Showing 1126–1134 of 1965 results
Crisis Management Communication Plan
$7.50HCS 350 Week 5 Crisis Management Communication Plan
Resource: Assignment Grading Criteria: Crisis Management Plan
Create a 750- to 1,050-word crisis management communication plan for a health care organization or health care setting with which you are familiar. Include the following in your plan:- An explanation of how communication dynamics may differ in times of crisis, mass trauma, or disaster
- Three ways to reduce stress during a crisis
- Three ways to resolve potential communication challenges
Cite at least two peer-reviewed references supporting the strategies used in your communication plan.
Classic Airlines Challenges Paper
$7.50Consider what product or service Classic Airlines is marketing, the marketing challenges it faces, and its current corporate culture.
Write a 350- to 700-word paper explaining some of the marketing concepts found in this week’s readings, and how they can be related to the context of the scenario.
Include citations and references where appropriate.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. -
Briefing a Case: Capital Currency Exchange v. National Westminster Bank and Barclays Bank 155 F.3d 603
$5.00Briefing a Case: Capital Currency Exchange v. National Westminster Bank and Barclays Bank 155 F.3d 603
The professor will select a practice brief for the student. The professor will choose one case from the text. The students are to brief the case and turn the case in on. The student must be prepared to brief the case orally in class when called upon. Be advised that if the student is absent when called upon, the student will receive an “F” for participation. The final brief is to be chosen by the student from lexis nexis or some other computerized database.
In each instance make sure to properly cite the cases. A proper citation should read “Windows, Inc. v. Jordan Panel Systems Corp. 177 F. 3d 114. Where the first name is the plaintiff and second name is the defendant. The first number is the volume in the California Reporter third series page 114. This citation follows suit at both the federal and state level.
To brief the cases properly, the student must use FILAC. Each assignment must be turned in on time.
The facts describe the events that led to the controversy in question. All that is required is a brief statement of the acts, physical events, and other matters that caused the parties to seek relief from the judicial systems. Should be no more that six sentences..
This issue is the reason why the parties are in court. It is a one sentence statement followed by a question mark. The issue is what the court must answer in granting or denying relief.
In reaching a decision, the court must apply the law. In each case, the student must find the applicable law. In a full text case, the law will be explicitly stated. However, in the text, these are partially briefed cases and sometimes the authors omit the law. In this instance, please refer to the preceding section to find the law. Remember, when reading a case there will be references to other cases, principles. However, the cases and other references in the case assist the court in applying the law. Remember, write the applicable law (code, constitutional provision, treaty etc).
The analysis is the application of the facts to the law in deciding the case. The analysis will include the court’s rationale in deciding the case. The analysis will include a review of cases, distinguishing past cases from the current case, acknowledgement that a certain case is applicable and is the governing principle in applying the law. Think of an analysis as where the court combines the facts to the law to reach a conclusion. This section should be no more than five or six sentences.
The conclusion is only who won the case. In many instances the case has been appealed and the original plaintiff is now the defendant and the original defendant is the plaintiff. Remember, determine which court you are in (superior, appellate, supreme) and if it is the appellate court, determine who the original plaintiff was and whether the case has been appealed.
1 Page
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies: Macy’s Inc. (BUS499 Business Administration Capstone)
$25.00BUS 499 Assignment 3 Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies ( BUS/499 Assignment 3 Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies )
Assignment 3: Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies
Choose an industry you have not yet written about in this course, and one publicly traded corporation within that industry. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
- Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
- Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
- Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice.
- Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.
- Use at least three (3) quality references.Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration.
- Write clearly and concisely about business administration using proper writing mechanics
Balanced Score Card: Module 1 Case Assignment BUS 499
$10.00In this module’s case assignment you will be introduced to the balanced score card and will begin to consider how organizations link strategy with the balanced scorecard approach. We will look at the interrelationship of strategy and the balanced scorecard approach in more depth later on in this course. For now, however, it is good to understand the fundamentals of the BSC and to consider examples of how organizations have integrated the BSC approach into their daily operations in a fashion that reflects the strategy of the respective organizations.
To prepare for this case assignment you are to start by reading the required readings identified on the background page. You’ll note that one of those articles includes:
Martello, M., Watson, J., Fischer, M., (2008). Implementing a balanced scorecard in a not-for-profit organization. Journal of Business & Economics Research. 6(9), 67-80. Retrieved from:
This is the case study you will be evaluating for this assignment. Note that there is an option to download the PDF file rather than using the PDF viewer on this page. This may save you some aggravation.
After reading this article, formulate an argumentative essay around the following thesis statement:
Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center did an effective job of implementing a balanced scorecard approach in a fashion that reflects their organizational mission and vision.
If you do not think this thesis is accurate, you can argue that the Center did not do an effective job.
Assignment ExpectationsYour analysis should be structured in terms of the following four perspectives (you will be using essentially this same comparative evaluation framework for the first four modules of this course):
- Introduction: In this part of your essay you will need to set up your argument by introducing your topic and presenting your position or thesis statement somewhere in this introductory paragraph.
- Analysis: In this section you will present several arguments arguing in favor of your thesis statement. Make sure you discuss how the Center used the score card quadrants to align with organizational strategy (or how it failed to do so).
- Conclusion: Wrap up your argument with a clear and cogent synopsis of your findings. Do your best to convince your reader (aka, your professor) as to your position.
Additional Instructions:
Your argumentative essay should be 3 to 4 pages in length (not counting your title page or references). You must include a list of references. APA formatting is preferred. Do not paste in sections of text into your essay. All of your work must be written in your own words. It’s OK to use a short quote now and again, but quotations must be in quotation marks and properly cited. In-text citations should be used anytime you are borrowing somebody else’s ideas, or information. That is to say, if you are borrowing a thought from a publication from G. Jetson’s article written in 2010, that section of text must be followed with (Jetson, 2010). Quotations, data, and general ideas (put into your own words) should all be cited.
BUS 499 Assignment 4 Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies (Disney and Pixar)
$27.50BUS499 Assignment 4 Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies (***** Company: (Coca Cola and Thums Up) & ( Disney and Pixar ) + 6-6 Pages + APA Format + Introduction + Conclusion + References *****)
Choose two (2) public corporations in an industry with which you are familiar that has acquired another company and operates internationally. Research each company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
- For the corporation that has acquired another company, merged with another company, or been acquired by another company, evaluate the strategy that led to the merger or acquisition to determine whether or not this merger or acquisition was a wise choice. Justify your opinion.
- For the corporation that has not been involved in any mergers or acquisitions, identify one (1) company that would be a profitable candidate for the corporation to acquire or merge with and explain why this company would be a profitable target.
- For the corporation that operates internationally, briefly evaluate its international business-level strategy and international corporate-level strategy and make recommendations for improvement.
- For the corporation that does not operate internationally, propose one business-level strategy and one corporate-level strategy that you would suggest the corporation consider. Justify your proposals.
- Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration.
- Write clearly and concisely about business administration using proper writing mechanics.
Change Analysis Paper
$25.00Write a 5-6 page paper analyzing either a successful or an unsuccessful change you have experienced in a work, church or other setting. Your paper must integrate principles and theoretical models from course texts, lectures, and cohort member insights during class discussions to describe what was implemented successfully or unsuccessfully during the change attempt. (All ideas other than your own must be cited using the latest version of APA.)
To set the stage in your paper, describe various aspects of the organization’s culture. This could include things like vision, mission, code of conduct, business strategy, management philosophy, etc. As part of your analysis, reflect on any ethical components that contributed to either the success or lack of success of this change effort. How do you think the personal faith perspectives of the leaders involved affected (or could have affected) the effort?
Note: Although you should draw from personal experiences, this paper should be written from the third person perspective.
S.W.O.T. vs. Swiss Cheese Theory
$30.00Focus of the Research Paper
The Research Paper is a fifteen- to twenty-page (excluding title and references pages) paper which provides the student the opportunity to investigate a specific topic, research current literature in the application, and apply graduate level critical thinking to the presentation of the information. The Research Paper utilizes knowledge and skills developed within the health care profession and apply them to the context of quality improvement and risk management.
- Design an organizational quality or risk management program to implement, and monitor health care outcomes in the setting of your choice that support national accreditation (JCAHO, NCQA, etc.), standards of care principles, and outcomes management. Include the role this program plays in the organizational mission, culture, and strategic direction.
- Analyze the effects of the social, cultural, and political influences in the delivery of health care services as they specifically pertain to quality improvement and risk management to the health care organization and patients served.
- Identify and discuss the healthcare professional and stakeholder roles and responsibilities in quality and risk management within a health care delivery system, including organizational mission, vision, goals, and objectives.
- Analyze health care policy, reimbursement, and regulatory requirements that affect quality and risk management in the delivery of health care within an organizational type of your choice.
- Identify and assess the legal, ethical, and risk aspects in total quality and risk management, including patient safety and process improvement.
- Outline statistical methodologies used for data analysis, both internally and externally. Discuss the sources, users, and how statistics are utilized in quality and risk management decision making in outcomes management, patient safety, patient satisfaction, etc.
- Select appropriate strategies for administering the quality improvement and risk management processes within a health care delivery system.
MHA 624 Week 6 Final Paper
Regulatory Agency Paper – FDA
$15.00Prepare a 1,400-1,750 word paper that identifies a governmental or other agency (e.g. JCAHO) that governs the health care industry (or a particular segment of the industry).
Describe the history of the agency, the source and scope of its authority, its structure, how it carries out its day-to-day responsibilities, and its impact on the health care industry (or a particular segment of the industry). Include a concrete example of the agency carrying out its duties.
This example may be actual or hypothetical. See “Regulatory Agency Paper” in the materials section of the Resource page for more information.
HCS 430 week 2 Individual Assignment