Enhancing Learning and Memory Fact Sheet


Assessment 4 Instructions: Strategies for Enhancing Learning and Memory Fact Sheet


Create a fact sheet targeted at a public audience that can be used to enhance learning and memory in both the general population and a selected, specific population.

As you work on this assessment, you will consider individual differences and a variety of strategies to enhance learning and memory. Different strategies will work best with different individuals. You’ll also have the opportunity to explore how visual imagery works. How can people use visual imagery to help with memory and cognition?


Now that you have shared strategies and resources for enhancing learning and memory, it is time to tailor your research for public consumption.


For this assessment, you will present strategies for enhancing learning and memory for both a general and a specific population. To prepare, select the population you would like to focus on. This may be a population you currently work with, or that you plan to work with, such as children, older adults, autistic individuals, or another special-needs population.

You can also review the following sample fact sheet and tips for creating fact sheets:


Use the Fact Sheet Template [DOCX] to complete this assessment.


For this assessment, create a one-page (front and back) fact sheet targeted at a public audience (students, parents, people with disabilities, children or teens, community members, clients, or constituents). This information sheet should concisely describe the issue at hand, what current research indicates about the issue, and what action items are recommended as a result. You should provide citations within the fact sheet, so that every statement made is clearly documented. Graphics that support rather than distract from the information are encouraged but should not dominate the fact sheet. The goal of this assessment is to provide an opportunity for you to practice translating complex information about a topic into a form that is easily understood by the general public.

For this assessment:

  • Provide a brief description on how the brain encodes, consolidates, and retrieves information. It may help to include a visual aid to illustrate these memory processes.
    • Front page: Explain three techniques for enhancing learning and memory. These are general techniques that can be used by anyone, including yourself.
    • Back page: Explain three techniques for enhancing learning and memory for a specific population (such as students, children, teens, older adults, autistic individuals, or another special needs population).
  • Apply key theories and research relevant for the intended audience.
  • Communicate clearly, concisely, and directly, using active voice and in a manner consistent with the intended audience.


Important: Prior to submission conduct a self-evaluation of this assessment using the scoring guide and identifying the proficiency level for each criterion. Submit your assessment and the self-evaluation (as a separate attachment). See below for more instructions.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Format: Use proper spacing for readability. Bullet points or mini paragraphs (2-3 sentences) for each section work best. It’s also advisable to use visual aids or graphics.
  • Written communication: Use the accepted form and style of the psychological professions, using proper grammar and punctuation.
  • Resources: Be sure to use reliable sources and cite them using APA style and formatting.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Length: Two pages (intended as the front and back of a single, 8 1/2″ x 11″ handout).
  • Template: Use the Fact Sheet Template [DOCX]for your handout.

Self-Evaluation- Assignment #2 (Use Scoring Guide Criteras)

When you have finished, write a separate, one-page self-evaluation of your work compared to the scoring guide criteria.

  1. Ensure that you have completed all assessment requirements (ideally at the Distinguished level).
  2. Evaluate your performance using the criteria in the scoring guide.
    • Compare and contrast your self-evaluation from the previous assessment with the feedback provided by your faculty to align your personal evaluation with faculty expectations.
  3. Indicate the proficiency level you met for each criterion.
  4. Include the scoring guide (including comments) with your self-evaluation.
  5. Submit the self-evaluation as a separate attachment when you submit your assessment.

You may find the Self-Evaluation Tool helpful in guiding you through this process.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 2: Apply research findings to topics in human learning and cognition.
    • Describe how the brain encodes, consolidates, and retrieves information.
    • Explain a sufficient number of techniques for enhancing learning and memory for both a general and a specific population.
  • Competency 4: Analyze theory and research to solve problems and inform professional behavior in human learning and cognition.
    • Apply theories and research findings to a topic in learning and memory in a way that is relevant for the intended audience.
  • Competency 5: Apply metacognitive strategies to self-assess performance quality.
    • Conduct a self-evaluation using established scoring criteria and identifying the proficiency level for each criterion.
  • Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
    • Write concisely and directly, using active voice.


Front Page

Title: Learning and Memory Fact Sheet


Description of how the brain encodes, consolidates, and retrieves information.







Technique 1 for enhancing learning and memory (with in-text citation).









Technique 2 for enhancing learning and memory (with in-text citation).








Technique 3 for enhancing learning and memory (with in-text citation).



Back Page


Title: Enhancing Learning and Memory for [insert population]



Technique 1 for enhancing learning and memory (with in-text citation).









Technique 2 for enhancing learning and memory (with in-text citation).









Technique 3 for enhancing learning and memory (with in-text citation).














Reference List (APA Style) 10 font size


