Internet has more adverse than positive effects


Internet has more adverse than positive effects on college students

Research and Argument Assignment Prompt
“Everything’s an argument.”
Andrea Lunsford, Professor of English at Stanford University
In this assignment, you will begin by choosing a current issue that you are interested in. This issue, ideally, will be a complex one. There will be more than just a “for” or “against” position to be taken, and the issue won’t be so charged and loaded that people’s minds are already made up about it. Your instructors will help you very carefully choose your issue.
Then, you will do se research to learn more about the issue and about various viewpoints and stakeholders. Eventually, you will form a unique thesis about this issue, and use research to support a series of claims. You will organize  and write persuasively to change people’s minds about your issue.
The course textbook, HTWA, has much more detailed information about what an argumentative is, and how to write one.
Your assessment on this paper will be based on the goals of this unit:

  1. Explore a relevant and contentious issue from a variety of perspectives, considering multiple viewpoints and arguments as you develop your own thesis.
  2. Creatively and critically synthesize research from multiple sources—develop awareness of different personal, academic, and civic contexts and express your unique ideas in relationship to the ideas of others.
  3. Use academic citation systems for documenting work, and know where to find resources that will help you with this.
  4. Revise your argument so that it is clear, convincing, well-organized and polished.