Power of Words in Charlotte’s Web


Faculty of Continuing Education

EAC 273: Introduction to Children’s Literature

Seminar Presentation (15%)

Oral Component:

Based on ONE of the following topics advance an argument that specifically explains/accounts for that topic through the analysis of one or two appropriate passages. The purpose of the seminar assignment is to give you the opportunity to lead the rest of the class in a critical analysis of ONE of the course texts. You may work or your own, or in groups of two or three (maximum of three). Ideally, you will engage the class in an analysis of one or two select passages from the text. The analysis of the text must be based upon your own specific thesis about the topic. All topics are purposefully broad to allow you to explore your own interests within them. In short, you should perform a close, detailed analysis of a small section of the text, and then explain the significance of your analysis and argument to the text as a whole.

Written Component:

You are required to submit a written analysis to accompany your oral seminar. The written analysis should be 500 words in length (double-spaced, 12-point font), and it should be a carefully polished analysis of the same passages you discuss in your seminar. While the analysis need not be a formal, it must be grammatically correct, written in full sentences and arranged into appropriate paragraphs. Your argument around which your analysis is built should be very clear. You must submit the analysis on the day you conduct your seminar.

Seminar Topics

The Power of Words in Charlotte’s Web   

Gender in Charlotte’s Web   

The Seasons in Charlotte’s Web                                                                  

Dr. Dorian in Charlotte’s Web                                                                     

Templeton in Charlotte’s Web                                                                     

Life, Death, and Rebirth in Charlotte’s Web                                                           

Photographs in Hana’s Suitcase                                                                  

Music and Games in Hana’s Suitcase                                                          

Drawings in Hana’s Suitcase                                                                                   

Setting in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe                                     

The Queen/White Witch in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Food and Eating in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe                     

Violence in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe                                  

The Wardrobe in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe                                   

Homes and Living Spaces in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

The fantasy genre in any text we have read

Anthropomorphism in any text we have read

The influence of Fairy Tales in any text we have real