Showing 865–873 of 1965 results
The Leadership Case Study – Personal Experience: Major Jim Rushing, USAF
$27.50- The Leadership Case Study – Personal Experience:
Each student will prepare an original case study based upon personal experience. Select an individual you feel has made a difference in your life – a person you admire as a leader. This assignment essentially asks you to validate the Kouzes/Posner leadership framework by doing your own research, in the form of a case study. The case should include:
- A brief biographical sketch of your personal leader/mentor. Who is this person? What is his/her background, education, and work/life history?
- A discussion of the leadership methods practiced by this person. Why do you feel this person is an effective leader?
- Use the Kouzes/Posner leadership model to analyze the methods practiced by this person. Under the Leadership Challenge Model: What was this person’s greatest strength and greatest weakness?
- Conclude with comments about:
- the value of the Kouzes/Posner leadership framework and
- Personal lessons and insights on leadership based upon your case study. What was the most important lesson that you learned from this person?
CJ-578: Criminal Justice Leadership
BUS 640 Week 1: Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problem
$7.50Please complete the following two applied problems. Show all your calculations and explain your results.
Problem 1:A generous university benefactor has agreed to donate a large amount of money for student scholarships. The money can be provided in one lump sum of $12 million in Year 0 (the current year), or in parts, in which $7 million can be provided at the end of Year 1, and another $7 million can be provided at the end of Year 2.
Describe your answer for each item below in complete sentences, whenever it is necessary. Show all of your calculations and processes for the following points:
- Assuming the opportunity interest rate is 8%, what is the present value of the second alternative mentioned above? Which of the two alternatives should be chosen and why?
- How would your decision change if the opportunity interest rate were 12%?
- Provide a description of a scenario where this kind of decision between two types of payment streams applies in the “real-world” business setting.
Problem 2:
The San Diego LLC considers a three-year project, Project A, involving an initial investment of $80 million and the following cash inflows and probabilities:
Describe your answer for each question in complete sentences,whenever it is necessary. Show all of your calculations and processes for the following points:
- Describe and calculate Project A’s expected net present value (ENPV) and standard deviation (SD), assuming the discount rate (or risk-free interest rate) to be 8%. What is the decision rule in terms of ENPV? What will be San Diego LLC’s decision regarding this project? Describe your answer
- The company is also considering another three-year project, Project B, which has an ENPV of $32 million and standard deviation of $10.5 million. Project A and B are mutually exclusive. Which of the two projects would you prefer if you do not consider the risk factor? Explain.
- Describe the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) in connection with risk attitudes and decision-making. If you now also consider your risk-aversion attitude, as the CEO of the San Diego LLC will you make a different decision between Project A and Project B, why?
MKT 421 Week 3 Team Assignment Strategy and Positioning Paper (Pet Care Service)
$27.50Select a new product or service that will be launched by either an existing organization or one you will create. This product or service will serve as the basis for the Marketing Plan you will write throughout the course
Obtain your instructor’s approval of your product or service before beginning this project
Write a 2,800- to 3,500-word paper that includes the following
- An overview of the organization
- A description of the product or service
- A SWOT analysis of the organization and offering
- A competitive analysis of the organization and offering using Porter’s five competitive forces model
- The criteria you will use to segment your market and select your target market including geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors
- A description of your target market
- Needs that cause your target market to buy including emotional and logical drivers
- A written positioning statement that identifies:
- Your target market
- The needs that drive purchase
- Your organization’s industry category
- How your organization solves the target’s needs
- Your organization’s competition
- What makes your organization different from its competition
Include sources of secondary research that support your analysis.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Product, Pricing, and Channel Paper (Pet Care Facility)
$15.00Use the product and organization you identified in your Week 3 Strategy and Positioning Paper.
Write a 1,500- to 2,000- word paper that includes:
- A detailed description of the features of your product or service including how it solves the needs of your target market
- A description of how your marketing efforts will change with each phase in the product life cycle
- The packaging you will use for your product or service and how it will add value
- The appropriate pricing strategy for your product or service and the price you will set at launch
- The channels of distribution you will use to sell your product along with a description of how each channel partner will add value
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
INSS 605: Mini-Cases – New age of NBA analytics: Advantage or Overload…
$32.50INSS 605
Individual Project 2
Systems and Applications
Mini cases:
- New age of NBA analytics: Advantage or Overload?
- Marketing DSS Architecture for sports sponsorship management
- Changing Transportation: From Drivers to Data
- Strategyn Holdings, LLC; Patent Issued for Universal Customer Based Information and Ontology Platform for Business Information and Innovation Management
- Most Wired Hospitals and Health Systems
- Technology for Tracking trees and Terrain
- Business Technology: Using Web Tools to Control Legal Bills
- Fast Track Solution: Delaware State police Mobile Crime Tip Line App(iOS and Android)
- Data, Information & Knowledge Management: JNET & PennDOT Facial recognition Integration
- Information Communications Technology(ICT) Innovations: Mobile Emergency Interface
- Digital Government- Government to Citizen: m-Ticketing for commuter Rail and Ferry Services
- State CIO Office Special Recognition: The State of California GeoPortal
- For each system/application in the mini-cases, discuss whether its description suggests features/functionalities from one or more of the following categories of information systems covered in chapter 2,9,11 and 12 of the test – TPS, DSS, ESS, ERP, SCM, KMS, collaboration, GIS, and GDSS. Some of these categories have multiple sub-categories, so be sure to identify any applicable sub-categories in your answer. (As a hypothetical example, one particular system in a mini-case may appear to primarily be a decision support system targeted at mid-level managers in sales and marketing. Your answer will need more elaboration and discussion, of course).
- In which stage (or stages) of decision making does each system best assist its respective user community – intelligence stage, choice stage, and /or implementation stage? Discuss and justify your answer.
- As implemented, each systems is probably interconnected/linked to other systems or applications in the organization. Although the mini-cases do not necessarily address the aspect, from your understanding of organizations, business processes, and systems describe some possible examples of such interconnections for each systems. Explain your reasoning while explicitly stating any assumptions.
Leadership Style of Meg Whitman
$15.00Leadership Style of Meg Whitman
Write 1000 (+/-10%) words about the following:
Below is a list of ten people who are leaders in business. Select one person from this list. Relate that person’s style of leadership to one or more of the four leadership styles outlined in Darling & Leffel (2010), providing examples of how your selected person has applied their leadership style in their business career. Then critically discuss how that person’s leadership style has made them an effective or ineffective leader.
Select from this list:
- Khalid A. Al-Falih (Saudi Arabian – President and CEO of Saudi Aramco)
- Ertharin Cousin (American – Executive director of United Nations World Food Programme)
- Dang Le Nguyen Vu (Vietnamese – Chairman of Trung Nguyen Coffee Inc)
- Jiang Jianqing (Chinese – Executive director of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(ICBC)
- Gerard Kleisterlee (British – Chairman of Vodaphone)
- Christine Lagarde (French – Managing director of International Monetary Fund)
- Miuccia Prada (Italian – Head designer, Prada)
- Alfred Schopf (German – CEO of Leica)
- Wang Jianzhou (Chinese – Former chairman of China Mobile)
- Meg Whitman (American – President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard)
Notes: You should briefly define any key terms (e.g. leadership; effective/ineffective). As well as Darling & Leffel (2010), you should cite at least two other academic sources. These should be academic references such as web- or paper-based journal articles.
In addition to these two academic sources, you may also use one or two non-academic sources to find information about the person that you have chosen to discuss. (Non-academicsources include substantive journals, newspaper/magazine articles or books for general readership. Wikipedia and online blogs are NOT appropriate references.)
Either the Harvard or APA referencing style may be used in your response (not both). Pleaseuse one style consistently in the correct alphabetic format and with the correct words italicised.
All work is to be typed (1.5 line spacing) and in 12 point Arial font.
References:Darling, J. & Beebe, S. A. (2007). Enhancing entrepreneurial leadership: A focus on key communication priorities. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 20 (2), 151-168.
Darling, J. & Leffel, A. (2010). Developing the leadership team in an entrepreneurial venture: Acase focusing on the importance of styles. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 23(3), 355-371.
Business outcomes due to successful supply chain
$15.00What are the business outcomes that are the result of a successful supply chain
Business outcomes due to successful supply chain
1 Content of the paper should be 3-4 pages, not include the information page and references page.
2 The paper should be using 12-point font Times New Roman with double-spaced.
3 This research paper should take at lease 3 sources (Articles, journals and research papers).
4 This is a research paper that means you need have work cited. (You need to show the links)
5 This is a term paper, which you CAN NOT use bullet points.
Topic: What are the business outcomes that are the result of a successful supply chain?
You must write this paper in a regular term paper format. You must write your point of view and use others’ point of view that you found from articles/journals/research papers to support this paper.
This is a term paper for graduate school in marketing course. Please take it seriously. Use the professional English skill and grammars to establish this paper without any plagiarisms.
Components of Workplace Citizenship
$27.50CUC100 Assignment 4
The Charles Darwin University graduate attributes identify social responsibility, communication, and teamwork as the skills that make up the core employability attribute of ‘citizenship’.
Reflecting on your current or future workplace, what are the essential components of workplace citizenship? Critically argue the importance of at least three skills or values.
For your final assignment, you need to write a 1500-2000 word in response to the question
1500 – 2000 words (EXCLUDING reference list and in-text citations/footnotes)
Special instructions:
- You must support your arguments with in-text citations, as well as quotes and paraphrased excerpts from credible academic sources.
- As a basic requirement, you must include at least 5 references/academic sources other than the 3 core readings. You can cite and reference the 3 core readings, too. However, at least 5 references should be from your own research.
- Whether you choose to use the 3 core readings or not, you must have a minimum of 6 references. With the above rule, this means that you can have 5 of your own readings plus 1 of the core readings, and this will be sufficient. The 3 core readings plus 3 of your own references to make the 6 will not be sufficient because it breaks the above rule.
- You must use formal, academic language – i.e., no “I” or “we” or “me” “you”, etc.
Tips for passing Assignment 4:
- All of the work in CUC100 is intended to prepare you for your final. Assignments 2 and 3 (and Assignment 1, indirectly) should have helped you to make a strong plan. It will help, then, to review what you’ve learned throughout the semester and build on the research and planning that you did for your other assignments.
- Draw from your textbook. It is an excellent source of information and advice on writing. Chapters 1-5, 8, and 10 are especially relevant.
- Start your research early. You can use the three core readings as references but you will also need to do your own further research. Check the “Research Guide” under “Help and Support” in the CUC100 Learnline site for help with this.
- Use credible sources for your research and references. This means textbooks from your field, academic and professional journals, and credible websites (i.e., NOT Wikipedia!!). Check with the liaison librarians if you need further advice on this.
- DO NOT leave it until the last minute to write. We’re not just telling you this for the sake of it – most of your tutors/lecturers have been guilty of doing this at some stage so we’re speaking from experience! It doesn’t work. Seriously!
- Keep your arguments and ideas clearly separated from one another – don’t pack them all into one sentence or paragraph! A clear plan (which you should already have from Assignment 3) will help you with this.
- REFERENCE your supporting research using in-text citations and a completed reference list at the end of your. The Research Skills Activity (see the Learning Guide for Week 4 in Learnline) and your Annotated Bibliography should have prepared you for this. You can also check the “Referencing Guide” under “Help and Support” in the CUC100 Learnline site for help with referencing.
- Indicate on your cover sheet which standard system of referencing you are following (e.g., Harvard, APA, Chicago). We suggest that you use the system most commonly used in your area of study.
- Before submitting, check the Pre-submission Checklist on the following page to make sure that it meets all of the requirements:
How do MNC help themselves more than they help develop the host country
$0.00Rich countries like to say they are helping poor countries develop, and MNC are the newest and most effective way of doing this. But is this just a cover up for what they are really doing?
How do MNC help themselves more than they help develop the host country and how are the only increasing the gap in poverty rather than reducing poverty. How are they only increasing their power and making it harder for developing countries to catch up.
INTRO (200words)
Paragraph One – what are MNCs, and their role in the development process (200 words)
Paragraph Three – relate the Dependency theory and Competitive Advantage theory to MNC, using examples. (200words)
Paragraph Two – examples of MNCs exploitation and abuse of power and capital they gain from what to do. Start talking about inequality in this paragraph. (300words)
Paragraph Four – start looking at the development process of a country with MNC. But use bad examples of failed examples look at how rich countries get richer but poor get poorer. (300words)
Paragraph Five – talk about how the rich will only get richer and ‘puppets of cooperation’s’ argument. Talk about how MNC increase GLOBAL inequality. (300words)
Conclusion. (200 words)