Stress related Issues that International Students face at Universities in Australia


Research topic is Stress related Issues that International students are face at Universities in Australia. Study title is Exploration stress related issues of international students at Curtin University the section is study objectives: three main objectives need to be cover are

  1. identify the life stressor among the international students
  2. investigate how those identify stressor’s effect to their day today life
  3. explore coping mechanisms being use by participants main

ICP 365 Assessment 3 Instructions – Internal students Page 1
314133 Inquiry for Clinical Practice 365
Assessment 3 Instructions (Internal)
Assessment 3 is divided into two parts:
Part A – Written submission (25%)
 1500 word written submission which provides the detailed research proposal
 Your research proposal should contain the following sections:
 Study title & background to the problem (400 words)
 Study objectives and study significance (200 words)
 Research design and, Sampling & recruitment (300 words)
 Data collection & data analysis (300 words)
 Ethical considerations & Rigour (Reliability & Validity / Trustworthiness) (300
 Use the expanded marking guide that has been provided to guide you with compiling your
 This will need to be submitted as a Word document through TURNITIN on the day of your
 You will receive a group mark for the written submission
 Hence it is important to ensure that all group members make a contribution and that all
group members are satisfied with the completed piece of work before submission
Part B – oral presentation (10%)
 You will be expected to present your research proposal to the rest of the class in the last
seminar class
 Every member of the group has to present a part of the proposal
 Each student should design and present 1 slide in the presentation (maximum of 5 slides)
 You will have 10 minutes for the presentation (i.e. 2 minutes per student)
 You will be assessed as an individual on the following areas during your presentation:
 Eye contact & audience engagement
 Poise (how you carry yourself in the presentation)
 Voice – clarity, pace & fluency
 Use of visual aids
 Organisation
 Please review the oral presentation rubric that has been provided (this is the tool that will
be used by your tutor)
 You will receive an individual mark for the part that you present
 The group leader needs to ensure that the class tutor is provided with a copy of your slides
on the day of the seminar presentation
Your final mark for this assessment is a combination of Part A and Part B.