Showing 919–927 of 1965 results

  • Entry to Foreign Market Cameron International Corp


    Cameron International Corporation with revenues of $6,134.8 million (FY 2010), net profit of $562.9 million (FY 2010) and an operating profit of $858.5 (FY 2010), provides flow equipment and pressure control equipment for both land and sea oil rigs. It manufactured the blowout preventer on the Transocean BP rig that failed. It operates in more than 100 countries through various contractual arrangements. The company has just recently ventured into FDI relationships with a purchase of a Brazilian company that manufactures products for the Brazilian oil and gas industry to support its expansion into that market. One of the weaknesses of the company is the overreliance on the U.S. market, making possible future joint ventures and equity purchases in foreign markets a viable strategy for expansion. Although the company has sales offices in Thailand and Malaysia, this area is a small portion of the company’s activities.

    Recently, Myanmar, formerly Burma, has reversed a decade’s long policy of isolation imposed by the ruling military regime. Noted more for human rights abuses than anything else, Myanmar has suffered under sanctions and lack of involvement in the international community. In 2011, the country reversed course with the election of Thein Sein, a former military leader, the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, free elections, and negotiations with rebel groups. The country is very rich in oil and gas resources with extraction as the most productive sector, but the “business climate is widely perceived as opaque, corrupt, and highly inefficient. Wealth from country’s ample natural resources is concentrated in the hands of an elite group of military leaders and business associates.” (CIA World Fact Book, 2012)

    As a consultant you have been asked to prepare a report on the pros and cons of market entry into Myanmar, the best means to enter, and potential difficulties if the company enters. The CFO has prepared a report stating that the break-even analysis supports both FDI and subcontracting.

    Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

    1. Determine which institutional and risk factors must be considered and whether they support entry or not.
    2. Conduct a VRIO analysis to determine whether entry is supported.
    3. Assess existing cultural issues to determine how they should be addressed should the company enter the market.
    4. Determine if the company should pursue FDI with potentially more risk and higher returns, or subcontract to provide component parts.
    5. Recommend which joint venture partners the company should approach and for what percentage if the company decides to engage in FDI.
    6. Determine the three (3) greatest difficulties that may develop and the strategies the company should pursue to these difficulties, should they arise.
  • Private Investment in Public Transport in Australia


    Literature Review Outline
    I. Introduction
    a. Describe the overall topic that you have been investigating, why it is important to the
    field, and why you are interested in the topic.
    b. Identify themes and trends in research questions, methodology, and findings. Give a
    “big picture” of the literature.
    II. Theme A1
    a. Overview of characteristics of the theme (commonalities, differences, nuances)
    b. Sub-theme – narrow but grouped findings related to the theme
    i. Study 1 (Research question(s), Methods/Participants, Related Findings)
    ii. Study 2 (Research question(s), Methods/Participants, Related Findings)
    iii. Study 3 (Research question(s), Methods/Participants, Related Findings)
    c. Sub-theme – narrow but grouped findings related to the theme
    i. Study 4 (Research question(s), Methods/Participants, Related Findings)
    ii. Study 5 (Research question(s), Methods/Participants, Related Findings)
    iii. Study 6 (Research question(s), Methods/Participants, Related Findings)
    d. Etc., etc., etc. with other findings that fit Theme A; studies can be repeated if there
    are multiple findings that fit under more than one theme. However, no need to rewrite
    methods/participants in detail (just enough to remind the reader about the
    III. Theme B – follow a, b, c, and so on from above
    IV. Keep repeating with themes
    V. Conclusion: An evaluation/critique of the existing literature. Write several paragraphs.
    a. What are the contributions of this literature to the field?
    b. What are the overall strengths?
    c. What are the overall weaknesses?
    d. What might be missing?
    e. What are some next steps for research? The next steps should explicitly address how
    to “correct” for strengths, weaknesses, and gaps.

    Additional Files;


  • Using a team to complete a complex project may not be the best approach


    In Week 3: Assignment 1, you began the Pre-Writing step for a report for your boss on Richard Hackman’s statement that using a team to complete a complex project may not be the best approach.

    Your assignment this week is to continue the 3×3 writing process and complete the report.

    Continuing your research using the South University Online Library and the Internet, complete the report. Your report must include the following:

    • An outline of how you have formulated your response to Richard Hackman’s statement. Your outline should provide a reasonable framework for the report and show where you are going to use each of the pieces of information you found through your research
    • An introduction to the report that explains the purpose of the report, the significance of the topic, and a preview of the main points to be discussed
    • The body of the report that uses clear headings and topics arranged logically, in an appropriate tone
    • Meaningful conclusions and practical recommendations in the report
    • Multiple current and credible sourcest your detailed question here
  • Social Media as Data Mining Technique


    Social Media as Data Mining Technique

    Information mining:

    Edward Snowden’s release of classified NSA documents revealed the government’s top-secret program to spy on its citizens using a supposed “google back door”. While the technology to mine information exists and becomes increasingly sophisticated, the use of such technology remains controversial. Examine the ethical implications related to government organization mining its citizens’ personal information.

    Explanation (Assessment 3):

    The Explanation elaborates on and explains the ethical issue or phenomenon that is the focus of the portfolio project. This explanation concisely defines and describes the topic issue, discussing relevant data and information from at least six (6) sources outside the course materials (note: resources examined in the critical summaries can comprise four of the six). This explanation functions to provide a coherent review of relevant research into the ethical issue being examined and will include at least two data commentaries explaining diagrams extracted from these resources (i.e. not student-developed, original diagrams). (1200 words)

  • Case flow management: Policy proposal analysis


    Be sure to address case flow management.

    ·Address the following in a policy proposal of 1,500 words:

    Another approach to the legislature’s interest in creating alternative approaches to dealing with juvenile offenders that would still be handled via the state court’s system might be a mandatory, court-ordered educational program for juveniles who have been subject to police contact on a first offense. Create a policy proposal for a court-mandated course that would be delivered in a classroom setting for youths ages 12–14 with behavioral problems who are affecting the community—for example, in the schools, in neighborhoods, or in local businesses. Within your policy, incorporate your responses to the following questions:

    • Would this program be limited to juveniles who have been subject to police contact only for certain classes of offenses (e,g., non-violent, property-oriented, status offenses) with more serious offenses handled through a different approach?
    • Would these juveniles still “go through the system” (i.e., be arrested, have a court date for hearing) or would this be a diversion program intended in part to side-step these individuals having a record at such a young age? Explain.
    • How would the administrative office of the courts be involved in the running of this program? Explain.
    • Would it be conducted as part of the ADR “wing” of the office as is a program such as truancy mediation or victim-offender dialogue programs? Explain.
    • Where would the course be offered? Why?
    • What types of people would be considered qualified to conduct/facilitate it? Explain.
    • Are there staff adequately trained already, or would a position have to be opened and staff hired? Explain.
    • Although a complete curriculum would not be part of this proposal, what are the types of topics that would need to be covered?
    • Would the administrative office of the courts have any role in creating the actual content?
    • Would the office oversee creation of the content to ensure its consistency with current law and preferred practices in the state in question?
    • Are there any models out there that could be used that would allow creation of such a program with minimal cost and start-up time?
  • Organization Resources


    A 12 page paper about how organizations compete for resources, the consequences and costs of obtaining resources, and how resource attachment varies with the type of organization and environment as well as the stage of the organization’s development. Must have a cover page and resource page and adhere to APA citation rules. It will need five professional references which can not be more than 5 years old.

  • To what extent is our position in the class hierarchy determined by our occupation?


    To what extent is our position in the class hierarchy determined by our occupation?
    -1,500-2,000 words
    -must be fully referenced and contain a full bibliography

  • Personal Narrative Thesis, Organization, Vitality


    Read:“CEL- Personal Narrative Thesis, Organization, Vitality.” After reading this, you should also think about what we have talked about in class; refer to your notes.Write:After reading the PDF,You are to write a pre-rough draft. This is technically a rough draft, but you are not submitting it officially RD. This should be from introduction to conclusion.Highlight your thesis/revelation. Every essay should have a thesis. Review your notes and the PDF on the thesis from last.

  • Analysis Of Apple Inc’s Communication and Leadership Strategy


    Research your chosen company. Find a minimum of three library sources, which will support your thesis in this assignment. Review your assigned weekly lecture and text reading. Select from this reading 8-10 key concepts, which will also support your thesis. In a five- to six-page paper, address the questions below. Your paper should follow APA format including a title and reference page. The five- to six-page paper length requirement does NOT include the title page and reference page. Refer to your classroom area titled South University Policies and Guideline. Using APA Standards in Your Coursework to ensure you are following the correct format.

    Imagine you are a management consultant. You have been hired by the company you chose at the beginning of the session to analyze their communications and leadership. You have been asked to submit a final report to the executive team with your findings including the following:

    1. A description of the company’s communication structure and identify ways that culture has influenced the structure.
    2. A discussion of the barriers to communication that may arise when leading diverse teams. Identify specific methods for overcoming those barriers and develop a high performing team.
    3. An analysis of the various leadership styles and different types of leaders.
    4. An assessment of the level of trust in the organization and make recommendations for improvement.
    5. Recommendations for motivating the workforce that are clearly based on motivational theory.