Showing 19–27 of 386 results

  • Theological Statements (authority of Scripture, marriage and family, gender and sexuality)


    Instructions are as follows:
    You will produce 3 Theological Statements that specifically address key theological issues in the church: authority of Scripture, marriage and family, gender and sexuality.

    Each statement must be 500 words, use current Turabian formatting, and include 2–3 academic, theological sources for each statement that must be footnoted. You must also include 3–5 key biblical texts for each statement.

  • Pentateuch Assignment



    (a). Despite being anonymous, the Pentateuch has traditionally been attributed to Moses. Why this and what biblical and extra-biblical evidence is has informed this sentiment?

    (b) Give a synopsis of the basic tenants of the Documentary Hypothesis in its final summation as espoused by Julius Wellhausen?

    (c). Present your own personal view, defending it from the biblical text.

  • Latino and American Gender Roles


    Paper Contents

    • Cross-Culture: Gender Role Conflict
    • Role of Men and Gender Role Conflict in Different Culture
    • Dimensions of the gender role conflicts
    • Egalitarian Gender Ideology
    • The Male status and Culture
    • Women Role and the Gender Role Conflict
    • Gender-role Egalitarianism and Female Role
    • Comparison and Contrast to the United States Culture

    8 Pages

  • An ethnographic study of the Cosplay Subculture

  • Artifact Analysis of Cosplay’s Blue Crystal Staff


    English 104: Composition Research

    I. Objectives:

    This assignment shall enable you to:

    1. Bullet Select an artifact that enhances your understanding of the subculture

    2. Bullet Gain an insight into the symbolic world of the people being studied

    3. Bullet Learn how to read and interpret cultural artifacts

    II. Description

    In about a page and half, describe and interpret an artifact and/or certain aspect of your fieldsite. Take fieldnotes while you study your artifact and site. Describe the details of the object. Sketch, map, or photograph it. Research its history. Interview those who have made or used the object. Then interpret and analyze your artifact by considering the following questions:

    1. Bullet Why did you choose the artifact?

    2. Bullet How are you positioned to “read” the artifact?

    3. Bullet What clues does the artifact offer regarding traditions, rituals, values, rules, and behaviors in your subculture?

    4. Bullet What does it say about the person who uses it?

    Include a photograph or sketch of the artifact in your paper.

    Required Format

    Use APA style

    1 and ½ space

    Title your paper

    Include a reference page

    Use Times New Roman 12

    Leave 1″ margins

    III. Evaluation Criteria

    Your paper should:

    1. Bullet State and develop a coherent thesis

    2. Bullet Describe and interpret an artifact/site

    3. Bullet Triangulate data and incorporate appropriate sources

    4. Bullet Identify your positionality as fieldworker

    5. Bullet Use organizational techniques such as analytic section headings

    6. Bullet Be clear, engaging, and error-free

  • Interview Analysis of the COSPLAY Subculture


    After having conducted an observation of the fieldsite and collected data of various kinds, your ethnographic perspective will not be complete unless you hear from members of the subculture. Consequently, you to:

    • Develop effective interview questions
    • Explore insider perspective
    • Debunk any myths or stereotypes about the subculture
    • Learn how to transcribe and code interviews
    • Learn effective strategies in qualitative data interpretation

    you will learn to listen and record the perspective of your informant. Prepare for your interviews by conducting background research and field observation and by writing interview questions. Make sure to test your interview equipment and rehearse your interview questions with a research partner. You may wish to use a cultural artifact to help focus your interview(s). Upon completion, transcribe four minutes of two of your interviews. Those four-minute portions of each interview should be the ones you find the most relevant to your research and should be turned in with your essay.

    In a two-page essay, make an argument where you report the findings from your interviews by
    focusing on the following items:

    • Describe your informants
    • Include the language of your informant(s)
    • Analyze language from interview transcript
    • Draw connections between the interview findings and the subculture
    • Include insider phrases, jargon, or occupation terms used by the informant(s)
    • Discuss what you have learned from the interview
    • Discuss the themes that emerge from your interviews
    • Reflect on your assumptions or preconceptions that were debunked through the interview process.
    • What would you have done differently?

    III.Evaluation Criteria

    • State and develop a coherent thesis
    • Analyze and interpret your informants’ language
    • Support its thesis with evidence from the transcriptions
    • Identify your positionality as a fieldworker
    • Use a clear and logical organization
    • Be clear, engaging, and error-free
  • A Day in Cosplay Subculture


    A Day in Cosplay Subculture

    I. Objectives
    meant to introduce you to the concept of original research. It will increase your ability to read critically by introducing you to how the studies you consult in a researched argument come into being at a basic and pragmatic level. You will have the ability to increase your own research skills by being introduced to a repertoire of observation methods. This would also broaden your scope of inquiry through the use of methods different from the ones you are accustomed to, and will give you an insight and practice for nonacademic applications of research. Par excellence, your original research will permit you to make a unique contribution to the ongoing intellectual conversation.

    II. Description
    In a two-page, you will provide a focused description of the subculture you are studying as well as provide some insight on the meaning of your observation. Your description should be based on what you have observed using a rigorous method of discovery. It could include a description of the place, the people, the events, the routines, the atmosphere, etc. in your subculture.  Incorporate two photographs of the setting in your essay. Your observation notes should also be submitted with the paper.

    III. Evaluation Criteria
    The substance will be evaluated on how your audience is able to visualize the culture being described. Your description should incorporate sensory details such as visual details – description of place, its people, and its artifacts, aural details – how quiet or noisy is the setting, olfactory (smell) details – how the place smell like, gustatory (taste) details, and/or tactile (touch) details. Another criterion on which you will be assessed represents how  well you maintain a balance between being an outsider (Martian) and while getting an insider point of view (Convert). Use a clear organization. Be clear, engaging, and error-free.

  • Application of the theory of the interlocking treadmills of production and consumption to schoolwork


    Activity – Applying Theories:

    Apply the theory of the interlocking treadmills of production and consumption to schoolwork and the pressure to get a degree, and then an advanced degree, and so on. For example, consider the rising levels of qualifications required to gain a good-paying job and the rising levels of consumption expectations that define what a “good-paying job” is and submit a paper. The paper must be double spaced, minimum two-pages in length, and in APA format.

  • ANT101 Traditional Marriage Comparison Essay


    ANT101 Traditional Marriage Comparison Essay

    Topic: A Comparison of Kenyan and Vietnamese Traditional Weddings

    5 Pages