Showing 658–666 of 1959 results
Analysis of International Portfolio Investment
$37.50Management of risk arising from exchange rate movements is one of the most important tasks for multinationals managers. This task includes forecasting exchange rate movements, which is a challenging task. To coin this difficulty, Lawrence Summers who was former US Treasury and Professor at Harvard University cynically joked that forecasting exchange rate is a job for a (dead) man whose IQ is less than 80. Unfortunately, however, we are often forced to forecast it. The best model for the forecasting has yet to be found although many theories including the Dornbush’s overshooting model, other monetary approach models, the balance of payment theory, and the portfolio balance theory have been proposed.
As such, we have to rely on a couple of businessmen’s forecasting methods: (1) forecasting based on recent trend (technical method); (2) focus on economic growth, interests, inflations (fundamental method); and (3) rely on market spot and forward rate (market-based method).Assume that you are CEO of the Yangkee Multinational Fund Management Company located in Washington, America and considering portfolio investment on shares listed on the Australian Stock Exchange for a year from 1 June 2014. You are planning to repatriate all the investments (e.g. principal+dividend payment) and expected capital gains to the U.S. at one-time in a year. Understanding your thoughts, board of directors of your company requested a formal report of the plan by on-line submission. Next board meeting will be on Friday, 3 October. Chair of the board, Clinton- Obama, is one of alumni from your University and advised you that many board members are not familiar with international financial management so that the report should include at least:
- Predict what is expected (spot) exchange rate between US$ and A$ in 1 June 2015? Justify your answer.
Baseline readings: Lecture W2 + Ch.9 (Text book) - What are the advantages and disadvantages of investing in Australia compared to investing in China?
Baseline readings: Ch.6, 9, 16 (Text book) - What are the advantages and disadvantages of portfolio investment compared to purchasing an existing company (e.g. mergers and acquisition)?
Baseline readings: Ch.13, 14 (Text book) - Write it as a report
8 pages, double spaced
- Predict what is expected (spot) exchange rate between US$ and A$ in 1 June 2015? Justify your answer.
Improving resource allocation and generate revenue
$25.00Improving resource allocation and generate revenue
SECTION A – Short Answer (15 Marks)
In a short answer of no more than 500 – 800 words (+/- 5%) students are to respond to the employers question after considering the hypothetical job interview:
Consider the following hypothetical situation:
You have applied for a job as a Graduate Accountant in a medium sized Australian accounting firm. The main business activities of the accounting firm are external audit for medium sized companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and financial consultation for small and medium sized businesses. Some of the consultation includes the preparation of financial accounts and compliance for taxation purposes and business advice to improve resource allocation and generate revenue.
You are asked a question by your potential employer
(Where applicable, in-text and end-text referencing is required and is to be included at the end of Section A).
Marks are allocated for introduction, content and originality, conclusion, spelling/grammar, referencing.
SECTION B (15 Marks)
Students are required to write 500 – 800 words (+/- 5%) on the following topic.
“Triple bottom line reporting is a waste of time”. Discuss this comment.
(In-text and end-text referencing for this question is required and to be included at the end of Section B).
NOTE: If NO references provided –> Your Grade = ZERO
Marks are allocated for introduction, content and originality, conclusion, spelling/grammar, referencing.
Supply chain strategies evolved over the last decade
How have supply chain strategies evolved over the last decade and why? How will these strategies prepare industry for future challenges?
Lengths: 14 Pages
This is a research report. It does NOT require case studies or examples. It is a theoretical piece of research
Assessment 3: Individual Research Report
Written report: typed, single line spaced; font 12, Arial or Times New Roman
You are required to conduct a thorough literature search (books, journals, trade magazines etc.) in order to prepare the research report. It is expected that you will follow the following guidelines while preparing:
Introduction (about 1 page)
- Introduce your topic of research.
- Discuss aims and objectives of the research.
- Highlight the plan of the report.
Literature Search/Analysis and Discussion (about 6-7 pages)
- Conduct a thorough search on the topic of research. For this you are required to search journals (academic and trade), books, websites. Your objective is to provide up-to-date information on the topic. Use academic journal articles under a decade old in the majority of your references.
- Organise the materials in a meaningful manner. You may develop/use a conceptual framework for this. Build your arguments based on the evidences from published cases and empirical studies. Analyse your points carefully and fully. This is a research assignment – it is not a case study.
Conclusions (about 1.5 pages)
- Current status
- Future direction.
- Provide a list of references and reference these appropriately in the report.
The marking criteria used to assess your written report consists of four major items:
- Relevance
- Organisation
- Research, and
- Innovation
Please check the above items while preparing your report.
- Give figures and tables where necessary.
- Appendices can be added if additional material is considered essential.
Topic 2: Critiquing Current Accounting Research
$7.00Topic 2: Critiquing Current Accounting Research
In the next couple of days after your tutorial you will need to complete an amount of independent research that expands on your brief tutorial discussion and provides evidence to answer the following question:
“How has research, in our discipline of ‘accounting’, assisted to enhance and develop society?”
You might like to discuss or think about some of the following:
- The nature of the business environment and whether this is conducive to such research developments?
- You may consider whether accounting research has in fact enhanced or developed society?
- The nature of accounting research and how this has developed over time?
- Some of the greatest developments that have occurred in accounting?
- Limitations that are placed on accounting research through the profession, employers, society, the regulatory and political environment, accounting standard setting bodies etc.
In undertaking your independent research you may find the following bullet points of assistance to further stimulate your thought processes:
- You might find conducting a general Google search as a good starting point to access information but remember you will need to filter and analyse this information carefully based on the above question.
- Consult with the university library and its array of search options to review accounting research journal articles/ texts that may prove useful to review.
- A secondary resource that makes for an interesting read is your recommended text ‘Double Entry’ by Jane Gleeson-White (see unit guide for more details). This may prompt ideas and reflections.
- You may like to try to source practical examples of such research, through employers, the accounting profession, the ‘big 4’ websites, professional bodies websites (ICAA, CPA, CIMA), IASB website, local and international newspapers.
A written response (500 words maximum) to the question outlined above that provides documentary evidence to support your statement (attach examples to your written response). Your evidence may take different forms i.e. newspaper articles, excerpts from websites, research journal articles, professional body websites etc, but should support what you are discussing in your statement to address the question and reinforce any example you may have provided.
Retail Logistics Paper
$49.00Using your knowledge of Retail Logistics make an assesment of the likely chances of Amazon being succesful in the same day delivery grocery business. What are Amazon’s relative strengths and weaknesses compared to a bricks and mortar network like Wal Mart? In addition to same day delivery what other changes to Amazon’s value chain would you reccomend?
4 Pages, Single Spaced
Contemporary Issue in Accounting 2014
$45.00! This+assignment+may+be+completed+in+groups+of+up+to+3+students.++Groups+are+not+ compulsory+and+students+are+welcome+to+make+individual+submissions+
Topic:+ Positive+accounting+theory+–+contracting+theory+
! Background! Contracting!theory!characterises!the!firm!as!a!legal!nexus!of!contractual!relationships! organizing!economic!activity!to!reduce!contracting!costs.!!An!agency!relationship!arises!from! a!contract!where!one!party!(the!principal)!engages!another!party!(the!agent)!on!their!behalf.!! One!of!the!most!significant!agency!relationships!is!that!between!managers!and! shareholders,!whereby!the!separation!of!ownership!and!control!means!that!managers,!as! agents!of!shareholders,!can!act!in!their!own!interests!–!many!of!which!may!not!be!in!the! interests!of!the!shareholders.!
There!are!a!number!of!problems!that!can!cause!differences!in!shareholders’!and!managers’! incentives!regarding!company!policies,!including!the!risk!aversion!problem!and!the!horizon! problem.!
The!accounting!firm!for!which!you!work!has!a!number!of!clients!who!are!interested!in!salary! packaging!options!for!their!senior!executives.!!A!major!component!under!consideration!is! bonuses!–!shortRterm!cash!bonuses!and!longerRterm!equity!bonuses.!
You!are!required!to!compile!a!report!for!management!of!your!accounting!firm,!which! addresses!the!issues!outlined!below.!!The!report!must!offer!practical!information,!but!also! outline!the!theoretical!perspectives!mentioned!in!the!specific!questions.!!You!are!not! required!to!provide!any!recommendations!in!relation!to!salary!packaging,!as!your!report!will! be!used!by!management!to!provide!betterRinformed!advice!to!clients.!
! The!issues!that!your!report!must!address!are:!
1.!One!of!the!problems!in!the!shareholder/manager!agency!relationship!that!pay!contracts! are!designed!to!overcome!is!the!risk!aversion!problem.!Outline!what!the!problem!is,!and! how!the!contract!between!managers!and!shareholders!can!be!designed!to!reduce!risk! aversion.!
2.!How!does!equity!as!a!pay!component!work!to!reduce!the!horizon!problem?!What!role,!if! any,!does!accounting!information!play!in!specifying!the!contractual!terms!of!bonus!plans! designed!to!reduce!the!horizon!problem?!
5.!Shareholders!of!Australian!entities!have!the!ability!to!vote!to!show!either!their!support!or! dissatisfaction!with!companies’!remuneration!reports.!While!this!is!nonR!binding!on!the! Board,!they!are!obliged!to!take!note!of!shareholders’!views.!Explain!why!shareholders!might! choose!to!vote!against!reports!with!too!high!a!proportion!of!pay!as!shortRterm!cash!bonuses! rather!than!longRterm!incentives.!
Boards!of!topR100!companies!are!paying!their!chief!executives!larger!annual!cash!bonuses!to! avoid!an!embarrassing!investor!backlash!over!pay,!experts!say.!
Additional Files:
Financial Accounting, GST, Income Statement
$30.00Assignment instructions:
There are three parts to this assignment. Please answer each part separately in your own words. You should use the text book and other sources to help you as well as the articles provided. These should be appropriately referenced.Part A
The Nguyen family is just about to open a new restaurant. They invested $200,000 of their own money and also got a $200, 000 bank loan. They bought an old house for $280,000 and spent another $50,000 renovating it. They have also bought second hand tables and chairs and other furniture for $20,000. Kitchen equipment cost $8,000 and a computer for the business cost $2000.
The bank requires a report on their activities before they open to the public. The Nguyens reviewed their bank statement which showed a cash balance of $40,000. They are pleased with the profit they have made and prepare the following income statement for the bank:
Nguyen Restaurant
Income statement
For the six months ended 30 June 2012
Investment by owner $200,000
Bank loan 200,000
Total revenues 400,000
Cost of the house 280,000House renovation expenses 50,000
Furniture expense 20,000
Kitchen equipment expenses 8,000
Computer expenses 2,000
Total expenses 360,000
Profit 40,000
If you were the bank that received this report what would be your comments?
Include answers to the following questions in your comments:
- Would you congratulate them on their profit? Explain why or why not.
- Is cash the same as profit? Explain
- Is the income statement prepared properly? If not, please explain and prepare appropriate financial statements.
Part B
You should use the In The Black(ITB) article on GST, Chapter 5 of your text book and at least one other resource to help you answer the following questions:
- What is GST and how does it work?
- Why was it introduced into Australia?
- Is this similar to other countries? – give at least 2 other examples of countries with GST.
- Summarise the arguments for changing GST from the ITB article. Then give your opinion as to what you think should happen and why.
Part C
You should use the In The Black (ITB) article on Intangibles, Chapter 10 of your text book and at least one other resource to help you answer the following questions:- What are intangibles ?
- Give 3 examples of intangible assets.
- How are they recorded for accounting purposes?
- Which Accounting standard applies to Intangibles?
- What does the ITB article say about recording and valuing software as intangibles? Summarise the arguments, then give your opinion.
Financial Management & Analysis
$39.00Financial Management & Analysis – Date Instructions: a) Pay a resit fee to the Accounts Department
b) Submit to the resit link for the above module – you cannot do this if you have not paid your resit fee
Assignment Question
Word Limit: 2000 Words
The assignment will be assessed as follows:
Presentation and structure 10%
Content 40%
Use of theory 30%
Recommendations/conclusions 10%
References (Number & Variety) 10%
Flame Fixtures, Inc. Case Study Business Application of Purchasing Power Parity
$15.00Unit III Case Study
Flame Fixtures, Inc. Case Study
Business Application of Purchasing Power Parity
Flame Fixtures, Inc. is a small U.S. business in Arizona that produces and sells lamp fixtures. Its costs and revenues have been very stable over time. Its profits have been adequate, but Flame has been searching for a means of increasing profits in the future.
It has recently been negotiating with a Mexican firm called Corón Company, from which it will purchase some of the necessary parts. Every three months, Corón Company will send a specified number of parts with the bill invoiced in Mexican pesos. By having the parts produced by Corón, Flame expects to save about 20 percent on production costs. Corón is only willing to work out a deal if it is assured that it will receive a minimum specified amount of orders every 3 months over the next 10 years, for a minimum specified amount. Flame will be required to use its assets to serve as collateral in case it does not fulfill its obligation. The price of the parts will change over time in response to the costs of production. Flame recognizes that the cost to Corón will increase substantially over time as a result of the very high inflation rate in Mexico. Therefore, the price charged in pesos likely will rise substantially every three months. However, Flame feels that, because of the concept of purchasing power parity (PPP), its dollar payments to Corón will be very stable.
According to PPP, if Mexican inflation is much higher than U.S. inflation, the peso will weaken against the dollar by that difference. Since Flame does not have much liquidity, it could experience a severe cash shortage if its expenses are much higher than anticipated. The demand for Flame’s product has been very stable and is expected to continue that way. Since the U.S. inflation rate is expected to be very low, Flame likely will continue pricing its lamps at today’s prices (in dollars). It believes that by saving 20 percent on production costs it will substantially increase its profits. It is about ready to sign a contract with Corón Company.Guidelines for Case Study: For this assignment you are to evaluate the mini case study. The central issue in your analysis should be to describe what the case tells us about the theory and practice of International Finance Management.
In analyzing the case, you should draw upon class readings, internet resources as well as personal experiences that may be relevant. Some general questions that you may want to consider include the following:• What are the issues?
• Who are the actors?
• What are the organizational forces?
• What are the external forces?
• What theoretical perspectives or models help you understand what happened in the case? How?
• What does the case tell us about: The environment within which International Finance occurs? The nature of the International Finance Management system and the policy making process? The decision making process? Leadership and management? Administrative ethics?
• What recommendations would I make?
• How would I propose to do things differently?Once you have thoroughly analyzed the Case Study, you should compose a minimum three-page response with appropriate APA citations.