Wal-Mart Analysis


Please conduct a STEEP analysis for Wal-Mart by identifying specific sociocultural, technological, economic, ecological, and political-legal factors that are affecting or could affect Wal-Mart, and analyzing the impact of each specific factor on Wal-Mart’s performance in the near future and in the long run, positively or negatively. Please include between 3-5 factors in each category and thoroughly explain exactly how the factor affects Wal-Mart.

Please conduct a SWOT analysis for Wal-Mart (the whole retail chain including Walmart.com) by integrating findings from STEEP analysis (sociocultural, technological, economic, ecological and political legal environmental factors), industry analysis (task environment), and internal scanning (internal factors). You need to identify strengths and weaknesses of Wal-Mart (internal factors from internal scanning), and opportunities and threats (external factors from STEEP analysis and industry analysis). Please include between 3-5 strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats each and thoroughly explain exactly how the factor affects Wal-Mart or Wal-Mart’s performance.

Based on your SWOT analysis, please generate alternative strategies for Wal-Mart (the whole retail chain including Walmart.com) by using a TOWS matrix. More specifically, please generate alternative strategies for Wal-Mart by answering the following four questions:

  • SO Strategies – How can Wal-Mart take advantage of opportunities by using its strengths?
  • ST Strategies – How can Wal-Mart avoid threats by using its strengths?
  • WO Strategies – How can Wal-Mart take advantage of opportunities by overcoming weaknesses?
  • WT Strategies – How can Wal-Mart avoid threats by overcoming weaknesses?

Do not just list out each item. You will have to be specific here and explain exactly which SPECIFIC strength (or any other variable) can be used to take advantage of (or avoid) which SPECIFIC opportunity (or threat) and HOW. Once again, please have at least 3-5 for each category.

4 pages

APA – 4 References

 Starbucks Strategic Change