Design a staff development activity that will allow your entire staff to review the school’s mission statement


Chapter 3: Design and Implement

In this activity you will design a staff development activity that will allow your entire staff to review the school’s mission statement or to develop a vision statement with a focus on learning and student achievement. You may choose one of the examples from the chapter, or suggest your own.

The examples provided include:

  • My Ideal School
  • Creating a Metaphor
  • Using Visual Synectics

Once you have designed and outlined one process for your school community, implement the group activity. If this is not practical, you may use a peer or mentor as your audience. Have the peer or mentor provide feedback on your facilitation skills.

Chapter 3: Administrator Activities Checklist

The administrator processes and engages in activities ensuring that:

  • The vision and mission of the school are effectively communicated to staff, parents, students, and community members.
  • The vision and mission are communicated through the use of symbols, ceremonies,

stories, and similar activities.

  • The core beliefs of the school vision are modeled for all stakeholders.
  • The vision is developed with and among stakeholders.
  • The contributions of school community members to the realization of the vision are recognized and celebrated.
  • Progress toward the vision and mission is communicated to all stakeholders.
  • The school community is involved in school improvement efforts.
  • The vision shapes the educational programs, plans, and actions.
  • An implementation plan is developed in which objectives and strategies to achieve the vision and goals are clearly articulated.
  • Assessment data related to student learning are used to develop the school vision and goals.
  • Relevant demographic data pertaining to students and their families are used in developing the school mission and goals.
  • Barriers to achieving the vision are identified, clarified, and addressed.
  • Needed resources are sought and obtained, to support the implementation of the school mission and goals.
  • Existing resources are used in support of the school vision and goals.
  • The vision, mission, and implementation plans are regularly monitored, evaluated, and revised.

Chapter 3: Revisiting the Vision