
Showing 19–27 of 148 results

  • Human figure in Greek art


    Discuss the development of the human figure in Greek art from the Archaic through the Hellenistic periods. Please use specific works of art to compare and contrast.

  • Should all students with disabilities be educated in the general education classroom


    Inclusion is the belief that all students with disabilities should be educated with their non-disabled peers in the general education classroom. IDEA states students with disabilities should be educated in the least restrictive environment to the maximum extent possible. The LRE is not necessarily the general education classroom for every student.  Write an MLA 500-word response to the following question:    Should all students with disabilities be educated in the general education classroom? Is inclusion right for every student?  Write about the advantages and disadvantages of inclusion.  Refer to the text as needed.  You may also include personal experiences.

  • Asian Immigration and Angel Island


    After reading the assigned chapters, listen to the podcast “Asian Immigration and Angel Island” and answer the following questions:   

    In a 400-word MLA style essay, please address the following: How would you characterize the experience of immigration at Angel Island? How do the European immigration experiences at Ellis Island compare with those of Asian immigrants at Angel Island?  What might immigrants from Asia experience during their time at Angel Island? Why is that significant for understanding the nature of immigration during this era?  Please support your arguments with specific examples from both the podcast and the assigned textbook readings.   Asian Immigration and Angel Island

  • Woodrow Wilson’s US entered World War I “to make the world safe for democracy”


    Upon completing the assigned reading for this unit, please read the following primary sources and watch the documentary below.  Then write a 500-word essay in MLA format that addresses the following questions:  Examine Woodrow Wilson’s claim that the US entered World War I “to make the world safe for democracy” by juxtaposing it with the experiences of African American soldiers during the war. What was the debate within the African American community regarding participation in World War I?  How did Wells and DuBois view the issue? Did fighting for democracy abroad improve civil rights on the home front? How would you describe the 369th regiment’s contributions to World War I? What did the Harlem Hellfighters encounter while in Europe and what might Wells and Dubois have said about the experiences discussed in the documentary? Be sure to support your claims with evidence from the documentary and primary sources.  Documentary: The Harlem Hellfighters Great War Letter from Ida B. Wells-Barnett to President Woodrow Wilson (1918) Transcribed version of the Ida B. Wells-Barnett letter W.E.B. DuBois on Black Soldiers Returning from War (1919)

  • Key components of family-professional collaboration


    Unit 2/1 special need child

    Pick and discuss 3 of the key components of family-professional collaboration: (a) cultural responsiveness, (b) effective communication, (c) conferences, and meetings, (d) home visits, (e) ongoing support and information exchange.  Explain why the strategies are important and how you would foster positive interactions between the family and professionals using the strategies. You may also include personal experiences

  • Aristocratic women of Ancient Egypt


    Unit 2/2 art

    How were aristocratic women of Ancient Egypt portrayed in the art of the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom?  Select one work of art from each period to compare and contrast.  Guidelines  Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource. Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. 300-500 words in length

  • Palette of King Narmar


    Unit 2/1 art history

    What is the Palette of King Narmar?  How does it establish both visual and iconographic conventions that will guide Egyptian art for centuries?

  • Advantages in using the term “developmental delay”


    Write an MLA 500-word response to the following question:  Discuss several advantages in using the term “developmental delay” rather than using a specific category when identifying young children with disabilities. Think about the difference between the terms developmental delay and disability categories like autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, and emotional and behavioral disability.

  • Hieratic scale, composite view, static,


    Unit 1/2 art

    Define the following terms: hieratic scale, composite view, static, frontality, stylized.  In addition to the definition include one specific example of an artwork that illustrates the term.  Please select the examples from artworks that we have discussed in this unit.  In addition to the definition, include an image of the artwork, the title, date, and location of the artwork that you select.

Showing 19–27 of 148 results