Professional development: Design for adult learners, technology standards for teachers


Professional Development Plan Rubric

Professional development: Design for adult learners, technology standards for teachers. Professional educators approach educational technology in a variety of ways. Using your knowledge of technology adoption, what works in adult education, and technology effectiveness, design a professional development experience that leads teachers to a more accomplished stage in the use of a selected technology. The target teachers may be a group you know or work with, or the plan may be for you or your peers in this course. The final plan must be submitted to Blackboard.

Look at these important sites:

You or your group will be evaluated based on the quality of the Professional development plan.

Professional development plan checklist:

  • Title of plan
  • Author and date created
  • Entry level of teachers (Learner Characteristics)
  • Teacher technology and professional development standards addressed. Cite your source.
  • Target outcomes (Learning Goals and Objectives)
  • Technology and curriculum focus (including Technology and other resources)
  • Rationale for methods: technology adoption model, adult learning theories, technology effectiveness research
  • Learning activities including embedded assessments and tentative timeline

Professional Development Plan Grading      100

Category Description Points Possible Points Received
Completeness Incomplete, lacking 2 or more items from checklist 5  
All checklist items present 10  
Completeness Total  
Standards connection:  Teacher technology and professional development standards addressed Connection between all standards and activities not evident 5
Connection between all standards and activities evident 10
Standards connection Total
Quality of activities: Do activities match with the Learner characteristics and needs, Instructional Goals and Objectives? Do activities engage learners? Activities are not well-paced, important or engaging, 10
Activities are well-paced, important and engaging 20
Quality of activities Total
Assessments: Do assessments match with the Instructional Goals and Objectives? Assessments are not appropriate or justified 7
Assessments are appropriate and justified 15
Assessments Total
Rationale for methods: Technology adoption models, learning theories, literature about technology effectiveness Rationale does not sufficiently explain why chosen methods help with teachers’ learning or adoption of technology 10
Rationale sufficiently explain why chosen methods help with teachers’ learning or adoption of technology 20
Rationale Total
Technology and curriculum focus Rationale for focus, outcomes and curriculum is not well-reasoned or documented 5
Does technology focus connect to curriculum or enhance instruction? Rationale for focus, outcomes and curriculum is well-reasoned and documented 10
Technology & curriculum focus Total
Writing Mechanics:
Well written, clear organization, uses standard English grammar, contains minor, if any, spelling errors
Inadequate due to lack of organization, grammar, and/or major spelling errors 5
Well-written and well-organized 10
  Writing Mechanics Total
Submitting by stated due date
Submitted by deadline 5
Submitted no more than 24 hours after deadline 2
Submitted more than 24 hours after deadline or not submitted 0
Timeliness Total
Overall:   100