Chiu, Genocchio: What similar experiences have Asian cultures gone through in integrating a western art system into their cultures
ART 215: Art Across Borders: Contemporary Globalism
Note: You should read the postings on East Asian culture, specifically on Daoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, posted on the 2-25 page as well as the following:
Excerpts from Melissa Chiu and Benjamin Genocchio, Asian Art Now.
Excerpts from Youngna Kim, “A Brief History of Korean Modern Art,” and John Rajchman, “Disjunctive Synthesis Korean Style,” in Hossein Amirsadeghi, Korean Art, The Power of Now.
ART 21: Do-Ho Suh
ART 21: Kimsooja
Note: Answer each question in full sentences. Each answer should be from three to six sentences in length.
- From Chiu, Genocchio: What similar experiences have Asian cultures gone through in integrating a western art system into their cultures? This is simply listed at a certain point in the text.
- What kinds of institutions are necessary to have a functioning western-style art system?
- From Youngna Kim: How did Korean artists of the 1960s attempt to maintain “Koreanness”?
- From John Rijchman: Explain in your own words his idea about contemporary Korean artists being “in between.”
- Videos: In what ways are both artists perpetuating traditional East Asian concepts in their art?
- Videos: What similar issues concern both of them? What might these issues tell you about Korean culture