Showing 1360–1368 of 1965 results

  • Checkpoint: Project-Wide or Objective-Oriented Evaluations


    HSM270 Week 4 CheckPoint

    Checkpoint: Project-Wide or Objective-Oriented Evaluations

    • Provide a brief summary of your selected program from Appendix B and discuss whether you would use a project-wide evaluation plan or an objective-oriented evaluation plan.
    • Explain the reasoning behind your choice and why you preferred one plan over the other.

    Post your response in 200 to 300 words in Assignments in the Gradebook.

  • Assignment: Program Planning and Evaluation Paper


    HSM 270 Program Planning and Evaluation Paper

    Assignment: Program Planning and Evaluation Paper

    • Read all of the fictional program scenarios in Appendix B and choose one to work with throughout the course.
    • Compare program planning with program evaluation in human services organizations. Describe how the two components are related.
    • Identify’ specific examples of how program planning and evaluation interrelate in your chosen scenario in Appendix B.
    • Identify technical and political aspects of program planning and evaluation you might encounter in the program scenario you chose, and explain how these aspects could affect your planning and evaluation process.

    Write a 700- to 1,050-word, APA-formatted paper that addresses the above issues.
    Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
    Post your paper in the Assignments link in the Gradebook.

  • Assignment: Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal


    HSM 270 Week 3 Assignment: Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal

    Assignment: Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal

    • Summarize the steps to writing a grant proposal for the scenario you chose from Appendix B:
    • Outline the grant proposal writing process from beginning to end.
    • Create a needs and problem statement for the scenario.
    • Ensure the summary consists of 1.050 to 1,700 words and is in paragraph form.
  • Checkpoint: Grant Proposals


    HSM270 Week 3 Assignment: Grant Proposals

    Checkpoint: Grant Proposals
    Describe the general attributes of a grant proposal. Be sure to address the function of a grant proposal, the purpose of a grant proposal, and how a grant proposal relates to a program plan.
    Post your response in 200 to 300 words in the Assignments section of the Gradebook

  • COMM 100W – Writing for Influence: Effects of Smoking Cigarettes


    The Fact Paper

    In this paper, you will describe a person, object, or event using only verifiable facts, making sure to eliminate ALL words that are subjective. Subjective words are words that derive their (different) meanings, based on the experience of the perceiver. In other words, these have different definitions depending on each person you ask; e.g., honor, big, skinny, lots, delicious, bright, challenging, etc., are all subjective words. In contrast to saying, “My mother is short,” (which is subjective), you could say, “My mother is five feet tall.” As you can imagine then, you paper will make extensive use of citations, since you’ll need to cite every fact in your paper that is not “common knowledge.”

    The objective of the paper is to convince your reader to see the person, object, or event in either a positive or negative light while ensuring that your paper remains completely free of any subjective language. You paper should be at least 4 – 5 buzzwords in length.


    Choose a person, object, or event that you find interesting and that you can readily research. It is better if you choose a topic about which many people already have a strong opinion (that differs from your own). For instance, many people like chocolate ice cream, but perhaps you hate chocolate ice cream. If so, chocolate ice cream would make a good topic for this paper.

    After you choose a topic, begin to compile facts about your topic that will help you to show your topic in either a negative or positive light. To show chocolate ice cream in a negative light, for instance, you might look for a medical study that links chocolate ice cream to mad cow disease, or find evidence that an unpopular person such as Richard Nixon ate chocolate ice cream every day. Likewise, if you find a report concluding that chocolate ice cream cures pancreatic cancer, it may be wise to omit those findings from your paper. Either way, you want to provide only verifiable (factual) information about chocolate ice cream. At no point should you disclose to your reader your own opinion of chocolate ice cream, as this would constitute OPINION (subjectivity), and NOT FACT. In other words, persuade us to dislike chocolate ice cream merely by providing negative information about it that you have strategically organized (remember arrangement) to maximize persuasive effect.

    ** Remember, in addition to the instructions stated supra, you may not include VALUE language of any kind; e.g., language that suggests your opinion, or is defined in relative (subjective) terms.

    Other requirements:

    1) Your opening sentence, since it cannot be an opinion sentence, must be either: (1) A quote of someone else’s opinion (in this case, subjective language is OK, because, since you are quoting it, it becomes verifiable (factual); or (2) (a vivid, powerful description of the topic of your paper in neutral objective terms (this vivid description substitutes for the OPINION sentence under the O-T-R model of writing). If your topic is algae and you wish to present algae in a positive light, then you could, for instance, write an engaging description of algae, or include a quote on algae that includes someone’s else’s opinion. Keep in mind, though, your opening description must also be free of any evaluative or opinionated language.

    2) The introduction of your paper must include a preview of the paper. Your preview should give your reader a sense of the main points you will cover about your topic (remember buzzwords).

    3) The body of your paper should deliver on the promises made in your preview, and each section of the body should begin with a preview of that section (think major transition sentences). For instance, if you promise in your introduction that the first section of your paper will provide information about deaths that have occurred on rides at Disneyland, then the first section of your paper should provide information about a number of deaths that have occurred on rides at Disneyland. AND, the first sentence of that section should preview which deaths on which rides will be discussed. AND, the first sentence of each paragraph should preview the specific deaths or rides discussed in that paragraph. For instance, the first sentence of your paragraph on the Matterhorn might read like so: No fewer than nine people have died while riding the Matterhorn.

    4) Your paper should feature a conclusion that follows the 3-part conclusion format discussed in class. Without drawing conclusions or stating your opinion, end the paper in such a way that your reader will be persuaded to adopt your perspective on the topic. (Link to vivid description, demonstrates connection of buzzword concepts, and relationship of topic to reader’s interest. All of these 3 components, however, must be accomplished using nothing but FACTS alone).

    Peer Reviews

    This assignment also provides for the possibility of an extra credit peer review. The same instructions apply as last time, inasmuch as you will put your fact paper in both the rough draft drop box, as well as in a drop box particularly designed for peer reviews. If you place your paper in the peer review participation drop box, YOU ARE AGREEING TO PROVIDE YOUR PARTNER WITH A PEER REVEW. If you fail to conduct that review (notwithstanding that you signed up for it), you will be prevented from participating in all future extra credit opportunities. Please see the Word document (peer review instructions) that we used for the spelunkers, and apply the same principles to the fact paper. Please note, there are a different set of peer review questions for the fact paper than there were for the spelunkers essay.

    Formatting requirements

    Full APA requirements.


    When grading your paper, I will be looking for the following:

    1) All the tools graded in The Case of the Spelunkers (arrangement, Topic/Audience/Purpose consideration;

    2) The absence of evaluative words that cannot be empirically verified (Note: if there are more than five such words in your paper, you will lose two points for each additional word);

    3) Successful arrangement of your facts according to themes and strategic organization of information for persuasive effect (think photo essay—what story is my arrangement telling);

    4) Successful presentation of your topic in either a negative or positive light;

    5) The use of well-researched, peer reviewed sources (no less than five) from SJSU King Library’s Electronic Databases, that establish credibility; and

    6) Adherence to the formatting guidelines detailed above, including complete and correct citations for ALL of your facts and sources.

  • Categories of ADR (alternative dispute resolution)


    Write a 2-3 page, typed, double space paper on Means of Dispute Settlement.
    Discuss the various categories of ADR (alternative dispute resolution) and alternative and rank them in the order of values as you perceive them and explain why. What types of business disputes would best be handled by ADR? Why?

  • The Case Study: “Case Alicia and Montford”


    BSHS/395: The Case Study:
    “Case Alicia and Montford”
    About a year ago, Alicia and Montford, ages 6 and 7, moved into the New Horizon homeless shelter for families. They have been living there with their mom and dad for the past six months. The family may only stay at the shelter until the end of the month. The assistant principal at the local elementary school just called you to ask for assistance. Both Alicia and Montford are not performing very well in school and they are constantly fighting with their classmates and with their teachers. Neither of the children can read at grade level. Both have low math scores, and they have limited social skills. For example, yesterday Montford hit a kindergarten girl because she broke in line in front of him. He told his teacher to “go to hell” when she took him to the principal’s office. He never completes his work and never brings his homework to school. If the teacher sends a report home for his mom and dad to sign, he does not return the form. Alicia tries to fade into the background at school, and she is equally unresponsive. She will not talk in class to her classmates or to her teacher. She just sits in the classroom and stares or puts her head on her desk. At recess she sits in the corner by herself. If she is made to play with the other children, she cries and runs off .
    Because the state tests begin in the next month, the teacher and the principal are concerned about Alicia’s and Montford’s scores. The school has been on probation because of the regulations from the No Child Left Behind Act. Every score is important to the school administration. You, as the mental health services coordinator, have been called to talk with the parents about motivating these two children.

    -A problem-solving strategy and a goal for each problem
    -The services, resources, and supports the client may need, and why he or she may need them
    -A description of how goals are measurable and realistically attainable for the client

    3 pages

  • Diversity and Equality in Sports and Leisure Management


    Critical Analysis Essay

    The purpose of this essay is to identify and analyze a significant issue or artifact in culture. First, you will identify an important issue or artifact in film, music, television, popular literature, sports and leisure, etc. Second, decide on a specific focus/thesis for your paper. In order to do so, you will need to do thorough research first to ensure that you understand the issue or artifact in its entirety. Finally, break down the issue into various components and analyze them in your essay.

    Characteristics of the Critical Analysis Essay

    A successful essay

    provides an engaging introduction that offers the reader some background information on the historical/cultural significance of the topic.
    presents a thesis that offers a sophisticated and nuanced analysis of the issue/artifact chosen.
    supports the thesis through well-developed paragraphs that are organized strategically.
    presents an objective stance by the use of third-person voice.
    includes specific details and evidence from primary material
    correctly integrates quotations and conforms to MLA documentation and format guidelines.

    Essay Requirements
    1100+ words (4-5 pages)
    Minimum of three secondary sources, including at least one source accessed from TCC library
    MLA format for presentation (typed, double-spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins) and source documentation (in-text citations and Works Cited page)

    Choose one of the following topic areas for the critical analysis paper and decide on a specific aspect of it.

    popular literature
    sports and leisure


    Exploratory notes/Outlines

    Suggested Organizational Structure

    Introduction (one or two paragraphs)

    Use a lead-in hook to engage your readers’ interest. You might use a striking quotation, an interesting statistic or fact, or a related current event. Whatever your choice, the lead-in must be clearly related to the focus you have selected to analyze.
    Provide some background that will help your readers understand the focus of your discussion.
    Include specific details and evidence from primary material (if applicable).
    Present your thesis statement.

    Body (minimum of six paragraphs)

    Provide specific reasons that support your thesis. Ideally each reason should be developed separately.
    Offer concrete examples that illustrate your reasons.
    Ideally, your critical analysis should progress throughout the essay. You should organize your essay, consequently, that the most important and interesting support for your thesis comes towards the end.
    Consider responding to other perspectives that might be different from yours and make an attempt at refuting or weakening such perspectives to further strengthen your thesis.
    Pay attention to proper paragraph development by moving from a general idea (often in a topic sentence) to specific details via explanations and evidence/examples. Finish paragraphs with a clincher or closing sentence.
    Transition properly from paragraph to paragraph to achieve overall coherence.

    Conclusion (one or two paragraphs)

    Restate your thesis in a fresh manner.
    Try to leave with a lasting impression for the reader by calling for action or reminding the reader of the cultural significance of your approach/thesis.
    Consider commenting on other media forms if they relate to your discussion.

    5 Pages, MLA, 6 References

  • Suspended Loss: How it is generated and becomes deductible.


    ACCT553  Week 3 Homework

    Please provide your answer to each question in the space provided below. When finished, submit to the DropBox.

    Chapter 7

    1. In your “own” words, please describe what a “Suspended Loss” is, how it is generated and when it is becomes deductible. (5 pts)
    2. Please describe “Active Participation” as it relates to a taxpayer’s involvement in an investment in Real Estate. (5 pts).

    Chapter 8

    1. Macy had a lot of medical expenses this year that were not covered by her insurance (either due to a deductible, co-insurance, or co-pay). Her un-reimbursed qualifying medical expenses total $8,356 and her AGI for 2013 is $45,000. Assuming she will itemize on her 2013 tax return, how much of her medical expenses will she be able to deduct? (5 pts)
    2. Heather & Terry have a mortgage on their primary residence of $750,000 and a mortgage on their vacation home of $410,000. In 2013, they incurred $46,400 of mortgage interest expense. How much, if any, of that interest is deductible on Schedule A? (5 pts)