Showing 199–207 of 386 results

  • Group Think Vs. Own decision


    Group Think Vs. Own decision

    “You’re the psychologist, so why do people go along with the group instead of making their own decisions?”
    7 Pages


  • Gender Development and Differences Psychology


     Gender Development and Differences from the Perspectives of Psychology
    Outline the views of evolutionary psychologists, social constructionists and Freudians regarding gender development and/or gender differences, and examine whether such views are complementary or competing.
    7 Pages


  • Speed Dating


    Speed Dating–Can we really choose the one we might love in a few minutes? Discuss.
    6 pages

    Study Tips 101: Take a time out.
    Taking time to plan is one of the most important skills a student can have. Don’t just start the week with the vague goal of studying for a history exam—instead, break up that goal into smaller tasks. Pencil it in on the calendar like a regular class: For example, allot every day from 1 to 3 p.m. to review 50 years’ worth of info

  • Effect of shyness on a person’s identity development (Research Proposal)


    The studies suggest that shyness directly or indirectly affects a person’s identity development. Research in psychology, parental attachment theories suggests that shyness and identity development has been largely co relational, leaving open the question how much and in what way shyness affects identity of a person. We first review the evidence linking shyness and interpersonal communication, social experiences. Second, study the biological, psychological, and social aspects of shyness. We may present research from variety of samples (adults and children) and methods (survey) demonstrating that identity development is affected by shyness. There are many treatment strategies and options for people who identify themselves as needing help in overcoming their shyness.
    Keywords – shyness, development, improvement, impact, self-esteem, socializing, experience, anxiety, treatment, strategies, identity

  • Breakdown of romantic relationships


    Discuss research into the breakdown of romantic relationships (24 Marks)
    4 pages

    Study Tips 101: Treat yo’ self!
    A healthy holiday cookie, a walk around the block, five minutes of tweet-time: whatever floats your boat. Knowing there’s a little reward waiting for us at the end of just a few pages makes it easier to beat procrastination while slogging through a semester’s worth of notes.

  • Frustration-aggression hypothesis


    Frustration-aggression hypothesis

    Describe and evaluate the frustration-aggression hypothesis AND Berkowitz’s (1989) reformulation of it.
    5 pages


  • Evolutionary explanations for sex differences in parental investment


    Outline and evaluate evolutionary explanations for sex differences in parental investment (24marks)

    • For this question, 8 marks are on offer for the outline and 16 for the evaluation, so most time and effort should be directed at compiling the evaluation.
    • With the outline, take care not to be too general and merely describe evolutionary theory; to gain higher marks, you need to focus specifically on how evolutionary theory explains parental investment.
    • For the evaluation, an appropriate strategy would be to assess the degree of research support there is for the explanation. This task is made a little easier with this question, as the focus isn’t just on humans, so non-human animal studies are equally applicable.
    • IDA points could refer to the limitations of the explanation in not considering non-biological influences; this would also give you the opportunity to use alternative theoretical aspects as a means of comparison.

    3 Pages

  • What do psychologists mean by ‘theory of mind”


    Theory of mind

    What do psychologists mean by ‘theory of mind?’ Discuss the claim that theory of mind is an evolved adaptation.
    4 Pages





    One of the main concerns that has constantly been raised against video games is that most of the games feature aggressive elements. This has led many people to assert that this may have a detrimental effect on individuals who play such games. Despite continuing controversy for over 15 years, there has been little in the way of systematic research. This article reviews the empirical studies in this area, including research methodologies such as the observation of free play, self-report methods, and experimental studies. The article argues that all the published studies on video game violence have methodological problems and that they only include possible short-term measures of aggressive consequences. The one consistent finding is that the majority of the studies on very young children—as opposed to those in their teens upwards—tend to show that children do become more aggressive after either playing or watching a violent video game. However, all of these come from the use of one particular research methodology (i.e., observation of children’s free play).

    10 Pages
