Compensation for Intercollegiate athletics
Each student needs to select any sport-related organization or team and determine the purpose of project (i.e., problem-solving based on in-depth understanding and analysis of current issues in the sport industry or developing management strategies in order for the organization to maximize efficiency or profitability).
Each student must submit approximately 6-8 double-spaced pages (not including references and cover page) via the assignment submission link as attachment in Major Project folder. The due date of this assignment is 29 April. The written paper does not only include but also reflect and apply knowledge, principles, lessons, or any findings from the class.
It does not matter whether the project is about humans, structure, money, process, efficiency, strategy, products (goods or services), or communications in the sport organization. Any subject or topic related to Sport Management will be acceptable.
Please try to put yourself in the sport manager’s places and use this project as a self-training opportunity. To successfully conduct this project, you need to thoroughly research on the selected organization using various sources.
For this project, each student may need to collaborate with the other using email or other communication methods (e.g., phone, student lounge)
Compensation for Intercollegiate athletics
Format of Major Project
Introduction: provide a brief overview of the company (organization). The following information, but not limited to, may need to include:
Organization History
What the Organization is about
Mission of the Organization
Purpose Statement of the Project: The followings could be purpose of your project:
Identifying problems/issues in an selected organization and suggesting solutions
Report of Findings Based on Your Purpose
Analyzing the issues/problems in the sport industry
Developing marketing/management strategies for the selected organization to maximize efficiency or profitability or resolve the issues/problems)
Conclusion: write a brief conclusion by discussing som
7 pages