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5 AI Tools for Postgraduate Research

AI Tools for Postgraduate Research

What’s the most challenging part of working towards your postgraduate degree? For many students, combing through mountains of research presents an insurmountable obstacle.

For one thing, the sheer volume of research articles you have to read is overwhelming. On top of that, research material isn’t exactly an easy read, and sifting through each article to glean the relevant information you need takes a great deal of time and effort. Organizing your thoughts and then putting them on paper in a thoughtful, meaningful – and academic – way is yet another challenge in postgraduate research.

Thankfully, artificial intelligence (AI) can help make your postgraduate study life a whole lot easier. In this article, we’ll explore 5 of the best AI tools for academic researchers and postgraduate students so that you save time and energy and stay motivated!

5 Best AI Tools for Postgraduate Research

1. Scholarcy

AI-powered Research Summarization

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could get someone to read all the academic articles you’ve saved and pull out the most important points so that you don’t have to spend hours skim-reading articles to find the most useful ones? Happily, Scholarcy does just that.

Using deep learning technology, it reads your articles, reports, and book chapters, breaking them down into bite-sized sections and highlighting key information such as important findings, limitations, and comparisons with earlier studies. Scholarcy lets you quickly screen the literature and find out, at a glance, how relevant a document is to your research. Feedback from researchers and students shows that Scholarcy can reduce the time screening articles by up to 70%. That leaves you more time to dive into the most relevant papers in detail.

Scholarcy also has a browser extension that works with both open access and your subscription services. It turns all citations into links so you can effortlessly jump straight to related research.

1. Semantic Scholar

AI-powered Academic Search Engine

Most people know about Google Scholar: the power of Google applied to research papers. If you’re doing any form of scientific research though, you might want to give Semantic Scholar a go. This AI-powered search and discovery tool allows you to stay up to date with more than 200 million academic papers sourced from publisher partnerships, data providers, and web crawls.

Its AI algorithms help you to discover hidden connections and links between research topics, and recommend similar papers based on the research you’ve already saved, to generate more relevant search results for you.

It can also automatically generate single-sentence summaries of each paper to help you prioritize which academic papers to read in-depth, so you spend your time on what matters the most.


AI-powered Research Organization

Being able to scour the web for online research is a gift. But with it comes two issues – the volume of information available, and the fact that all of this information comes in a range of formats, including blogs, articles, videos, infographics, and images. Identifying and sorting all the information that is relevant to different aspects of your research can be a time-consuming task on its own. helps you identify and save relevant research – even interactive, media-rich research. As a cloud-based collaborative platform, it also lets you easily share this content with fellow co-researchers in real-time.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” When you have all your research notes and references in one easy space, it keeps you more organised, and more focused as a result.

4. Trinka

AI-powered Research Paper Writing

Trinka is an AI-powered writing assistant created with academic writing in mind, meaning it’ll spot errors in technical and scientific writing that other common grammar and spelling tools may miss. So whether you’re working on a paper in the field of medicine or economics, Trinka will be able to recommend improvements relevant to your particular subject.

Trinka will also identify and correct your vocabulary, grammar, spelling, syntax use, tone, and more. It can even make suggestions to make your academic paper more compliant with the APA or AMA style guides.

Research is what powers the world to move forward, and now AI technology is powering scientific discovery forward at an even faster rate. Research processes that would usually take hours digging through publication after publication can now be done in a fraction of the time. So if you’re still doing research the old-fashioned way, save yourself some time – and sanity! – and try some of these AI-powered tools.

5. Scite

AI-powered Citation Evaluation

Researching and citing information isn’t always enough. It’s the context of that cited research that is key. That’s where Scite comes in. This handy tool not only lets you see how many times an article has been cited, and in what context, but also helps you uncover other related research.

In the continually evolving world of scientific research, Scite helps you keep track of whether an article has been supported or questioned by other authors, even bringing relevant editorial notices or retractions to your attention.

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Free AI Tools for Research and Academic Writing

Free AI Tools for Research and Academic Writing [Updated]

Hundreds of AI apps are being released every week now. But very few of them are meant for academic purposes.

Here are a few AI-powered apps that will supercharge your academic writing and reading —-

For Writing:

1. SciSpace

One of the most powerful and versatile tools currently available for reading journal articles.

You can ask your reading Copilot to explain difficult passages.

Try NOW:

2. Schoarlcy

A persona reading assistant that creates summaries of research papers with unfamiliar terms hyperlinked to Wikipedia entries.

A persona reading assistant that creates summaries of research papers with unfamiliar terms hyperlinked to Wikipedia entries.

Try NOW:

3. Jenni AI

A personal writing assistant that will make sure you never face writer’s block

Try NOW:

4. ChatPDF

ChatGPT for research papers. Upload a paper and start asking it questions.

Try NOW:

5. Paperpal

An editor to help you polish your academic writing. Also has an MS Word plugin so you can edit from within MS Word.

Try NOW:

6. Casper

A Chrome extension that summarizes research papers within your browser. Also helps you brainstorm ideas.

Try NOW:…/fgfiokgecpkambjildjleljjcih…

7. Grammarly

It reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery mistakes in English texts, detects plagiarism, and suggests replacements for the identified errors. It also allows users to customize their style, tone, and context-specific language.

Try NOW:

8. QuillBot

QuillBot is a paraphrasing and summarizing tool that helps millions of students and professionals cut their writing time by more than half using state-of-the-art AI to rewrite any sentence, paragraph, or article.

Try NOW:

9. Turnitin

It is an Internet-based plagiarism detection service run by the American company Turnitin, LLC, a subsidiary of Advance Publications.

Try NOW:

10. Elicit

It uses machine learning to help you with your research: find papers, extract key claims, summarize, brainstorm ideas, and more.

Try NOW:

For taking notes:

1. Lateral

A unique app that helps you find common themes across multiple research papers — in minutes.

Try NOW:

2. ClioVis

Not an AI-powered app but still much better than many available tools. I am using it for my current research project.

Helps you visualize connections between different ideas and concepts. Also lets you export your notes to an MS Word file.

Try NOW:

3. Glasp

Take notes on research papers and share them with likeminded people across the world

Try NOW:

4. Audiopen

Converts your voice notes into coherent and cohesive prose.

Try NOW:

Search engines:

1. Consensus

Unlike ChatGPT, which provides bogus citations, Consensus responds to your inquiries with references to genuine published publications.

Try NOW:

2. Search Smart

A search engine to assist you in discovering the best database for your study.

Try NOW:

3. Evidence Hunt

Answers your clinical questions with citations to published papers.

Try NOW:

4. Mendeley

It brings your research to life, so you can make an impact on tomorrow. Search over 100 million cross-publisher articles and counting.

Try NOW:

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4 Simple Hobbies for College Students

Hobbies for college students in Phoenix

College life is an exhilarating journey, marked by newfound independence and countless opportunities. As a college student in Phoenix, you have the perfect chance to explore hobbies and experiences that will enrich your time at university. In this article, we will present four engaging hobbies that are sure to captivate your interest. Get ready to dive into the world of hobbies for college students in Phoenix and unlock a range of benefits.

Embrace the Thrill of Running

Engaging in physical activity is an excellent way to enhance your university experience. Running is a versatile hobby that suits individuals of all fitness levels. You can pursue it at any time, in any location, and at your own pace. Not only does running help you stay in shape, but it also provides a valuable opportunity to clear your mind and reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins. Whether you prefer running alone, with a friend, or as part of a running group, this cost-effective hobby will undoubtedly bring numerous benefits to your student life.

Unwind with Fishing

While fishing may have a reputation as an activity for older individuals, it can be an incredibly therapeutic hobby for college students. Imagine spending a sunny afternoon outdoors, surrounded by peace and quiet, as you cast your line into a nearby lake or large pond. Fishing offers a chance to step away from your studies and the bustling social scene of the university. It allows you to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. Plus, fishing doesn’t have to break the bank. Explore Total Fishing Tackle’s wide range of affordable fishing gear to get started and enjoy the tranquility that this hobby brings.

Explore Your Artistic Side through Drawing or Painting

Amidst the busy college routine, taking time for artistic expression can be immensely rewarding. Drawing and painting provide an escape from the daily hustle and bustle of student life. Dedicate just half an hour each day to sketching or painting, and you’ll not only stay focused but also enjoy a welcome break from your coursework. Art is a budget-friendly hobby that doesn’t require expertise. If you prefer guidance, consider joining an art society on campus to meet fellow students and gain valuable tips and tricks.

Let Music Inspire You: Play an Instrument or Sing

Music offers a powerful outlet for creativity, allowing you to find harmony in your passions. Whether you’re a beginner or possess a natural talent, you can find a musical pursuit that aligns with your taste and aspirations. Consider taking up a musical instrument or attending singing lessons to develop your skills. For those with a knack for collaboration, joining a band, orchestra, or choir can provide incredible opportunities for personal growth and camaraderie. And if your budget is tight, fret not—YouTube offers a wealth of free tutorials to help you along your musical journey.

By engaging in hobbies during your time at university, you can make the most of your spare time and achieve a sense of fulfillment. Not only will hobbies add productivity to your life, but they also serve as avenues for networking and forming new friendships. Moreover, they provide an invaluable means of relaxation, allowing you to unwind and momentarily set aside your academic pursuits. Embrace the world of hobbies for college students in Phoenix and embark on an exciting adventure that will enrich your university years.

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How to Successfully Coexist with Your Annoying Roommate!

Annoying Roommate

Living with roommates can be an eye-opening experience. As the saying goes, “You don’t know someone until you live with them.” Whether you’re sharing a space with strangers or close friends, their annoying habits and quirks will inevitably come to the surface once you start cohabitating. But fear not! There are plenty of ways to deal with these situations and maintain harmony in your student accommodation. After all, if there weren’t solutions, every university student would be living alone, right?

So, let’s dive into some practical tips to nip those annoying roommate habits in the bud and avoid unnecessary conflicts:

Create a Rota

Yes, I know the word “rota” can induce yawns, but trust me, it’s a game-changer. Establishing a schedule that outlines each roommate’s responsibilities can bring order to your living situation. Amanda takes out the bins on Tuesday, Paul handles the dishes on Thursday, and Eric vacuums on Sunday. Instead of engaging in daily squabbles like, “You never do this!” or “I’m always doing that!”, consult the rota. It’s the wise oracle that will save you from resorting to professional carpet cleaning and help you keep your deposit intact!

Respect Boundaries

Even if you’ve known your flatmates for ages, remember that privacy is sacred. Give them space, especially if they’ve never lived away from home before. The initial months of university can be emotionally charged, and a little alone time can do wonders for recharging batteries. Also, be considerate when it comes to noise. Blasting music at silly o’clock in the morning won’t win you any popularity points. Invest in a good pair of headphones, so you can enjoy your tunes without disturbing your roomies’ beauty sleep.

Chip in for the Essentials

While it’s practical to buy your own personal items, some household essentials require a collective effort. Toilet paper, washing up liquid, bin liners, dish cloths, and cooking oil fall into this category. Consider creating a communal kitty where everyone contributes, or take turns buying these items. It’ll save you from countless arguments, I promise!

Communication Is Key

If you’re dealing with a particularly challenging roommate, don’t let the frustration simmer. Address the issue through open and honest communication as soon as possible. Bottling up your emotions will only make things worse, and who needs that burden in their life? Approach them calmly and let them know it’s time to talk. Share your feelings and offer suggestions on how they can contribute to a harmonious living environment. Don’t forget to listen to their side of the story too; it’s all about fairness, my friend!

Don’t Be Two-Faced

Whatever you do, avoid bad-mouthing your roommate to your best buddies. It will only fuel more distress and arguments if they find out. While discussing the situation with trusted friends can provide insights and strategies for dealing with it, be careful not to turn it into a gossip fest. Remember, the goal is to resolve conflicts, not create new ones.

We hope these tips will help you navigate the challenges of living with an annoying roommate. Your mental health is important, so don’t hesitate to address any issues related to rent, living conditions, or dirty dishes. If things don’t improve, perhaps it’s time to expand your social circle and make some new friends online. We even have a blog with tips on that—check it out now!

Now, armed with these strategies, go forth and conquer the realm of roommate harmony! May your living space be a sanctuary of peace and camaraderie amidst the chaos of college life.


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UK University Life and Mental Health: Getting Help

Student mental health

University life can be a rollercoaster ride. Alongside the joys of coursework and exams, you also have to deal with financial woes, relationship troubles, family pressure, homesickness, and a bunch of other demands. It’s like a juggling act gone wrong! Feeling down, stressed, and anxious every now and then is totally normal. In fact, you’re not alone because a whopping 78% of students have reported mental health issues in the past year. But hey, if these symptoms persist or start interfering with your daily activities, it’s time to seek help.

Now, let’s talk about the signs that something might be amiss:

  • Feeling blue and down in the dumps.
  • Being more anxious and restless than usual.
  • Struggling to see any light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Losing interest in life altogether.
  • Saying goodbye to motivation like it’s an outdated fashion trend.

And if you notice any of the following outward signs in your friend or classmate, they might be going through mental health problems:

  • Suddenly shedding pounds or gaining them like a sumo wrestler in training.
  • Becoming the unofficial workaholic of the year.
  • Skipping lectures and deadlines as if they’re optional (spoiler alert: they’re not).
  • Transforming into a hermit, avoiding social interactions like a pro.
  • Embarking on a not-so-magical journey of substance abuse.
  • Battling with sleep like it’s a WWE match.

Now, let’s move on to where you can get the support you need:

  • Friends and family – Sometimes, just sharing your feelings with a trusted soul can bring an immediate sense of relief. It’s like releasing a burden and realizing you’re not alone. Plus, they might have some wise words or funny anecdotes to lighten the mood. Friends with benefits, indeed!
  • Student-run groups – Some universities have these amazing student-led groups or services where fellow students provide support to those dealing with stress or depression. Sure, they might not have fancy degrees, but hey, sometimes a listening ear from someone who gets it can work wonders.
  • University Counsellor – Most universities have qualified professionals who offer free and confidential in-house treatment or counseling services. Check out your university’s website for more info. They might even have a Mental Health Advisor who can hook you up with support like time off or extensions. It’s like having a personal cheerleader in your corner.
  • Online – The internet isn’t just for memes and cat videos (although those are important too). There are online self-help services like NHS Choices’ Moodzone and the Students Against Depression. Who knew you could find solace in cyberspace?
  • Psychologist or Psychotherapist – These fancy titles might sound intimidating, but they’re just professionals who can help you dig into the roots of your unhappiness and worries in a safe environment. They’ll also equip you with nifty coping techniques and skills. It’s like therapy, but with a dose of humor thrown in.
  • NHS Counselling or Therapy – If you’re in the mood for some good ol’ NHS counseling or therapy, you can refer yourself. Look up psychological therapy services in your area to see what’s available. And if you’re not sure where to start, have a chat with your GP. They’re the experts in “doctor stuff” and can point you in the right direction.
  • Voluntary Organisations – There are plenty of voluntary organizations out there that specialize in helping people. Whether it’s MIND or CRUSE for bereavement or the Samaritans for when you’re feeling down and desperate, they’re there to lend a helping hand. Think of them as the superheroes of the mental health world.
  • A&E – If you or someone you know is facing a life-threatening medical or mental health emergency, head straight to A&E or call 999. The staff there will take care of your immediate needs, both physically and mentally. They might even have a team specifically dedicated to bridging the gap between mental and physical healthcare. Talk about multitasking!

No matter who you reach out to, remember to be honest and open about your feelings. Describe them in your own words, no thesaurus required. Don’t worry if you don’t know what’s causing these emotions or if you think your problem is too big or too small. Every concern is valid, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If you need a little extra support, bring a trusty sidekick with you—a close friend or family member. Together, you can face anything that comes your way.