Showing 1198–1206 of 1965 results
Assessment Value: 20% Instructions:
Question 1
You are the audit senior responsible for the audit of Sampson Limited. You are currently planning the audit for the year ended 31 December 20X7. During your initial planning meeting held with the financial controller, he told you of the following changes in the company’s operations.
(i) Due to the financial controller’s workload, the company has employed a treasurer. The financial controller is excited about the appointment because in the two months that the treasurer has been with the company he has realised a small profit for the company through foreign-exchange transactions in yen.
(ii) Sampson has planned to close an inefficient factory in country New South Wales before the end of 20X7. It is expected that the redeployment and disposal of the factory’s assets will not be completed until the end of the following year. However, the financial controller is confident that he will be able to determine reasonably accurate closure provisions.
(iii) To help achieve the budgeted sales for the year, Sampson is about to introduce bonuses for its sales staff. The bonuses will be an increasing percentage of the gross sales made, by each salesperson, above certain monthly targets.
(iv) The company is using a new general ledger software package. The financial controller is impressed with the new system, because management accounts are easily produced and allow detailed comparisons with budgets and prior- period figures across product lines and geographical areas. The conversion to the new system occurred with a minimum of fuss. As it is a popular computer package, it required only minor modifications.
(v) As part of the conversion, the position of systems administrator was created.
This position is responsible for all systems maintenance, including data backups and modifications. These tasks were the responsibility of the accountant.
(vi) The managing director has returned from the USA, where he signed a contract to import a line of clothing that has become the latest fashion fad in the USA. The company has not previously been engaged in the clothing industry.
For each of the scenarios above, explain how the components of audit risk (inherent, control or detection risk) are affected.
[10 marks]
Question 2
You are the audit senior on the audit of EasyFit Pty Limited, a large manufacturer of shoes. EasyFit Pty Limited’s main market lies with 18 to 24 year olds.
This is the first year in which your firm has performed the audit. As part of the planning work, you have performed analytical procedures on an annualised basis and compared the results to industry averages and last year’s audited financial information. The results are given below:
Industry average EasyFit Pty Limited
1 Ratio Current ratio
20X7 2.84
20X6 3.27
20X7 1.89
20X6 2.24
2 Receivables turnover ratio 4.9 4.6 6.3 7.0 3 Inventory turnover ratio 3.7 3.8 5.0 5.5 4 Return on total assets 7% 5% 13% 11% 5 Net profit ratio 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 6 Gross margin 0.20 0.26 0.20 0.18 Required:
Explain the general meaning of each of the above ratios, discuss the conclusions that you can draw about EasyFit’s financial position and identify potential audit risks to be investigated further.
[10 marks]
Banks do not adjust their lending rates
$40.00Assessment details
This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes 1-5, as stated in learning outcomes.
This assessment is designed for you to develop knowledge and skills on contemporary issues of the Australian and Global Financial Systems. The assessment item is designed for you to develop knowledge and skills on issues related to the Australian and Global Financial Systems.
Critically analyze the following research question:
“Banks do not adjust their lending rates immediately when the Reserve Bank reduces the interest rate. This action suggests that commercial banks are attempting to increase their profits.” Critically analyze the statement, commenting on the Australian banks current position on interest rates. Include a discussion on the recent Murray inquiry (2014) into the financial system. The size of this assignment should be a maximum of 2500 words
Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance Paper
$5.00Topic: Regulatory enforcement and compliance Issue: Accuracy
Critically analyse the role of the accountant in this issue. Discuss each issue individually. Clearly explain why it is important to consider it as a key issue, what are the implications of these issues for the accounting profession (including society and community).
Pages: 1, double spaced
Sources: 1
Trade Unions In Britain
$50.00Trade Unions In Britain Are A Thing Of The Past in Britain. Critically examine this position
Pages: 10, double Spaced
Sources: 20
Style: APA
Factors Causing Rising Income Inequality
$35.00Factors Causing Rising Income Inequality
ECON 220 Final Exam – 60% of Final exam grade
Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century created a renewed interest and discussion of the issue of rising income inequality that’s has occurred over the last 40 years. Analyze and evaluate the relative significance of the various factors that have contributed to this trend. Summarize your evaluation of these issues in a 2 to 3 page paper, single spaced. You must use and appropriately reference at least 5 sources.
Australian Accounting Standards
Corporate Accounting
They have asked you and your colleagues to sample a selection of listed companies, and establish the extent to which companies comply in detail with the spirit of the law. Management are curious about the compliance in regard to several particular areas of consolidations.
Your assignment is divided into two (2) parts. Part 1 is the analysis of a sample of annual reports and Part II.
You are to form into groups of two for the submission of this assignment
Part 1 (approx. 500words)
You are required to select three companies from the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).
You are then to obtain copies of those companies’ latest annual reports and investigate the consolidation practices of these companies. That is:
- Review the most recent financial statements of three Australian firms from different industries. Analyse, compare and discuss the firms’ disclosure of consolidation practices to explore both firms’ compliance with relevant Australian Accounting Standard AASB10 and support your arguments using relevant research literature.
Part II (approx 1500 words)
‘Financial capital maintenance ensures that profit and distributions of profit for an entity, including a group, do not derive from the mere act of acquiring another entity’s assets or acquiring an equitable interest in that other entity’s net assets (Knapp 2013, p.192.)’
(Source: Knapp, J. 2013. A reconsideration of consolidation accounting requirements and pre-acquisition dividends. Australian Accounting Review. Vol. 23 No. 3, pp. 190-207.
(hint: After reading the article by Knapp, identify the key terms, define them, what do you believe to is the main problem, and compare the cost and ‘new’ consolidation approach.)
Total Approximate word Length: 2000 words for two member groups.
Marking: This assignment is worth 20% and will be scored out of 20 marks. The assignment is a TEAM assignment and therefore scores will be applied to all members of a team without distinction.
Due Date: Week 9
You have to submit TWO copies of your report:
- Only single copy should be submitted to Turnitin via a link on VU Collaborate. The report should be submitted ONLY by one team member or team leader.
- The second (hard copy) of the report should be submitted to your lecturer / tutor / assignment box.
Penalty for late assignments: 1 mark per working day (weekday) and no mark will be awarded after five days.
- Team members must belong to the same tutorial group.
- It is YOUR responsibility to form teams, thus swapping contact details and arranging regular progress meetings is essential. Remember, once a team is formed, it is up to you and your fellow team members to maintain team discipline. No changes to group members are allowed during the last three weeks before the submission deadline. All group members are equally responsible for the submission of the assignment.
- Any person signing up in a group needs to obtain approval from other group members PRIOR to signing up. In case there are complaints that a student signed up without prior approval from other group members, he/she will be removed from the group immediately. All complaints need to be submitted via email (using VU student email)
- Groups must assign a leader and keep all records of meetings and tasks assigned to group members. Students must meet at least three (3) times face-to-face but more often by electronic means. Meeting records must be attached at the end of your report. Marks will be allocated for your meeting logs. A suggested meeting log is attached.
- Where a group member is not cooperating or contributing to the group and the team has made all efforts to resolve the issue, the team must inform the tutor and unit coordinator/s immediately via email. Where a group does not report this matter immediately, it will not be entertained later on, especially before the due date of the assignment. The defaulting member will be given a warning and should the member continue to default, the group will continue without the defaulting member and the defaulting member will receive zero for the task.
Referencing and style
- Assignment must be typed using Word document and double-spaced with a normal margin (i.e. 3cm)
- The required referencing style is Harvard (Please visit VU library for examples of Harvard Referencing Style at
Some useful journals include:
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies journalAcademy of Accounting and Financial Studies proceedings
Accounting and business research
Accounting and finance (Parkville)
Accounting and the public interest
Accounting, auditing, & accountability
Accounting, auditing & accountability journal
Accounting forum
Accounting horizons
Accounting in Europe
Accounting, organizations and society
Accounting perspectives
Accounting research journal
Accounting review
Accounting standard
Accounting today
Advances in accounting
Advances in Accounting, Finance & Economics
Advances in international accounting
African journal of accounting, economics, finance and banking research
Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting & Finance
Asian journal of finance & accounting
Asian review of accounting
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal
Australian accounting standard
Bank accounting & finance
British accounting review
Canadian accounting perspectives
Contemporary accounting research
Critical perspectives on accounting
European accounting review
International accounting bulletin
International journal of accounting
International journal of accounting, auditing and performance evaluation
International journal of accounting information systems
International journal of digital accounting research
International journal of intelligent systems in accounting, finance & management
Irish accounting review
Issues in accounting education
Issues in Social & Environmental Accounting
Journal of accounting & economics
Journal of accounting and finance research
Journal of accounting & organizational change
Journal of accounting and public policy
Journal of accounting, auditing & finance
Journal of accounting research
Journal of Accounting, Business & Management
Journal of bank cost & management accounting
Journal of business finance & accounting
Journal of contemporary accounting & economics
Journal of corporate accounting & finance
Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting
Journal of international accounting, auditing & taxation
Journal of international accounting research
Journal of international financial management & accounting
Journal of management accounting research
Journal of modern accounting and auditing
Journal of public budgeting, accounting & financial management
Journal of theoretical accounting research
Malaysian Accounting Review
Pacific accounting review
Public accounting report
Qualitative research in accounting and management
Quarterly journal of finance and accounting
Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting
Research in accounting regulation
Review of accounting & finance
Review of accounting studies
Review of quantitative finance and accounting
Student No:
Assessment Criteria and Assignment Structure
Assessment Structure (marks) Max mark Your Mark
Excellent Very Good Good Average Marginal Poor Very Poor - Part I Analysis of 3 companies (3x4marks)
12 - Introduction and Conclusion
4 - Part II: Discuss the concept of capital maintenance
4 - Comparison of the cost Versus ‘new’ consolidation method (AASB 10)
6 - Conceptual problems in applying standard
3 - Bibliography, referencing and citations
2 - English expression, coherence, grammar and spelling
3 - Evidence of the group work-meeting logs (3×2)
6 - Total /40
40 - Total /20%
Business To Business (B2B) Marketing Paper
You have been asked by the marketing manager at FedEx to critically review some key theories and concepts in order to provide additional information at a planned FedEx management conference. In REPORT FORMAT, you are asked to provide the following information.
1. Critically analyse the decisions that need to be implemented in designing an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plan for the 40 year anniversary as shown in the short case study*.
[student critically analyses the decisions that need to be implemented in designing an Integrated Marketing Communications plan for the 40 year anniversary as shown in the case study*] (30 MARKS) (1,000 WORDS APPROX)2. Additionally evaluate ways to measure the effectiveness of a B2B IMC plan. (10 MARKS) (333 WORDS APPROX)
3. IMC objectives and budgets are necessarily interdependent. Evaluate this statement providing examples with use of supporting theory to justify your answer.
[student critically evaluates that IMC objectives and budgets are necessarily interdependent providing examples with use of supporting theory to justify]
(25 MARKS) (833 WORDS APPROX)4. There is a spectrum of involvement in international B2B development from ‘Export to Direct Investment’, analyse the risks associated with each of the entry options.
[student outlines that there is a spectrum of involvement in international B2B development from ‘Export to Direct Investment’ and analyses the risks associated with each of the entry options.
The analysis MUST be supported by academic theories and concepts and the paper MUST comply with the format stated above and Harvard referencing guidelines. The reflection must NOT be descriptive in nature; it should provide clear evidence of understanding of the issues under consideration with an applied review of the business provided in the task scenario.
A MINIMUM of 15 academic sources are to be referenced [NOT just online sources but also from books and journals]. The majority of these sources should be relevant, internationally peer reviewed articles/journals or accredited textbook references. Sources such as Wikipedia and the like are NOT accepted. Sources available ONLY online should be avoided.
Be mindful of how many marks are allocated based on your ability to define, analyse and apply key concepts.
To achieve the highest marks you MUST make informed comparisons between the theories and concepts you have studied and provide a reflection on how these apply to the business case. The analysis will be very well-applied and will rely heavily for support on current literature.
On April 17, 1973, 14 small French Dassault Falcon planes took to the skies from Memphis International Airport and 186 packages were delivered to 25 US cities along the East Coast; the overnight express industry was born.40 Years later, the business has a fleet of 660 freighter aircraft along with thousands of FedEx trucks delivering millions of packages and documents to over 220 countries and territories every working day. Today FedEx is providing the customer with a fully integrated system to ship packages around the world. In fact, most of the competition has built their business on the hub-and-spoke and track-and-trace models FedEx first introduced.
FedEx’s growth, innovation and success over the years is not due to any one contribution but to a great team effort of our 300,000 team members. And as business source suggests,
‘So here’s to another 40 years – we look forward to continuing building on our success story that first took off from a small airport in Tennessee one memorable evening in spring all those years ago.TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS CHANGE
Since trading just over 40 years ago, FedEx has developed its business alongside the development of technology. Technology is everywhere – the internet, mobile devices and social media have all contributed to bringing our world close together. At FedEx we’ve led the express transportation industry for over 2 decades with many significant technological innovations. FedEx was built upon innovation and it continues to be an integral part of the FedEx culture and business strategy. Here are just a few innovation milestones over the past 40 years:
1980: computers in FedEx vans
1984: automated shipping
1986: hand-held barcode scanners for couriers
1993: tracking software
1996: online shipping
2002: FedEx PowerPad
2007: customer service live online chat
2009: SenseAware smart tracking launched in US
2010: electronic trade documents
FedEx joins Facebook2011: FedEx Ship Manager lite
2012: brand new start for
EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa) joins Twitter
In 2008, FedEx launched a new marketing campaign directed to the Business and Business market. ‘FedEx delivers to a changing world’ was regarded as a reintroduction of FedEx’s business network to deal with the complexity of a dynamic global market. The campaign looked to deliver 5 key themes which included expansion, breadth of service, expertise, innovation, sustainability and education (FedEx, 2013).
The campaign defined the target audience as the ‘deciders’ within the procurement process of the many organisations who use the FedEx delivery system.DELIVERING MORE IN EUROPE
In today’s market, businesses need to make the most of every opportunity the can. FedEx have shown a continued strategy of expansion across Europe and delivers more of what their customers want with
– later collection times
– more deliveries before noon
– faster transit times across Europe and worldwide
With 100 new locations and over 3,600 new team members, FedEx is committed to developing further links across Europe.BUSINESS AND PROFIT
Today FedEx Corp. provides a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business service through companies competing collectively, operating independently and managed collaboratively, under the FedEx brand. It operates through 4 segments; FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight and FedEx Services. The FedEx Express segment offers time-certain delivery to more than 220 countries and territories.
Case study information redacted from:
CSR and Sustainability of the Ben and Jerrys
$7.50The topic is about CSR and sustainability of Ben and Jerrys. Give one example of Haagen-Dazs by comparing it with Ben and Jerrys. There are three main headings that should be discussed. They are:
– Stakeholder engagement
– Climate change
– Habitat and resources of Ben and Jerrys.
Please discuss the current issues of each of the three headings above and mention relevant theory and limitations.
Knowledge and Theory in Accounting
$40.00Knowledge and theory are embedded across the study of accounting. Critically evaluate this statement and provide examples to illustrate your answer.
Pages: 8, double spaced
Sources: 30
Style: APA