Another Fork On The Road
by Fiverr Tutors$15.00
How to Prepare the REVIEW of the article “Another Fork in the Road”
1. Read the scientific article. Make notes summarizing key ideas and noting critical portions of the text.
2. The review should be 4 pages, with 1100 words, single-spaced or 1.5 spaces using a standard 12-point font (such as Times New Roman).
3. Include no more than one figure. FOR THIS REVIEW IT WILL BE FIGURE 2.
4. Please address the following points in your review:
a. In 300-500 describe how DNA-binding of p53 can target gene selectivity. Use FIGURE 2 as the CENTRAL FOCUS of you review.
b. In 300-500 describe how PTM can regulate promoter selectivity.
c. Include a short description of the final section p52 and therapeutic approaches.
5. SELECT and DISCUSS one (1) of the In need of answers from Sidebar A that you think is the most interesting.
6. In 500 words SUMMARIZE your thoughts on p53.
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