Showing 793–801 of 1965 results

  • Black Men and Public Space


    Black Men and Public Space

    You will select one of the following from the list below and research the issue it raises. You will do two things:

    1) You will summarize the article in such way as to make clear that you understand the author’s argument, and
    2) You will craft a response to the author’s argument. Whether you agree, disagree,  or fall somewhere in between, you will explore and explain your point of  view. You will need to include at least three outside sources to support your claims.

    3 Pages



    Question No 1.

    Analyze the following transaction under traditional approach.

    18.1.2011 Received a cheque from a customer, Sanjay at 5 p.m. Rs.20,000

    19.1.2011 Paid Ramu by cheque Rs.1,50,000

    20.1.2011 Paid salary Rs. 30,000

    20.1.2011 Paid rent by cheque Rs. 8,000

    21.1.2011 Goods withdrawn for personal use Rs. 5,000

    25.1.2011 Paid an advance to suppliers of goods Rs. 1,00,000

    26.1.2011 Received an advance from customers Rs. 3,00,000

    31.1.2011 Paid interest on loan Rs. 5,000

    31.1.2011 Paid instalment of loan Rs. 25,000

    31.1.2011 Interest allowed by bank Rs. 8,000

    Question No 2.

    The trial balance of Nilgiris Co Ltd., as taken on 31st December, 2002 did not tally and the difference was carried to suspense account. The following errors were detected subsequently.

    1. a) Sales book total for November was under cast by Rs. 1200.
    2. b) Purchase of new equipment costing Rs. 9475 has been posted to Purchases a/c.
    3. c) Discount received Rs.1250 and discount allowed Rs. 850 in September 2002 have been posted to wrong sides of discount account.
    4. d) A cheque received from Mr. Longford for Rs. 1500 for goods sold to him on credit earlier, though entered correctly in the cash book has been posted in his account as Rs. 1050.
    5. e) Stocks worth Rs. 255 taken for use by Mr. Dayananda, the Managing Director, have been entered in sales day book.
    6. f) While carrying forward, the total in Returns Inwards Book has been taken as Rs. 674 instead of Rs. 647.
    7. g) An amount paid to cashier, Mr. Ramachandra, Rs. 775 as salary for the month of November has been debited to his personal account as Rs. 757.

    Pass journal entries and draw up the suspense account

    Question No 3.

    From the given trial balance draft an Adjusted Trial Balance.

    Question No 4.

    Compute trend ratios and comment on the financial performance of Infosys Technologies Ltd. from the following extract of its income statements of five years.

    Question No 5.

    Give the meaning of cash flow analysis and put down the objectives of cash flow analysis. Explain the preparation of cash flow statement.

    Question No 6.

    Write the assumptions of marginal costing. Differentiate between absorption costing and marginal costing.

  • MB0039 –Business Communication Semester 1


    Question no 1.

    What are the various types of communication? Describe the classification of non-verbal communication.

    Question no. 2

    Describe any situation in your own experience where the communication failed because the listening was faulty. Identify the barrier to listening in this situation.

    Question no 3.

     Describe any 5 types of presentations with examples and their target audience.

    Question no 4.

    Explain the different types of meetings.

    Question no 5.

    You are going to face a job interview for the post of Manager-operations. Which aspects you will keep in mind while facing the interview?

    Question no 6.

    Write short notes on:

    1. a) Internet
    2. b) Intranet
  • MB0043 –Human Resource Management Semester 1


    Question No.1.

    What do you mean by Human Resource Management? Describe the functions of Human Resource Management.

    Question no. 2

    Discuss the elements of a Career Planning Programme. Explain some of the benefits of a Career Planning program to an organization.

    Question No 3.

    What do you mean by HRIS? Explain the components of HRIS. Describe the different applications of HRIS in Human Resource Management.

    Question No 4.

    Discuss the objectives of Discipline. Explain the Action –penalties of Discipline.

    Question No 5.

    Suppose you have joined as an HR and you have been assigned a task to carry out the grievance handling procedure in your organization. What according to you are the causes of Grievance? Describe in detail the Grievance handling procedure.

    Question No 6.

    Write a short note on the following:

    1. A) Index /Trend Analysis
    2. B) Delphi Technique
  • MB0038 – Management Process and Organization Behavior Semester 1


    Question No 1.

    Define the terms ‘strategy’. Explain the following:

    1. a) Corporate strategy
    2. b) Business strategy
    3. c) Functional strategy

    Question No 2.

    Define the term ‘management’. Explain the Behavioral science theory and Systems theory.

    Question No 3.

    Give the definition and importance of planning in an organization and explain the steps in planning.

    Question No 4.

    Define the term Controlling? What are the prerequisites of effective control?

    Question No 5.

    What are ‘attitudes’? Explain the components and functions of attitude.

    Question No 6.

    Define leadership. Write a brief note on ‘Contingency Theories of Leadership’




    Question No 1.

    Statistics plays a vital role in almost every facet of human life. Describe the functions of Statistics. Explain the applications of statistics.


    1. a) Explain the approaches to define probability.
    2. b) State the addition and multiplication rules of probability giving an example of each case.

    Question No 3.

    1. a) The procedure of testing hypothesis requires a researcher to adopt several steps. Describe in brief all such steps.
    2. b) Explain the components of time series.

    Question No 4.

    1. a) What is a Chi-square test? Point out its applications. Under what conditions is this test applicable?
    2. b) Discuss the types of measurement scales with examples.

    Question No 5.

    Business forecasting acquires an important place in every field of the economy. Explain the objectives and theories of Business forecasting.

    Question No 6.

    1. a) What is analysis of variance? What are the assumptions of this technique?
    2. b) Three samples  below  have  been  obtained  from  normal  populations  with  equal variance Test the hypothesis at 5% level that the population means are equal.
    A B C
    8 7      12
    10 5 9
    7 10 13
    14 9 12
    11 9 14

    [The table value of F at 5% level of significance for v1 = 2 and v2 = 12 is 3.88]



    Question no. 1
    Inflation is a global Phenomenon which is associated with high price causes decline in the value for money. It exists when the amount of money in the country is in excess of the physical volume of goods and services. Explain the reasons for this monetary phenomenon.

    Question no 2.
    Monopoly is the situation there exists a single control over the market producing a commodity having no substitutes with no possibilities for anyone to enter the industry to compete. In that situation, they will not charge a uniform price for all the customers in the market and also the pricing policy followed in that situation.

    Question No. 3
    Define monopolistic competition and explain its characteristics.

    Question no 4.
    When should a firm in perfectly competitive market shut down its operation?

    Question no 5.
    Discuss the practical application of Price elasticity and Income elasticity of demand

    Question no 6.
    Discuss the scope of managerial economics.

  • Analysis of the Greek currency crisis Paper


    Research paper Outline

    Title: Currency crisis


    International finance is an intricate issue; all countries in the world are interconnected through trade. Thus, a currency crisis in one country has the propensity to affect other countries linked by trade.


     The financial crisis that has been witnessed in Greece has had phenomenal impact not only to the people of Greece but to fellow members of the Eurozone and in other continents such as the United States and Asian countries who involve themselves with trade. The main premise of the paper is to understand the background of the financial crisis in Greece and the measures that were put in place to help the country out of the crisis. The paper will also delve into the impact the crisis had on the wider global finance.


    Provides the background of the Greek currency crisis and what caused it; this section includes:

    • -Domestic causes
    • -The international causes for the crisis

    4.Impact of the Greek Currency crisis on international finance

    This section discusses the impact the Greece financial crisis had in other countries around the world; this section looks into the impact this crisis has had on other EU member states and also the United States. It also reveals the how trade relations has the ability to join fates of different countries with regard to finances.

    5.Proposed measures to curb the crisis

    • Domestic reforms
    • International assistance


    This section summarizes the content of the paper and further validates the thesis statement which is the premise for writing this paper.

  • Virtues in Becoming a Well Rounded Leader



    This personal experience paper describes how I, a Senior Enlisted Soldier, developed my sense of leadership style while serving in the U.S. Army.  The paper will describe different situations that I encountered with various ranks of leadership throughout my military career.  Some of the leadership experiences encountered were positive and some negative.  This paper will also discuss my personal encounters in being a Leader during various moments in my career and how I dealt with Subordinate Soldiers.  The overall effects of adverse leadership versus servant have many influences on the virtues in becoming a well-rounded Leader.

    7 Pages