Showing 1117–1125 of 1965 results

  • Reporting Practices and Ethics


    HCS 405 Week 2 Individual Assignment Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper

    Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Grading Criteria

    Find two or three articles that address financial reporting practices and ethical standards in health care finance, including the following topics:

    Generally accepted accounting principles

    Corporate compliance, ethics, or fraud and abuse

    Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on the financial management of health care organizations, integrating your research articles.

    • Include a summary of the four elements of financial management.
    • Include a summary of generally accepted accounting principles and general financial ethical standards.
    • Provide examples from the articles that reflect ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting practices.
    • Explain the significance of each example.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

  • Example of Ethics Assignment – Case: “Family Business”


    Instructions: Use the following ethical framework to analyze the case that you choose. Please select a case from

    the list of cases at


    1).        First, describe the factual situation.

    2).        Identify the possible alternative courses of action (at least 2).

    3).        What are the ethical impacts of each alternative at different levels of analysis (i.e. Macro level, Firm or

    Company level, and the Individual level – not all levels will always be involved). Be sure to include the

    key stakeholders who will be affected by the alternatives. (Note: you will need to analyze each of your

    alternatives at the macro level, firm level and individual level.)

    Ethical issues can be examined on three different levels; some will be more important than others

    depending on the situation:

    A).       The Macro Level (The national economic system itself)

    Questions to answer: What if all companies did this; what would be the impact on our society,

    on our national economy? Would this practice result in a “better” or “worse” society?

    B).       The Firm or Company Level

                Questions to answer: How will the decision generated by the firm affect its competitors? The

    firm’s customers, suppliers or foreign partners? The firm’s labor force or community? The

    industry in which the firm operates. What will be the impact of the decision on the corporate

    “ethical culture” of the firm – will it help it or hurt it (will the company be viewed as more or

    less ethical)?

    C).       The Individual Level

                Questions to answer: Whom will the decision benefit and who will it harm? Is the decision fair

    to the stakeholders involved?

    4).        Indicate which alternative course of action (identified in #2 above) that each of the following 4 approaches

    to ethical behavior would favor. Explain.

    1. The Utilitarian Approach

    Goal: to produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people – a quantitative concept.

    Summary of Utilitarian approach: An action is morally correct if it maximizes net benefits

    and minimizes overall harms for all stakeholders.

    (e.g., would alternative 1 or alternative 2 produce the greatest good for the greatest number

    of people?)

    1. The Justice Approach

    This approach is based on the belief that people should be treated fairly and equitably,

    according to the legal rules and standards.

    1.          The Human-Rights Approach (Moral-Rights Approach)

    There are individual and societal fundamental rights or values which deserve to be protected

    regardless of cost or economic efficiency, such as freedom of conscience, free speech, the

    right of consent to actions that affect the individual, and rights of due process.

    Summary: a moral action should minimize the harm to the fundamental rights of the

    stakeholders affected by it.

    1. The Individualism Approach

    This approach is based on the belief that one’s primary commitment is long-term

    advancement of self-interests.

    5).       Are there any practical constraints that limit our choice of alternatives? (i.e. it costs too much – the firm

    would go out of business; the government would not permit it.)

    6). In light of the preceding analysis, what is the best alternative?

    The following rubric will be used to grade your assignment: Ethics Rubric

    Behavior 5 4 3 2 1
    Identifies Dilemma Describes the dilemma in detail having gathered pertinent facts. Ascertains exactly what must be decided. Describes the dilemma in detail having gathered most pertinent facts. Ascertains   what must be decided. Identifies the dilemma including pertinent facts, and ascertains what must be decided Identifies the dilemma, but is uncertain what must be decided Has a vague idea of what the dilemma is and is uncertain what must be decided
    Consider Stakeholders Determines who should be involved in the decision making process and thoroughly reflects on the viewpoint of all stakeholders Determines who should be involved in the decision making process and thoroughly reflects on the viewpoint of most stakeholders Determines who should be involved in the decision making process and accurately identifies all the stakeholders. Includes one or more persons who should not be involved in the decision making process Is unsure as to who should be involved in the decision making process
    Analyzes Alternatives and Consequences Clarifies a number of alternatives and evaluates each on the basis of whether there is interest and concern over the welfare of all stakeholders Clarifies two alternatives and evaluates each on the basis of whether there is interest and concern over the welfare of most stakeholders Clarifies at one alternatives and predicts its associated consequences in detail Begins to appraise the relevant facts and assumptions and identifies some alternatives Begins to appraise the relevant facts and assumptions and identifies one alternative
    Chooses an Action Formulates an implementation plan that delineates the execution of the decision and that evidences a thoughtful reflection on the benefits and risks of action Formulates an implementation plan that delineates the execution of the decision and that evidences a thoughtful reflection on the benefits Formulates an implementation plan that delineates the execution of the decision Has difficulty identifying an ethical course of action from the alternatives Does not identify an ethical course of action
  • Investigation of Current and Emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism


    Assessment 2: Report – Organisational audit and recommendations.
    Weighting: 20%
    Length: 1000 words
    Due: 24.9.2015  australian time

    Using the knowledge gained through your lectures, tutorials, textbooks and your investigation of current and emerging issues in hospitality and tourism, you are required to select a real small to medium size business within the hospitality and tourism industry. (I ve chosen HOTEL HILTON IN MELBOURNE, Australia) -Note for writer -please talk only about this hotel, not in general.
    You have to create an audit based on assessment 1 which is attached in aditional mkaterials. The main topics are :

    Internet and customer driven technology.
    Environmental management and sustainability.

    Working in consultation with the business owner / manager (you can make up the conversation of course :)) your will conduct an audit. The purpose of conducting this audit is to see how ready and capable the selected organisation(hilton hotel melbourne) is to deal with the issues you have investigated in assessment one.(assessment is attached in aditional documents. The issues are:  De-regulation.Internet and customer driven technology. Environmental management and sustainability. )

    {For example on the topic of “Environmental management and sustainability” your may select the local cafe and check on the following items:
    * Waste recycling efforts.
    * Use of natural light and temperature control.
    * Use of environmentally friendly dish washing liquid.
    * Purchasing locally manufactured products etc.}
    Your then make recommendations on areas that require improvement. This assessment should be in a report format.

  • Influence of CMS on the Organization


    The paper discusses some of the influences of CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) on the operations of the health care organization.

    2 Pages

  • UMUC IFSM 305 Information Systems in Health Care Organizations (Stage 2)


    Case Study, Stage 2: EHR Technology Solution Proposal

    Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “UMUC Family Clinic Case Study”, your syllabus readings, and feedback on your graded Stage 1.

    Purpose of this Assignment

    This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your analysis and research skills and your knowledge of technology solutions and EHR systems to improve a business process. In this assignment, you will evaluate technology solutions in the healthcare industry, i.e. Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, to improve the quality of care. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:

    • Evaluate technology solutions in the health care industry to improve the quality of care, safety, and financial management incentives.

    UMUC Family Clinic Medical Practice

    In your Stage 1 Project, you analyzed a process and modelled the AS IS process. You then optimized the process/workflow and modeled the TO BE process.

    For your Stage 2 Project for the Case Study, you will evaluate EHR system solutions and propose a technology solution that will improve the process you modelled in Stage 1 and improve the quality of care, safety, and financial management incentives for the UMUC Family Clinic.

    Be sure to read the instructions for the remaining projects in this Case Study (Stages 3-4) to get an understanding of the future projects that build on the proposed solution and to help you in deciding upon your solution.


    Technology Solution Proposal: Using the textbook and external resources, write a short single-spaced paper 1-2 pages in length, not including References page and cover sheet, responding to the bulleted items below. Remember to correctly cite and reference your sources with APA format. Use the Grading Rubric to be sure you have covered everything.

    Create a document that includes the following:

    1. In the Stage 1 assignment you selected a process. This should be provided at the beginning of this paper to set the stage. At the beginning of your paper show:

    PROCESS TO BE IMPROVED:__________________________

    1. Briefly explain the business process identified in Stage 1 and why/how it could benefit from an EHR system. (This should be done in 2 or 3 sentences.)
    2. Propose a specific certified EHR system. Note: It’s tempting to propose integrating lots of new technology but focus on a single solution that you would expect to improve the process you identified and modeled.
      • To accomplish this, you will need to look up the up-to-date list of certified complete EHRs on the ONC website at the following URL and then complete the steps that follow:
      • You will want to search using the following search criteria, each step on a separate page:
        • Selected Edition Attestation: 2014
        • Select “Browse All Products
        • Select Practice Type: Ambulatory
        • Check box at top of chart “See Complete Products Only
      • Review some of the EHRs that are listed there, and select one that addresses the process area you identified for improvement in Stage 1. You could refer to the “Certification Criteria,” in Content>Course Resources, to align the process area you chose for Stage 1 with an appropriate EHR solution that addresses that process area. (Note that not all EHR systems address all process areas.)
      • You will then provide in your paper the following bulleted information on the certified EHR that you have selected:
        • Product: ___________________                  
        • Version: ___________________                  
        • Additional Software Required: ___________________                          
        • Certifying Body: ___________________                  
        • CHPL Product Number: ___________________                   *you can find this number by clicking on the name of the EHR which will open “Certification Criteria Detail View”
    1. List the major hardware, software and communications (including local connectivity and internet access, if appropriate) components that will be needed. Once you have selected your EHR system in Step 3 of this assignment, you need to visit the vendor’s website to see the major hardware/software requirements. How many of each you list is dependent on the solution you propose, but the important components needed to implement your proposed solution should be included. For example, you may have one PC for the front desk and one for each of the 3 examination rooms, and they will have to connect to some system somewhere. Or you may decide to have 1 PC for the front office, and a tablet or laptop each for the doctor and the two nurses, also connected to some system somewhere. Your list should be applicable to your proposed solution, to your proposed improved process, and be appropriate for the UMUC Family Clinic. (Remember, there is currently no information technology implemented at the clinic other than the outdated scheduling software.)
    2. You will also need to specify if your EHR system will be installed on the clinic computer equipment or if it will run as “Software as a Service” (SaaS) via the Internet. (For a definition of SaaS, please see the note in the box below.) You will need to evaluate the clinic’s needs and the vendor’s offering. There are advantages to selecting SaaS for smaller clinics, like reducing the need for an IT staff, but it also comes with a price tag. You will need to provide the reasoning behind your selection.
    3. Explain how the proposed technology solution will improve the process, quality of care, safety, and/or financial management decisions at the UMUC Family Clinic.
    SaaS: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a software delivery model, where the actual software and the data are hosted at the location of the software provider. The users access the software or the data using a ‘thin client’ such as a web-browser. That way the actual users of the software do not need to install the entire software and save the data on their own hardware. The provider of the software is the one who incurs all the responsibility of making the software and data available, backing it up, and restoring from backup when needed. Hence, the users don’t need to incur hardware costs or hire IT staff. This model is becoming more and more popular especially for small businesses when it is not in their business model to hire an IT staff.

    Example: An example of a common business accounting software that is offered in more than 1 delivery model is Intuit’s Quickbooks. A small business owner can buy the software for a one-time fee (cost of purchase, e.g. $300) at Office Depot, install it on his own PC and start entering his financial data. This delivery model, the software and data reside on the PC. If the PC crashes, all the data is lost unless the entrepreneur was IT-savvy and backed up his data on a CD or USB. The data can only be accessed on that computer.

    The other model is the SaaS, where the entrepreneur can decide that he prefers to pay a monthly fee (e.g. $50) and access Quickbooks via an internet browser such Explorer or Firefox. In this model, the software and the data are stored at the software vendor, Intuit. An advantage of this model is that the business owner does not need to worry if his PC crashes or if he works from home or the office. He can access the system and his data from anywhere and Intuit takes care of securing and backing up the data, etc.

    Submit your Stage 2 paper via your Assignment Folder Stage 2 as an attached document with your last name included in the filename(s) (LASTNAME_Stage2).

    Your paper will be evaluated on whether or not you correctly incorporated the course concepts from the textbook and addressed all parts of the questions.  You need to do some external research on the selection of the certified EHR system, needed hardware and software, etc. and incorporate it and cite (and reference) it in APA format in your response. What, exactly, you propose as a technology solution will be evaluated as to whether it is appropriate for the UMUC Family Clinic and could actually improve the process identified in Stage 1, and whether it is fully thought-out and supported with application of course concepts and research. Remember, this is an information systems management course, and your solution must be an information technology solution – specifically an EHR system. Use the Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects.

    4 Pages

    Additional Files:


  • Case Study, Stage 1: Process Analysis


    Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “UMUC Family Clinic Case Study” and your Week 1 and Week 2 syllabus readings, which discuss EHR functionality and Process Workflow Analysis and Mapping. You will need to refer to three of the documents available in Content>Course Resources: Overview of Steps to Implement an EHR System, Step 1, and Step 2. In addition, you should obtain concurrence from your faculty member that you have selected an appropriate process (see below).

    Purpose of this Assignment

    This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your analysis skills to model a business process in an ambulatory setting in the healthcare industry. Modeling the process as it exists (and as it will exist) will aid in the analysis, selection and implementation of the EHR system for the medical practice. This assignment leads to the Stage 2 assignment which will give you the opportunity to apply your knowledge of technology solutions and EHR systems to improve the business process you select here. In this assignment, you will identify a process (workflow) in need of improvement, and plan for a revised and optimized workflow to improve the quality of care, safety, and financial management incentives. You will develop 2 process maps (AS IS and TO BE) for the clinical process workflow. This assignment addresses the following course outcome to enable you to:

    • Evaluate the organizational environment in the health care industry to recognize how technology solutions enable strategic outcomes.
    • Analyze the flow of data and information among disparate health information systems to support internal and external business processes.

    Family Clinic Medical Practice

    In order to apply technology to a process, the process must be thoroughly understood and models are used for this purpose. The model also supports business process analysis and redesign when the process is deemed to be inefficient or ineffective. In addition, models are used to design the “to-be” process that describes the desired end state after the technology solution is developed.

    In the Step 1 document, under “Assess Your Current Practice,” you will see the following questions to be answered:

    • Are administrative processes organized, efficient, and well documented?
    • Are clinical workflows efficient, clearly mapped out, and understood by all staff?
    • Are data collection and reporting processes well established and documented?

    In the Step 2 document, read the section “Clarify and Prioritize” and the first two steps under “Steps in the Planning Process.” These sections demonstrate how process review, mapping and improvement fit with the selection of an EHR System, and are the standard starting point for EHR implementation.

    For your Stage 1 Project for the Case Study, you will select a process used at the UMUC Family Clinic that needs to be improved. Then, you will create a model of a current process that defines in detail the steps in the process as they are done today. to aid in the analysis of the problem. Then, you will create a model of the proposed new process, as it will be performed after an EHR system (IT solution) is implemented. To ensure you select a process that will be related to an EHR system implementation, refer to the “Certification Criteria” in Content>Course Resources, particularly sections a and b.

    Be sure to read the instructions for the remaining projects in this Case Study (Stages 2-4) to get an understanding of the future projects that build on the proposed solution and to help you in deciding upon your process.

    When you have chosen a process to improve, please get it approved by your faculty member, as directed in the classroom.


    For this assignment you will identify a process in need of improvement and develop the models.

    Business Process Analysis – Models of the AS IS Process and the TO BE Process with a brief explanation of how a technology solution can help improve the process.

    In the textbook, Chapter 21 “Fundamentals of Health Workflow Analysis Process and Redesign”, several different methods of modeling business processes are illustrated. The model format should be a workflow diagram format. Examples of this format can be found in Chapter 21 under the heading “Workflow Diagram Example.” The process that you model must be clearly identified in the title of your Stage 1 Project and it needs to be appropriate to the UMUC Family Clinic. You may use Microsoft Word, Excel or Power Point.

    1. First, you will provide a brief (approx. ½ page single-spaced) explanation of why this process can benefit from improvement using a technology solution.
    2. Then you will model the process as it is currently performed at the UMUC Family Clinic; this is the AS IS Process.
    3. Then you will model the way that you expect the new process to function after a technology solution (EHR System) is implemented and the process is improved; this is the TO BE Process. NOTE: We are NOT specifying the specific technology in the TO BE Process. Identifying the specific technology will be part of the Stage 2 assignment.

    Note: A process is defined as “a series of actions that produce something or that lead to a particular result” ( An example would be the sign-in process at the UMUC Family Clinic.

    Tools for Creating the Models

    The following are two URL’s that have a more detailed description of Flow Charting and its uses:

    To create a flow chart in Word 2007 and 2010:

    To create a flow chart or process map in Excel:

    To create a flow chart in PowerPoint:

    Business Process Example from another industry: If a grocery store had a need to reduce expenses and improve customer satisfaction, a process needing improvement might be improving the inventory process to ensure availability of products for customers as well as to reduce cost related to spoiled inventory. The model would include the steps necessary to record inventory information, update inventory when merchandise is sold, place orders for additional inventory from suppliers, etc.

    Submit your Stage 1 paper via your Assignment Folder Stage 1 as an attached document (or documents) with your last name included in the filename(s) (LASTNAME_Stage1).

    Note: Your models will be evaluated on whether they are applicable to the process identified, all major steps in the AS-IS and TO-BE processes are included and correctly modeled, and they are appropriate to the UMUC Family Clinic.

    Your paper will be evaluated on whether or not you correctly incorporated the course concepts from the textbook and addressed all parts of the questions.  If you use external resources, be sure to cite and reference them correctly in APA format. Remember, this is an information systems management course, and your improved process must require an information technology solution. Use the Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects.

    4 Pages

  • Regulatory Requirements Assignment


    Individual Assignment: Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Paper

    Resource: Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Paper grading criteria on the student website

    Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper examining the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on the human resource process as they relate to the following statement:

    Common sense and compassion in the workplace has been replaced by litigation.

    To do this, consider the historic work place (what was the situation in the 1920’s, 30’s 40’s), the evolution of regulations, and today’s legal and business environment.

    • Explain why you agree or disagree with the above statement.
    • Focus on employee-related regulations established by the U.S., such as, Department of Labor, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Department of Homeland Security.
  • How does Chinese government and Chinese communist party control media from1978 to 2003? (Draft 1)


    How does Chinese government and Chinese communist party control media from1978 to 2003?

    Pages: 9, Double Spaced

    Quality: Medium

  • Ethics Case Study Paper


    Jerry McCall is Dr. Williams’ office assistant. He has received professional training as both a medical assistant and a LPN. He is handling all the phone calls while the receptionist is at lunch. A patient calls and says he must have a prescription refill for Valium, an antidepressant medication, called in right away to his pharmacy, since he is leaving for the airport in thirty minutes. He says that Dr. Williams is a personal friend and always gives him a small supply of Valium when he has to fly. No one except Jerry is in the office at this time.

    • What should he do?
    • Does Jerry’s medical training qualify him to issue this refill order? Why or why not?
    • Would it make a difference if the medication requested were for control of high blood pressure that the patient critically needs on a daily basis? Why or why not?
    • If Jerry calls in the refill and the patient has an adverse reaction while flying, is Jerry protected from a lawsuit under the doctrine of respondent superior? *
    • What is your advice to Jerry?
    • Identify major legal and ethical issues that may affect Jerry’s decision.  What problem-solving methods might be helpful to assist in making an ethical decision?