Showing 811–819 of 1965 results
Business Report on Ethical Consumerism
$25.00Write an analytical business report on what ethical consumerism means for businesses.
Choose a company and explain and analyse how they operate ethically. This must take into account the ethicsand values of the company you choose to focus on.
The report must be written in business report format and include the following six numbered sections:
· An executive summarywhich gives a brief overview of the argument in your report including key findings and conclusions.
· An introductionwhich gives an overview of the structure of your report.
· A brief overview and analysis of ethical consumerism,identifying the examples of some of the products which fall into the ethical category. You must include a definition of ethical consumerism and arguments as to why it is a good strategy for businesses to adopt.
· A detailed review of one company claiming to operate ethically. Discuss the approach(es) they have used to become a more socially conscious business, linking this with their ethics and values.
· The results of a short opinion surveyon what influences consumer buying behaviour, carried out by you from a small sample of 10-15 students at GSM London. You need to conduct primary research for this section.
· A conclusionwhich includes critical evaluation of ethical consumerism based on the evidence that you have gathered both from your primary and secondary research, focusing on the company you have chosen for detailed review.
· Recommendationsas to how your company could become more ethical.
· You must include a references list after the main body of the report. Remember to use Harvard referencing where appropriate.
· A copy of your opinion survey should be included in an appendix.
Supporting material will be posted on Blackboard, but you will be expected to undertake research using newspaper/magazine/web articles, journals and text books. There will also be input in class time to assist you with the topic.
Word limit: Not more than 2000 +/- 10%
A suggested word count for each section is given below.
Executive summary 100 words Introduction 200 words Ethical consumerism 400 words Company review 600 words Opinion survey 400 words (not including survey/tables etc) Conclusion 200 words Recommendations 100 words A brief introduction to ethical consumerism
On April 24 2013, a building known as the Rana Plaza collapsed on top of garment workers inside its factories, killing more than 1,100 people and injuring 2,500. It would be known as the worst ever accident in the garment industry anywhere in the world.
It was later discovered that 28 brands that sourced clothes from the plaza included Primark, Benetton, Mango, Matalan and Bonmarché, prompting public concern about the working conditions of garment factories around the world which contribute to western high street fashion stores.
Ethical consumerism encourages people to think about how the products they buy are sourced and produced and which arenot harmful to the environment and society. This can be evidenced through simply purchasing eggs that are free-range or boycotting goods/companies which promote child labour or unsavoury working conditions.
The range of product areas which fall into the ethical category includes:
· Banking and finance
· Energy
· Fashion
· Food and drinks
· Travel and tourism
Ethical consumerism is a growing market; a recent report from the Co-operative Bank showed a third of UK consumers claiming to be concerned about ethical consumption, with a large number of the public willing to challenge and boycott companies which do not comply with ethical standards.
Performance Appraisal Method Paper
$25.00Assignment 2.3: Justification Report – Part 3 (Final)
Due Week 7 and worth 200 points
In Assignments 2.1 (Part 1) and 2.2 (Part 2) of the Justification Report, you built up the major parts of your formal, researched justification report (Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, Methods, Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, and References). You will begin Part 3 by inserting your revisions of Parts 1 and 2 based on your instructor’s suggestions. Then, you will include a few new additions:
Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings:- Introduction (for Question 1)
- Problem Statement (for Question 1a)
- Terminology (for Question 1b)
- Major Sections of the Report (for Question 1c)
- Scope and Limitations of the Research (for Question 1d)
- Preliminary Parts (for Question 2)
- Recommendation (for Question 3)
- References (for Question 4)
Write a four (4) page, single-spaced report in which you:
- Create an introduction that tells what your report is about.
- Include the Problem Statement that you already created and revised in Part 1.
- Include terms that readers will need to know in order to understand the report.
- Briefly summarize the major sections and findings of the report that you’ve developed in Parts 1 and 2.
- Discuss what your report will cover and what it will not.
- Create the preliminary parts of the report that precede the Introduction (after reading Chapter 12 in your Professional Communications textbook), which includes:
- Title Page
- Transmittal
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
Note: Use small Roman numerals to number the pages of the preliminary parts of the report.
- Create the Recommendation section of the Report.
- Provide a one to two (1-2) sentence recommendation based on what your Evaluation of Alternatives and Findings and Analysis sections have determined is the most feasible alternative (i.e. solution) to the problem in the Problem Statement.
- Create the References sections, which goes at the end of the Report, by pasting in your revised References page.
Note: Remember to organize the report by the section headings. The report should reflect a style and format appropriate for business; single spacing and bullet points are acceptable for formal business reports.
Your assignment must:
- Be typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Support ideas or claims in body paragraphs with clear details, examples, and explanations.
- Organize ideas logically by using transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
- Use sentence variety and effective word choice in written communication.
- Apply writing process strategies to develop formal business reports and / or proposals.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues related to selected topics.
- Write clearly and concisely using proper writing mechanic
- Introduction (for Question 1)
$32.50You are required to submit a personal development portfolio, which does not 2500 words. The marking criteria can be found in Appendix 3.
The assessment is designed to help you explore and reflect upon your future career path and the skills you have and need to develop in order to reach your academic development and employment goals.
Prepare a personal development portfolio, presented in report format which identifies the transferable skills you have developed in academic studies, personal life and the workplace, placing emphasis on the skills discussed during lectures. Produce a personal development learning log and action plan for your future academic and career developmental covering the next 3 years. Your personal development plan must also include and reference your CV.
** Please note that the learning Log, CV and action plan do not count towards the 2500 words requirement for the report. The action plan should be for the duration of your course.
Please answer the following questions to structure your portfolio:
- Provide a reflective account based on comparing and contrasting your own experiences, employability skills and behaviors with those required by graduate employers.
What skills, experiences and behaviors are valued by graduate employers and why? How do your current employability skills match these requirements? You might consider work, volunteering, sports and other activities and experiences to justify your attainment of these skills. Include in your discussion what you have learnt about your current ability during this module that perhaps meets (or falls short) of the requirements of graduate employers.
- Team working is an essential graduate employability skill. Assess and evaluate your team working skills as demonstrated during this module.
Consider how you have worked with others within team work situations and activities during the module, reflecting on your experiences during the mock assessment Centre and the group business challenges. Based on your understanding of effective team working, discuss how you might tackle these situations differently in the future?
- 3. Identify one graduate employer’s selection process and evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses against this process.
You will need to evaluate your own abilities based on your CV and/ or application form requirement and your performance and feedback from the assessed application form, the mock interview and assessment Centre tasks completed in class.
- Compile a career plan covering the next 3 years. The career plan should cover areas of improvement identified above and comprise of an action plan with realistic SMART targets and a learning log explaining how you aim to achieve these targets. The learning log and action plan will be placed in the appendices while a commentary explaining these will be present within your PDP.
Your commentary will also outline any potential barriers and challenges that you anticipate in achieving your targets and goals explaining how you aim to address these?
The portfolio Must contain all 4 elements above and include referenced (reference list) and practical evidence (within appendices) to support your points and discussions. Please also note that this is a Level 5 assignment. All students are therefore expected to justify their discussion using academic references. Students are expected to reference a minimum of two scholarly journal articles and four academic text books to be clearly listed using Harvard referencing within a reference list presented at the end of the PDP report.
Reading List:
Rook,S.(2013). Palgrave Study Skills. The Graduate Career Guidebook. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Trought. F (2012). Brilliant Employability Skills – How to stand out from the crowd in the graduate job market.
Appendix 3
1. Reflective Account Criteria: Demonstrates an understanding of the graduate employment market and evaluates owns skills, experiences and behaviors, against employer expectations. Discussion is supported by and draws from personal experiences and evidence gained from the activities both within the module and work and personal experiences attained outside of the module. Analysis and discussions are supported by referenced evidence drawn from text books, journal articles, policy and survey reports and employer company information.
2. An evaluation of your team working skills as demonstrated during this module Criteria: identifies value and understanding of teamwork and evaluates the impact of self when working with others. Discussion is supported by and draws from evidence from the group work within module. Analysis and reflection is supported by an understanding of concepts underpinning effective team work drawn from academic text books and journal articles.
3. Identify one graduate employer’s selection process and evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses against this process Criteria: Demonstrates understanding of one employers selection methods and why they are used. Students are expected to self-evaluate their own performance in relation to the outlined employer selection methods which will include: CVs, application forms or interview and assessment Centre activities. Discussions must be supported by and draw upon evidence completed in class and/ or any other employment experiences. Where relevant students, will use academic references to fully justify any practical solutions that they highlight to support their future improvement in performance relative to each of these selection processes.
4. Career Action Plan Criteria: Plan is effectively presented and summarized using a learning log and SMART goal targets, covering the next 3 years of development and progress. Learning log and SMART goals and targets must and will reflect shortfalls highlighted within portfolio discussions. This section must include a commentary identifying and explaining potential obstacles and outlining and reflecting on practical solutions in minimizing these. Discussion must also highlight how the students will monitor and review learning and SMART targets.
Presentation Criteria
Fail >40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70%+ Structure, word count and referencing of evidence Does not confirm to requirements. Structure unclear, no evidence or referencing.
An attempt at structure but part unclear. Satisfactory use of evidence and referencing. Largely conforms to requirements-good evidence and referencing clear. Well presented with occasional inconsistencies in providing evidence and references. Engaging and logical structure. Excellent presentation of evidence and clear referencing. Clarity of expression Purpose & meaning unclear. Language, grammar & spelling poor. Lapses in expression. Some mistakes in language, grammar & spelling. Language mainly fluent and meaning clear. Grammar & spelling mainly accurate. Thoughts and ideas clearly expressed. Grammar & spelling accurate: language fluent. Expression excellent. Consistently accurate grammar and spelling with fluent, professional writing style. -
Correlation between Corporate Governance rating and financial performance
$2.50In 300 words, using a research topic of your choice, list five key terms that relate to your topic and use these to do database search for journal articles. What are the outcomes of your database search? How did you modify your search terms to achieve a successful search? Which database were most useful to you and why/
Research topic is correlation between Corporate Governance rating and financial performance.
Five key terms for this topic are as follows.
1. Corporate Governance
2. Rating
3. Correlation
4. investors
5. Financial performance
Please discuss the differences between quantitative,qualitative, and mixed methods research methodology in at least 500 words in accordance with the APA guidelines.
Importance of standards in business networks
$7.00Write a 3–4 page paper that identifies the importance of standards in business networks. Explain the difference between network standards and their effect on business. Provide insight into what the results would be of nostandards as well as, more strict standards
Crowdfunding Venture Analysis Individual Research
$7.00Individual Component:
- Study a variety of crowdfunding web sites and choose a start-up venture that you find personally interesting. (See attached Crowdfunding List.)
- Read the start-up venture’s proposal and do some additional research. You may want to look for competition, visit the business’ web site, and explore other external factors that may influence the business venture, such as cultural/social/political/economic conditions that may affect the success of the idea.
- Write a short, one-page paper (single-spaced) that describes the venture. No introductory or conclusion paragraph is needed. Include:
Company Information:
Name of company. Number of days on crowdfunding site. Target dollar amount. Amount of money raised to date.
Product or Service Information:
Describe the product or service. What problem is it solving? Who is the target market?
Competitive Advantage
Describe what makes this product or service different. Is there any competition? What is unique about the product/service or, if the product/service is not unique, what is its competitive advantage compared to others in the same market? Why do you think this product/service will be successful?
1 single-spaced page. 1-in margins. 10-12 point font.
APA format for internal citations and include a Reference Page.
Assignment must be typed.
Use the headers as described above.
Crowdfunding sites: Kickstarter is the 800-pound gorilla in crowdfunding, originally designed and built for creative arts; many technology entrepreneurs now use the site, some reporting to have raised millions of dollars. The Kickstarter funding model is an all-or-nothing model. You set a goal for your raise; if your raise exceeds the goal, you keep all the money, otherwise your supporters don’t pay and you don’t get anything. This protects supporters from some of the risk of your running out of money before your project is completed. StartSomeGood is great for early-stage social good projects that are not (yet) 501(c) (3) registered nonprofits. StartSomeGood uses a unique “tipping point” model for fundraising, allowing you to set a funding goal and a lower “tipping point” at which your project can minimally proceed and where you will collect the money you raise. Indiegogo allows you to raise money for absolutely anything, using an optional “keep what you raise” model with higher fees or pay less to use an all-or-nothing funding approach. Rockethub is also a broad platform targeting “artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists”, using a keep-what-you-raise model that rewards you for hitting your funding goal (or penalizes you for failing to hit it). Pozible, run from Australia, has a global platform for all types of projects, emphasizing “creative projects and ideas” and specifically precludes fundraising for charities. Pozible operates with an all-or-nothing funding model. Razoo boasts that it has now helped 14,000 causes raise over $100 million. This site is exclusively for social good causes but is not limited to non-profits using a keep-what-you-raise model, charging just 2.9% of money raised.
T2, 2014– MMH299 Business Communication Portfolio Part C – Self Reflection (Individual Submission)
$17.50T2, 2014– MMH299 Business Communication
Portfolio Part C – Self Reflection (Individual Submission)
DIEP strategy for writing a reflection
In your entries, attempt to:
- Analyse your own performance as a learner and evaluate your gains in understanding and completing tasks
- Verbalise how you feel about your learning
- Make connections with other experiences, such as, ideas
- Demonstrate the transfer of learning to practice
- Integrate the concepts taught in the course (including any literature where relevant)
D – Describe objectively what happened Give the details of what happened. Answer the question: ‘What did I do, read, see, hear?’
I – Interpret the events Explain your learning: new insights, connections with other learning, your feelings, hypotheses,
and conclusions. Answer the questions: ‘What was the reason I did this activity?’ ‘What might it mean?’
E – Evaluate what you learned Make judgments connected to observations you have made. Answer the question: ‘How was this useful?’
P – Plan how this learning will be applied Comment on its relevance to your course, program, future profession, life…Answer the question: ‘How might this learning apply in my future?’
Unit Number: _____________________________________________
Assignment: ______________________________________________
Student Name: ____________________________________________
Student Number: __________________________________________
Campus (On/Off) and Location: _______________________________
Please rate the contribution of each other member of your team by dividing a total of 100 marks between all of the team members who you believe made the greatest contribution to the team (do NOT include yourself in this list) (see the example below which you can overwrite). You are not required to rate your own contribution at this stage.
Group Members’ Names Contribution (out of 100) 1. John Smith 10 2. Jo Jones 30 3. Peter Williams 40 4. Karen Daily 20 Please provide explanations for your ratings, and if appropriate, describe how you have attempted to encourage the team member to improve their performance (number according to the numbers next to the group members’ names above). Your comments will be reviewed if a student should appeal their presentation evaluation, so it is important that your explanations are factual, legible and professional.
Comments: Now please provide an assessment of your own performance out of 100. Again, this will be reviewed against your team members’ assessment of you:
Name Contribution (out of 100) 1. Chow Yuen Fat 62 Comments: Explain why you have awarded yourself this mark This evaluation is a formal component of your assessment
Full Name: _______________________
Signature: _______________________
Date: _______________________
The future potential of bitcoin becoming a mainstream currency
$10.00Bitcoin, a virtually currency, represents a major innovation in the evolution of money. While not actually legal tender it is growing rapidly in popularity and usage. The main benefits of bitcoin relate to its protection of user anonymity, minimal transaction fees, and its independence from both government control and the banking system. It has also been very controversial due to its use as a preferred method of payment in the underground and black market economy. Your paper should evaluate the future potential of bitcoin becoming a mainstream currency. The report should address both the opportunities and challenges facing bitcoin and the implications regarding its potential impact on society – including the economy, government, the banking system, as well as the regulatory environment (eg legal issues).
Email to, requesting a full refund
Love at first listen is the only way to describe the way you felt when you discovered You enjoy dozens of styles of music, from Afrobeat and Tropicalia to mainstream pop and the occasional blast of industrial metal, and has them all for only $9.99 a month. You can explore every genre imaginable, listening to as many sound tracks as you like for a fixed monthly fee. The service sounded too good to be true–and sadly, it was. The service was so unreliable that you began keeping note of when it was unavailable. Last month, it was down for all or part of 12 days–well over a third of the month. As much as you like it, you’ve had enough.
YOUR TASK: Write an email to, requesting a full refund. To get the $9.99 monthly rate, you prepaid for an entire year ($119.88), and you’ve been a subscriber for two months now. You know the service has been out for at least part of the time on 12 separate days last month, and while you didn’t track outages during the first month, you believe it was about the same number of days.
1. Email Format (include: TO, FROM, SUBJECT)
2. Direct Approach to be used (your STATEMENT OF PROBLEM will be at the beginning)
3. Formal tone throughout (you are writing to a company)
4. Grammar/Spelling
5. Three parts to your message (opening, body, closing)
6. Clearly state what you think is a fair settlement