DiSC assessment


SECTION 1: ASSESSMENT -This must include the results of the DiSC assessment. The most important portion for this section is a discussion of your scores in the following areas:

1. Personal Behavioral Style (DISC)

2. Assessment of Strengths

3. Assessment of Weaknesses

4. Motivational style

5. Communication style

6. Emotional response style

7. Decision-making style

8. Behavior under tension or conflict style

9. Suggestions for Improving Effectiveness in Relating with Others

SECTION 2: Self-Awareness – Discuss the following:

Focus on and list 2 personal leadership skills in which you are strong.

For each skill you list, define it or describe it (cite your sources) and explain why you believe it is an important leadership skill to possess. Explain how this skill has or will facilitate you in becoming a better leader.

What is one opportunity that you can identify for you to practice this skill? These opportunities can be at work or can be related to your involvement in any professional or social organizations.

Focus on and list 3 personal leadership skills in which you are weak.

For each skill you list, define it or describe it (cite your sources) and explain why you believe it is an important leadership skill. Explain how improving your mastery of this skill will help you become a better leader.

What is one opportunity that you can identify for you to practice this skill? These opportunities can be at work or can be related to your involvement in any professional or social organizations.

SECTION 3: Personal Leadership Development– Personal LEADERSHIP Goals for the next three (3) years.

You will take your information from section two and build a personal leadership development plan. Focus on the leadership skills you identified for improvement in Section 2, the strategies you will use for each goal, a deadline for measuring progress, and measurable results to determine your progress. The goal of this project is to engage the student in thinking about ways to apply leadership concepts in your personal and professional life.

Your leadership goals and action plans should directly relate to your areas for growth from Section 2. These are leadership goals, not career goals.

  1. Leadership Goals (total of 6-9)
  2. Strategies (must be detailed, multiple strategies per goal)
  3. Timeline (specific calendar dates)
  4. Deliverables, Objectives, New Behavior or Skill (how you will quantify and demonstrate your improvement? These must be measurable.