Effect of video games on children – Methodology, Results and Data Analysis


The paper is the methodology, results and discussion sections of a research paper on the Effect of video games on children.

0-66 67-98 99- 110
Introduction and Research Question includes:area of focus, brief discussion of variables and restatement of research question. If already included in Review of Literature, resubmit here. Not present, orpresent, but details insufficient Present with ample details Present with plentiful details showing direction of remainder of report.
Review of Literature Previously submitted and graded.Points not included on this rubric.
Data Collection Methodology and Intervention includes:Method(s) of data collection (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods), description of intervention (independent variable) if relevant, data collection instrument(s) Not present, orsummary is disjointed and does not allow reader to understand data collection and/or intervention Summary is sufficient to support reader understanding of data collection and/or intervention. Summary is cohesive and completely supports reader’s understanding of data collection and/or intervention
Data Analysis and Interpretation includes:   data representation in 3 forms, data organization, data analysis (descriptive, inferential, inductive) Not present, or incomplete.Insufficient to support conclusions or Action Plan Sufficient to support reader understanding of conclusion and Action Plan Present with plentiful details for understanding of conclusion and Action Plan
Conclusions, Reflection and Action Plan Conclusions not warranted by data and/or Action Plan insufficient in detail. Conclusions supported by data. Action Plan sufficient. Conclusions supported by data and Action Plan fully described.
APA Formatting, grammar, usage and spelling. Observes conventions of academic writing. Not present, or citations fewer than 10 and incomplete. Excessive formatting errors, grammar, spelling or usage errors. Does not observe conventions of academic writing. Citations present and complete, report properly formatted with minimal errors. Observes conventions of academic writing. Citations present, complete and properly formatted with sufficient sources. Observes highest standards of academic writing.
Total Points/550 x 100= %

For the introduction and literature review sections, click here

11 Pages