of case management/counseling services. What has changed, and are these changes for the better?
HHS 201 – Week 3 DQ 2
$5.00Poverty and Income Stability
Many of the people with whom you will work in the human services field will be economically disadvantaged or near economically disadvantaged. Review the video, The Truth About Poverty In America. Consider your attitudes toward this population and the homeless, and discuss whether you think there is prejudice against the poor. In light of the high unemployment rates in our country and the current economy, does this seem to be more of a personal issue or a systemic one? What are some of the reasons for financial instability right now?
HHS 201 – Week 3 DQ 1
$5.00The Social Welfare System
Discuss some of the most significant welfare programs and policies in the American human services system, and describe the impact these programs and policies have made throughout history. Think about the many program that we have for the elderly, the underserved, children, and veterans – what would we do without them? Consider the effectiveness of policies for social security benefits, medical care, and food vouchers. Are the policies successful in providing necessary assistance? Why or why not?
Review the case study on p.177 of your textbook – It’s Not Because We Made Bad Choices. What are your overall thoughts on this case? Does this story represent much of America right now?