Asynchronous and Synchronous Online Communities
Before you begin this lab please read the attached file “12 variables of Online Communties”. You will see the file when you click the link below and then scroll down. Follow and complete the steps below:
1) Research and explain the meaning of the terms Asynchronous and Synchronous as they pertain to Online Communties.
2) Create a list of the different formats/types of Online Communties you are aware of (i.e. chatrooms, etc.) and put an “S” next to it if you believe it is Synchronous and an “AS” if Asynchrounous (some might have both).
3) Search for and identify a chatroom you might be interested in. Some of you will know of one immediately, others may have to look around using free resources such as an YAHOO, Google, etc. If needed, I encourage you to create “dummy accounts” to access the chatroom, so that you are not divulging personal identity/info. Visit the chatroom of your choice for a minimum of 20minutes. Log the name of the room, time entered, and time you left. Document your experience in that chatroom and explain how the 12 variables you just read about do pertain or do not pertain to it and your experience.
Some simple options as a last resort
4) Search for and identify a Discussion Board/Forum you might be interested in. Some of you will know of one immediately others may have to look around. Those that wish to create “dummy accounts” to access their Discussion Board are welcome to do so. Visit your Board and spend some time reading the threads and evaluating the overall discussion, layout, etc. Log the name of the Board. Document your experience and explain how the 12 variables you just read about pertain or do not to it.
Type your answers and logs up in MS Word
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